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Posts posted by Haine

  1. "Pfft, sure." Haine waved her hand in dismissal. In the reality before, the woman had an eye for fashion, adorning herself with all the luxuries she afforded. It wasn't often that she could put down the sword and enjoy life's simplicity. Thrown into a world of grit and grime, she neglected her favorite pastimes, caught up in the grind. This seemingly infinite limbo was enough to mold her impressionable self. Tanabata was a breath of fresh air while it lasted. Seeing her comrades gathered without any agenda but to enjoy themselves - it was amazing.

    "I'll just have to grab her for a quest one day, then!"

    Idle chatter continued along the path to the dragon's hunting grounds. The city outskirts transitioned into lush plains, narrowing into a secluded path. She kept her guard relaxed. Nothing here would be of significant threat. A walk to warm her joints, if you will. A quick swipe at her HUD pinpointed a pulsing dot on the map, the location of the dragon's lair just a hair ahead of them. "Aww, poof. Already?" She sighed and materialized her spear. "Who gets dibs? Rock paper scissors?" She jested.

  2. The dragon revived from ash, seemingly immortal. The bluenette gulped and scurried back for safe measure. A brutal sweep of the floor had done a number on the field. The beast, imbued with power and rage, had sabotaged its own self. Its wings grew heavy, anchoring its body down to the soil. The party had the upper hand for now, but there was no telling what would come next. The foe left no indications and Haine assumed the worst. Her defense was up after the creature had rent her with its claws not too long ago, whisking away a good chunk of her health.

    Maybe once, but she would ensure it was the last time she got wrecked, if she could help it.

    Her love, now beside her, went on. She searched his expression, traces of his energy still lingering. His attention divided between her and the battle. "What?" Haine replied, ears straining to comprehend the words that escaped him. Just then, a ground shattering series of clashing drowned out his voice. "I don't understand!" She hollered over the noise. She reached up and planted a palm on his shoulder. She stayed idle for longer than she preferred. "-Nevermind. Just tell me later!"

    The woman flexed her palms and noticed the absence of her glaive. It went flying back with her. She snatched it and gripped the hilt. With renewed determination and her energy restored, she swept in for Skalaugh's blindspot. One hit down at its hind legs. If they struck hard enough, they could cripple the thing even further.



    BD: 8 [ HIT ] // 19+3*15-125 (205 DMG)

    ID: 168555

    [H: 0] Lessa HP: 974/1210 | EN: 89/112 | 22 DMG | 5 ACC | 1 EVA | 171 MIT | 54 THN | 1 HM | 1 REC | 36 BH [15% Barrier]
    [H: 1] Haine HP:1128/1270  | EN: 82/124 | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 3 EVA | 111 MIT | 36 BLD | Antioxidant [15% Barrier]
    [H: 6] Raidou HP:1625/1625 | EN:125/144 | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 6 EVA | 176 MIT | TAUNT | 80 BH | Antidote:3/3 | Antioxidant | PARRY [15% Barrier]
    [H: 1] Freyd HP: 1205/1205 | EN: 85/104 | 25 DMG  | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | 79 MIT | KEEN | 6 HLY | 36 BLD | 24 BH [15% Barrier]
    [H: 0] Mari HP: 1570/1570  | EN: 123/154 | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 88 MIT | 24 BLD | 15 FLM-AURA | 72 BH [15% Barrier]
    [H: 0] Oscar HP: 1370/1370 | EN: 119/134 | 23 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 151 MIT | 12 FLN | 36 BRN | 69 BH [15% Barrier]
    [H: 0] Hidden HP: 1150/1210 | EN: 90/118 | 19 DMG | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 124 MIT | 8 HLY | 121 VAMP-OFF | 60 BH [15% Barrier]
    [H: 0] Crozeph HP: 1165/1165 | EN: 64/100 | 18 (+3) DMG | 4 (2) ACC | 1 (+2)  EVA | 54 (+45)  MIT | FRZ | 2 REC | 1 LD [15% Barrier]
    [H: 0] Zajcica [REND 1/3] HP: 1370/1510  | EN: 130/130 | 6 DMG | 4 ACC | 279 MIT | 54 THN | 30 FLM-AURA | 21 FST-THN | Taunt | 36 BLD | 75 BH | 50% DoT Reduce(25% after first tick) | [PARRY 0/3] [15% Barrier]
    [H: 2] Macradon HP: 1385/1805 | EN: 163/189 | 22 DMG | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 152 MIT | 2 REC | 36 FST-THN | FRZ | 90 BH | 180 VMP-OFF [15% Barrier]
    [H: 0] Kiluia HP: 930/1050 | EN: 75/102 | 25 DMG | 5 ACC | 4 EVA | 124 MIT | ABS-ACC | 36 BLD | 1 REC | KEEN [15% Barrier]
    [H: 0] Night HP: 1490/1490 | EN: 137/161 | 23 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 124 MIT | 1 KEEN | 1 PRYLZ | ABS-ACC | 24 TOX-VEN | 4 LD | 4 SD | 7 SR | 74 BH [15% Barrier]
    [H: 0] Zandra HP: 1495/1805 | EN: 162/191 | 22 DMG | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 197 MIT | 30 FLM-AURA | 90 BH | [15% Barrier]
    [H: 0] [REND 0/3] Morgenstern HP: 1171/1510  | EN: 112/142  | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 1 EVA | 171 MIT | PAR-VNM | 25% DoT Reduce | FRPRF | PARA-IMN | BLDCLT | 76 BD [15% Barrier]



