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Status Replies posted by XWuZHeAR

  1. "If there was anyone I truly feared in SAO it would be this girl right here next to me" My goal has been reached everyone, it has been reached.

  2. I'm now singing Unravel, thank you. -

  3. To much drama for me.

  4. What's 1000-7?

  5. I think I've scared everyone off. Lovely

  6. I think I've scared everyone off. Lovely

  7. Time for my brain to rest. Goodnight all.

  8. I think I've scared everyone off. Lovely

  9. Kiru wants to know why there is a bad vibe? D-did she not know? *sadface* I guess I wasn't important enough.

  10. #Things are getting heated in a bar

  11. They say history repeats itself. So far it has...

  12. Guess who? Zarryn's reincarnate!

  13. Let's meet people

  14. X just gave me feels. A cup of coffee has never meant more.

  15. Hey! Look at that got my hundredth post bring on the level seven hurdle

  16. I should really fix Kiru's journal, her virtues and flaws are a bit outdated..

  17. Kiru-senpai, I look forward to you and Keith-senpai's teachings.

  18. [ Place witty Status Update here ]

  19. Anyone else think it's wierd Im always eating food while watching Tokyo ghoul

  20. Hey, who wants to roleplay with me? I won't beat you up too bad, promise!

  21. Wish some the rest of my items get approved soon...

  22. Wish some the rest of my items get approved soon...

  23. it was all fun and games until someone shouted "you're mother is a [insert witty insult]!" then the rest is history

  24. I wonder if we will ever have a guy that will just bring everyone together and unite them as one or something. Maybe unite all the big guilds to create a united one governed by a council of guild leaders....

  25. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?

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