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Status Replies posted by XWuZHeAR

  1. Sorry I've been so busy, please bear with me~

  2. Sorry I've been so busy, please bear with me~

  3. Sorry I've been so busy, please bear with me~

  4. Sorry I've been so busy, please bear with me~

  5. Sorry I've been so busy, please bear with me~

  6. What's the tags for each of the colored font if you haven't noticed I have yet to figure it out for this site.

  7. I vote that after we kill Cupid, we allow him to hang around as a ghost. He can be the Peeves of Aincrad.

  8. *Cupid rolls a 5* *Ariel smirks while saying* Where are your Dice Gods now??!!

  9. *Cupid rolls a 5* *Ariel smirks while saying* Where are your Dice Gods now??!!

  10. Anime Recommendations?

  11. Anime Recommendations?

  12. Anime Recommendations?

  13. I wish I was strong enough to participate... I want to beat Cupid's stupid face in.

  14. Anime Recommendations?

  15. Did anyone else see the dancing sharks??

  16. Superbowl anyone?

  17. New and Lost Anyone Care to help?

  18. That was close. Almost died T_T

  19. What is this about a new site? So confused.

  20. Before I go and get myself killed, is it safe for me to acquire a familiar?

  21. "Also I don't think there's any other person in SAO with hair as soft." True, creepy but true.

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