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Status Replies posted by Azide

  1. Idk what to spend my 12 SP on first... decisions decisions

  2. Immediate family hospitalization. Happened about 30 minutes ago. Losing my mind, currently. Site is a lovely distraction. Send good vibes, please.

  3. Do people even need an artisan? Only got one customer T_T

  4. Remember guys. Blacksmiths make weapons and armour. Artisans make accessories.

  5. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

  6. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

  7. No no no no no don't kill Primrose and Kazuya come on guys we already had Rue :'( Raeyliff will be really sad.

  8. No no no no no don't kill Primrose and Kazuya come on guys we already had Rue :'( Raeyliff will be really sad.

  9. Alkor Kazuya and Prim are on the verge, I hope for no more casualties...

  10. What happens if I kiss Keith? LOLz

  11. put it simply i hate spiders.....

  12. i got promoted to supervisor! son in a couple weeks ill be a little less active from there on out.

  13. I would just like to point out that poor, unlucky Azide has the most hilarious crafting thread.

  14. Of all the dice in the game, the crafting dice is just the WORST. XD

  15. Monty Oum's death just hit me hard.

  16. Monty Oum's death just hit me hard.

  17. Time for bed its 1.05 Am here so better head off

  18. Just royaly messed up on my feeding the enemy quest gonna have to try again and hope im as lucky.

  19. If you're having boss problems, I feel bad for you, son. I got ninety-nine problems but a challenge ain't one.

  20. Guys can I sell or use a good item? Like a good health potion, for example?

  21. Who's diggin the eye patch? *raises hand*

  22. Okay! I completed a topic without dying! Now, what to do?

  23. Okay! I completed a topic without dying! Now, what to do?

  24. Okay! I completed a topic without dying! Now, what to do?

  25. Okay, I'll do the final thing: What animal do you recommend for me?

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