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Axios Deminence

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Status Updates posted by Axios Deminence

  1. My god... So my first attempt at combat I got a BD of one... The second attempt at combat the boar gets a MD of 10...

    1. Crozeph


      be it comfort or suffering don't let that roll make you hate the dice gods...they like joking around aimlessly

  2. "Oh, the sweet woes of death. How far have you come? From the pain of many, to the wishes of the undone. For the love of those who haven't seen the sun, I can only hope that they can one day find this world's true fun."-Original poem

    1. Axios Deminence

      Axios Deminence

      At least I think it is...

  3. My friend asked me if I cry over anime. I say that I just feel empty inside, do I have no heart. My friend says I'm crying on the inside so it counts. *Ichiban no Takarmono started playing and I feel empty*

    1. Lessa


      I've cried through so many animes.

  4. If you're waiting for someone to reply back, clap your hands. *Claps*

  5. Anyone wanna start a new thread?

  6. *Starts building a worship pyre quickly* Help me! I don't want someone in my thread to die because of me...

  7. Just a quick question, after crafting do you wait for 24 hours to pass, or do you wait for the next actual day to come by (ie. May 17 to May 18)?

    1. Teayre


      I'm not 100% sure I've been doing it on the new day as you said May 17 - May 18, however I'm trying to get the crafts done at approx the same time each day as well.

  8. HALLEUJAH! A rare item and a good item. Thanks Calrex.

    1. Calrex


      Haha you're welcome!

  9. That awkward moment when you realized a thread was your SP and you were waiting for a reply...

    1. Azrael


      LOL. Sounds like something I would do. XD

  10. Praise the dice gods! Perfect crafting item!

    1. Rusty


      Join the club.

  11. Wow... SPs are good to develop plots and give you more posts... Yet I still feel bad for making one...

    1. Calrex


      Azazel said something similar. I feel like a lot of Calrex's development is either on his own or around Teayre XD

  12. Today... We have lost a friend... Lemon... As of today, I am glad that X hasn't tampered with the worship pyres made for me yet. And now I'm going to die. We shall remember LemonArsonist. Our good friend.

    1. XWuZHeAR


      *casually tosses stolen brick in my hand*

  13. Thrown medicine ball + head = It hurts. It's all good though.

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      no no no...= therapeutic(medicinal) head banging

  14. With finals weak coming up, I dread school more than usual.

  15. Any OPs or PPs that I can join?

  16. Happy birthday.. Oh god, let's just wait until midnight passes... I'd rather not talk about this one... Mainly because many interpretations can happen.

  17. Best anime couple that you would like to see? Could be crossover or any type of relationship but must be a couple/polygamy (if you're into that kind of stuff).

  18. 16:00 Gasai Yuno be crazy... Surprised Amano Yukiteru hasn't done anything yet. If only he knew Gasai Yuno was a-. DEAD END

  19. I believe that one day I can get a reply back... Wait... Is it my turn on Field of War?

  20. So... I finally got my internet fixed... Time to reply again...

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