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About XWuZHeAR

  • Birthday 05/12/1999

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  • Location
    USA look it's near Chicago alright.
  • Interests
    Anime (duh), baseball, movies, video games, screen play writing, skateboarding, my high school, i like rap music, old school rap music, rock, alternative, dub step, chill step, straight house music, pop music (there I said it), trap music (this list is not at all in order of most liked), I also enjoy just making people laugh.

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  1. whats up guys? wow this place got a whole lot better. I'm a returning player and would appreciate if someone helped me fix my journal and stats.

    1. Kalesh


      'ello! I could probably help with that if you wanted even if I am kiiiiiinda low leveled :P

      Welcome back and enjoy the Sword Arts! :D

    2. XWuZHeAR


      alright so sword arts. what is that? what even is that? they look badass but i have no idea how they work. also wih the skill reset does that go into it?


    3. Kalesh


      Yes yes and yes.

      In order, sword arts are a way to do more damage or do or stun/perform AOE attacks. There is a guide on them in the tutorials, but to put it simply... Your have energy equal to your level. Sword arts have a, for example 2x4 (effect) setup. Stuns take 3 additional energy, AOE is double energy, but otherwise the 2x4 sword art does 8 times of your normal attack damage. So 2 = times you hit, 4 = how much harder you hit, and then if you had 2 base attack it'd be 16 damage total.

      And yeah, lots of skills are reworked so you should take the chance to reset your skills. You start with 5SP instead of 3 now.

      Oh, and your post count means jack now. Your SP alone decides your level, there is a guide on that in the tutorials by Mari

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