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Status Replies posted by Hikoru

  1. Well, ive been seeing it a lot, but I don't understand it.... what does #BBB mean?

  2. Well, ive been seeing it a lot, but I don't understand it.... what does #BBB mean?

  3. Okay new rank unlocked: High Mentor Tailor(rank 7) now to get that rapier grand mastered.

  4. NAME THE AUTHORS: What are my top three authors? For each one you get right, you will receive a 50% coupon. I will check this tomorrow.

  5. NAME THE AUTHORS: What are my top three authors? For each one you get right, you will receive a 50% coupon. I will check this tomorrow.

  6. NAME THE AUTHORS: What are my top three authors? For each one you get right, you will receive a 50% coupon. I will check this tomorrow.

  7. NAME THE AUTHORS: What are my top three authors? For each one you get right, you will receive a 50% coupon. I will check this tomorrow.

  8. NAME THE AUTHORS: What are my top three authors? For each one you get right, you will receive a 50% coupon. I will check this tomorrow.

  9. NAME THE AUTHORS: What are my top three authors? For each one you get right, you will receive a 50% coupon. I will check this tomorrow.

  10. NAME THE AUTHORS: What are my top three authors? For each one you get right, you will receive a 50% coupon. I will check this tomorrow.

  11. NAME THE AUTHORS: What are my top three authors? For each one you get right, you will receive a 50% coupon. I will check this tomorrow.

  12. NAME THE AUTHORS: What are my top three authors? For each one you get right, you will receive a 50% coupon. I will check this tomorrow.

  13. Hm...I think I might make Calrex's next mat gathering trip soon (possibly in the next few days). Anyone in need?

  14. I think 90% of SAORPG is currently sick

  15. I think 90% of SAORPG is currently sick

  16. Finally getting to upload episode 2 of my Minish Cap Series! Im so happy I get to do this ^-^

  17. Finally getting to upload episode 2 of my Minish Cap Series! Im so happy I get to do this ^-^

  18. Finally getting to upload episode 2 of my Minish Cap Series! Im so happy I get to do this ^-^

  19. Two new enhancements have been added--Heavy and Light Momentum!

  20. Alrighty, mostly awake and ready to RP

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