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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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    Solo Player
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    Cruel Angel

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    Floor Creation Team

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  1. Second part of the <<Arabian Nights>> quest series has been released. Have fun!


    *giggles at the thought of how many players will die in an attempt to solo it for the last hit reward*

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    2. Rain


      I love the details, I'm just trying to prep myself for them now, cause I wanna be prepared. xD

      Reminds me of a DnD Campaign. :)

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Snowfrost works against Burn damage, so it works against the Manticore's burn damage as well:D

      I'm happy to see that you like it. can't wait to see more people taking the quest and giving feedback. Also a quick sneak peak on the plans for the 3rd night.

      On 5/15/2016 at 10:46 PM, Ariel - The Crowned Lion said:

      Route options:  None! You reap what you sow!

      And about repeats, I was/will? be able to put minor Demonic/Unique enhancements just because it's a 1 time only thing. Whatever people do with the rewards it's their business. This way, your decisions affect you directly and not everybody gets the same ending; right now, there are 6 different endings (I think?) as I plan to chain the series in 4 quests?.... halfway there already if that's the case... YEY!

    4. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      oh shiesse... I think I am not gonna like the 3rd night...

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