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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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  • Guild Name
    Solo Player
  • Position
    Cruel Angel

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  • Title
    Floor Creation Team

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  1. Announcement YEY!!!

    Seeing as my proposition in this thread gets ignored, I won't cancel it but until something is established.
    I would like to announce that Aincrad's #1 Ranked, Provisional Master Tailor is fully back in business!

    Shop has been moved to the new location on the 11th floor and 'The Lion's Den' is now accepting again ANY TYPE OF CUSTOM ORDERS, for Tailor made items of course.

    To celebrate this re-reopening, all orders on perfect items get a 50% discount (rounded down) for a week (or two). Don't be a stranger:D!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rain


      :o if alchemists can join I wanna join.

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      @Zandra it isn't a guild but it has a similar structure to the old 'merchant guilds'. For example there isn't a fix chain of command, yes there is a administrator,me but the role of it is just to update the OCC thread based on majority vote and a little bit more than that(points towards rule section of the thread).

      At this point if more people from other proffesions show interest, sure! I'll have to rework a bit the pricing system but its no problem. 

    4. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      As a Blacksmith I wouldn't mind joining something like this. And I think this idea is good for when things like Boss battles happen because then we can distribute the load between the members and get things done quickly and make sure that no one in a boss fight gets stuck with sub par items or nothing at all.

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