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Status Replies posted by Locke

  1. I sense tension among Mari and Kiru. This might not go down well XD

  2. Why not invest in S&D to help find mats?

  3. Similarities between Zarryn and Aeternum: Both members of Square One, both have spoken to Kiru and X. How about a difference? Well, Zarryn died.

  4. So, as a beginning player, I wonder where I should start...

  5. I think Mari is one of the oldest players at 25, Oop!

  6. sleep beckons.Goals: 1.Complete crafting post tomorrow. 2, Reply to whatever else afterwards. 3. Go play basketball. 4. Sleep

  7. *slowly fades away from the site.. again..*

  8. Begining to trust people less and less on this site and that is sorta sad.

    1. Locke


      Sometimes people are just jerks. They suffer enough for it themselves, so no use in letting it get to you. Thank you for all that you do, Mari.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. Begining to trust people less and less on this site and that is sorta sad.

  10. *slowly disappears from the site*

  11. Hey guys just confirming when calculating the loot per monster kill do I add the +1 to the LD that I get from the Search and Detect skill?

  12. Looking for an RP buddy?

  13. Looking for an RP buddy?

  14. Looks like I'm all set up.

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