  3. "Very." Her cheek rested against his back. His hands dwarfed hers as he held them between his. Light tingles on her fingertips ebbed away. Her eyes glimmered at the plate slid over on the counter. Her keen sense of smell had been right. A fresh cinnamon roll was calling her name. "Yes please! I'm starving." She clapped her hands in delight and picked the roll up. At one bite, the soft dough and sugar melted together. She closed her eyes and hummed. A nudge and a mug of cocoa brought her back to reality. She reached for the mug and nursed it. The warmth on her fingertips was soothing. A few sips warmed her freezing frame. Extra chocolate and piping hot, just how she preferred it. Haine stopped in the middle of scarfing the pastry to face him. "Hmm? What's up?" She looked up at Kiluia and sipped. All while, a milk mustache formed above her lip.

    She leaned back against the island and spaced her gaze on a cabinet before her. In between sips, she mused aloud. "Just things for the guild, the usual. Took a whole day to try to catch a familiar for Vie." She chuckled at the memory of the fiery redhead taking the metaphorical bull by its horns, really a cub. The woman had called it quits for the day and swore her bad luck was just a sign she was meant to have something else. And so be it. "After that? Just grinding with some new recruits. It's hard to keep up with these new faces." She scarfed down the remaining half of her cinnamon roll.

    "Bh'wut bouth yhu?" Haine inquired through a mouthful of pastry. 

  4. There was some magical to a wintry town at night. A luminous sheen reflected off the snow, lit lamp posts guiding the way. The town square was the woman's favorite place to be, in the heart of the attraction. As per usual, a mixture of delightful aromas greeted her. Firewood from the butcher's shop melded with the bakery's signature scent.

    The bluenette's stomach grumbled, demanding sustenance at once. She popped a fist over her gut to quell it. The day's agenda had left little room for breaks, the grind brutal yet rewarding in the long run. Alongside her comrades, Haine was able to clear quite a few things off her checklist. All this while, she'd forgotten she was hungry.

    A message from her love chimed in. Head to the shop later? Haine glanced at the watch. It was later than she'd usually call it quits for the day. In opportune time, she had business near the wintry town today. The shop was a stretch down the road.

    A particularly frigid gust knocked the wind out of her. Golden eyes squinted and she shielded her face. Geez, no wonder the streets were empty tonight. Nobody in their right mind would stick around for long outside. She rounded the corner to the shop where her love awaited.

    Haine stepped past two youngsters seeking shelter under the awning. She pushed her hood down and twisted the key in its groove. With a click, the door cracked ajar. She rushed in at once, eager to escape the weather. She leaned back against the door and pushed it shut. Her eyes fluttered close and a soft sigh escaped her. The bakery's warmth enveloped her like a comforter, a scent of cinnamon beckoning her.

