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Status Replies posted by XWuZHeAR

  1. Carry on my Wayward son, there'll peace when you are done.

  2. Carry on my Wayward son, there'll peace when you are done.

  3. WHEN WILL I BE ACCEPTED. I ONLY WANT TO HERE THE 3 WORDS 'you are accepted' out of anyones mouth right now

  4. Uhm umh uhm as a Performer am I allowed to have background music to my 'singing' or not? I wasn't sure cuz SAO doesn't seem like it'd have that sorta thing.

  5. Friendly reminder for those doing familiar quests. Due to dice issues, When feeding a familiar, you have one chance to tame a familiar every 15 posts. Dice MUST be linked to the POST to count. The POST, not the thread. Link them posts <3

  6. Another one bites the dust, but will a third? I don't see it happening, unless people genuinely don't care (IC-wise).

  7. Mari healed Primrose! Now someone heal Mari! Hur hur hur....

  8. And just like that it is Tokyo ghoul time

  9. It seems as though I am in a Hunger Games situation with this boss battle an man ships.

  10. Yo I love how we created the Starlight Cafe and now people actually go there. +1 for Square One lol

  11. Yo I love how we created the Starlight Cafe and now people actually go there. +1 for Square One lol

  12. Yo I love how we created the Starlight Cafe and now people actually go there. +1 for Square One lol

  13. Out on luck and love this Valentine's Day? Looking to take that special someone out on a date? Maybe you just want to take a break from the tedious daily grind. Come one, come all! http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/6246-op-f4-valentines-festival-all-invited/

  14. Out on luck and love this Valentine's Day? Looking to take that special someone out on a date? Maybe you just want to take a break from the tedious daily grind. Come one, come all! http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/6246-op-f4-valentines-festival-all-invited/

  15. Yo I love how we created the Starlight Cafe and now people actually go there. +1 for Square One lol

  16. Yo I love how we created the Starlight Cafe and now people actually go there. +1 for Square One lol

  17. The game is being set up as we speak <3

  18. So I ate something horid and had to skip early morning practice today might as well skil the rest of school.

  19. So I ate something horid and had to skip early morning practice today might as well skil the rest of school.

  20. hate cooking with alcohol it all end up tasting horrible

  21. Sorry I've been so busy, please bear with me~

  22. Sorry I've been so busy, please bear with me~

  23. Sorry I've been so busy, please bear with me~

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