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Status Replies posted by Hikoru

  1. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  2. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  3. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  4. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  5. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  6. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  7. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  8. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  9. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  10. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  11. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  12. 90% off coupon up for grabs! What state do I live in?

  13. I'm awake and ready to RP!

  14. 90% off coupon up for grabs! What state do I live in?

  15. 90% off coupon up for grabs! What state do I live in?

  16. How does one grand master the rapier in a thread?

  17. How does one grand master the rapier in a thread?

  18. might doodle some pictures of Mari herp herp

  19. might doodle some pictures of Mari herp herp

  20. School disgusts me...

  21. Replied to everything and now I have nothing to do *sigh* This is going to be my whole day isn't it? XD

  22. I've seen some people automatically heal 1 hp from not being in combat but I can't find it in the rules, is it a thing?

  23. Home from a long day! Now what Rps are there to reply to? Barely any? Boooo

  24. So many Rps...I should reach level 10 in no time!

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