    "Love, I'm hooome!" Haine called out from the entrance. The weight of her battle garb pressed down on her shoulders. With a few swipes, she rid herself of her armor. Ten pounds whisked away, like that. She donned her comfortable base. She leaned back, cracking her spine. "Ooh, that felt good."

    She followed the cinnamon trail, leading herself into the kitchen. The sink and work counter was a mess, evidence that Kiluia had been hard at work. "Mmm. Cinnamon rolls today?" the other started. She wove around the counter to reach him. His back was facing her. She slid her arms around him and squeezed. His tall frame blocked her view of the counter and what he was working on.


    Name: Haine
    Level: 63
    HP: 1290/1290
    EN: 126/126

    Damage: 25
    Mitigation: 66
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Assault Spear [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Fishing [Obtained]
    Searching [Rank 1]
    First Aid [Rank 5]
    Extended Mod Limit Rank 1 [Obtained]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar: Fighter

    Finesse Rank 3
    Barrier Rank 2

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter HP Potions (+50 HP)*3
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 1
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 2
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 3
    Obtained via Item Stash (Housing)
    Obtained via Dimensional Backpack

    Housing Buffs:
    Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
    Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
    Basic Training: +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  5. In her shaken state, the woman did not comprehend she'd knocked another person out of the way in her dramatic fall. Her mind recognized the thud a moment later and her head whipped back. Surely enough, there was someone laying on the floor there. She cringed and approached the blonde swordsman. "Eeeeouch. Are you alright?" At a quick glance of his health bar, he seemed in tip top shape. She all but outstretched an arm out to help him up, but he was swift on his feet. "We'll pick this up later-" A chime on her HUD directed her attention elsewhere.

    She skimmed the menu and noted to thank Zandra later. Haine's health was in moderate state, however there was no telling what the beast had up its sleeve. A single hit was enough to slice through half of her defense, she could not risk another slip-up. She couldn't distinguish her location in the dark, but she noted to thank her later. Haine accepted the unicorn horn and crushed the item, feeling the energy return to her.

    An shattering roar from the distance brought her attention to the forefront. It was none other than her love, in all his unbridled rage. Kiluia was livid, that much was clear from the gruesome tear he had left on Skalaugh's form. She would not sit around and be idle any longer. She pulled herself together.




    Consumes: Unicorn Horn [1/2 charges]

    healing 15% max HP

    H: 1] Lessa HP: 1036/1210 | EN: 99/112 | 22 DMG | 5 ACC | 1 EVA | 171 MIT | 54 THN | 1 HM | 1 REC | 36 BH
    [H: 0] Haine HP:1038/1270 [+190] | EN: 96/124 | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 3 EVA | 111 MIT | 36 BLD | Antioxidant
    [H: 0] Raidou HP:1625/1625 | EN:131/144 | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 6 EVA | 176 MIT | TAUNT | 80 BH | Antidote:3/3 | Antioxidant | PARRY
    [H: 1] Freyd HP: 1205/1205 | EN: 94/104 | 25 DMG  | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | 79 MIT | KEEN | 6 HLY | 36 BLD | 24 BH
    [H: 0] Mari HP: 1570/1570  | EN: 138/154 | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 88 MIT | 24 BLD | 15 FLM-AURA | 72 BH
    [H: 0] Oscar HP: 1370/1370 | EN: 119/134 | 23 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 151 MIT | 12 FLN | 36 BRN | 69 BH
    [H: 1] Hidden HP: 1060/1210 | EN: 100/118 | 19 DMG | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 124 MIT | 8 HLY | 121 VAMP-OFF | 60 BH
    [H: 1] Crozeph HP: 850/1030 | EN: 80/100 | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 1 EVA | 54 MIT | FRZ | 2 REC | 1 LD | 30 BH
    [H: 3] Zajcica [REND 0/3] HP: 1224/1510 [-171] | EN: 130/130 | 6 DMG | 4 ACC | 279 MIT | 54 THN | 30 FLM-AURA | 21 FST-THN | Taunt | 36 BLD | 75 BH
    [H: 3] Macradon HP: 1805/1805 [+270] | EN: 172/189 | 22 DMG | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 152 MIT | 2 REC | 36 FST-THN | FRZ | 90 BH | 180 VMP-OFF | -3 EN Cost | -1 EN Cost 2/3
    [H: 1] Kiluia HP: 840/1050 | EN: 75/102 | 25 DMG | 5 ACC | 4 EVA | 124 MIT | ABS-ACC | 36 BLD | 1 REC | KEEN
    [H: 1] Night HP: 1490/1490 | EN: 143/161 | 23 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 124 MIT | 1 KEEN | 1 PRYLZ | ABS-ACC | 24 TOX-VEN | 4 LD | 4 SD | 7 SR | 74 BH
    [H: 0] Zandra HP: 1805/1805 | EN: 190/191 | 22 DMG | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 197 MIT | 30 FLM-AURA | 90 BH | -3 HACT (1/3)- -WR (2/3)- 
    [H: 0] Morgenstern HP: 1510/1510  | EN: 127/142  | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 1 EVA | 171 MIT | PAR-VNM | 25% DoT Reduce | FRPRF | PARA-IMN | BLDCLT | 76 BH


  6. Kiluia is well... Kiluia. There was no way for Haine to describe his energy, his zeal to take hardships head on. She couldn't imagine losing almost all her hard work, having to build up from rock bottom. If she were in his shoes, she wouldn't be talking so big. She'd more than likely rage quit and spend the rest of her days stress eating with the fortune she piled up. Her mind wandered to ChaseR, she all but forgot about him and his insane growth. His aura was soft yet threatening simultaneously and she couldn't put a finger on it. "Yeah but still!" She cut in. "You all powered through that, takes some serious drive." She cleared her throat and gestured as she spoke. 

    Mishka, uninterested in these humans chit-chatting, searched around. A wispy shadow revealed itself as Percy and the cub's nub of a tail wiggled. He bopped the other with his moist snout and padded off, hoping the shadow would follow him out to play. He preferred kinder playmates, he was tired of that blubbery tyrant of penguin. 

    "Hmm, sure. Lead the way!" She trailed behind the cub and kept a watchful eye, lest he run off into the crowd. "Elora? Green haired lady, pointy ears at the festival right?" She tried her hardest to remember through foggy memory. She looked different in her festival attire, she didn't recognize her until she spoke. They'd gone on a quest or two as a group before. "She's adorable in a yukata," Haine gushed. All of Firm Anima's women, really. One glance at Kasumi and she was floored.

  7. "Marv?" She put a finger to her chin and circled around the stone faced NPC. "He looks more like a Brutus." She waved in his face to test his patience. The guard simply cast her a downwards gaze,  grunted, and straightened his attention to nothing across the street. Her faithful cub, ever attached by her side, padded in front of her. The familiar sniffed at Freyd's shoes and then looked around in search of Percy. His voice rumbled in acknowledgement, whatever that sound is that a cub makes. Haine wouldn't know what to call that.

    "I think she's looking for a buddy." Haine stayed close, just in case Mishka would try and butt into the other's personal space. She placed a hand on her hip and lingered off in thought. "Well lately, just grinding my way up there. It's getting rough in the middle. And you...-" The bluenette did a double take at Freyd's level above his cursor. "Jeez! How hard have you been grinding?" Her eyes widened. She admired that fire, grinding was brutal but she'd never witnessed such gain in little time. She preferred to go at turtle speed. "...How did you do it so fast?"

  8. Floor one it was.

    Haine chased her last bite with some cold juice. She about chugged it like water to counter the heat of those peppers. With a satisfied sigh, she slammed the cup down on the counter. "Gaaah, I'm stuffed." She ushered the waiter over and held up her glass. "Refill, please?" She fanned her face. "I think I'm dying." The NPC, short of words, turned to face her and accepted the glass. The man in casual garb bowed and walked off. She frowned. Most NPCs were had to talk to. They had a few programmed responses and expressions but beyond that... basically a brick wall. She had a blast messing around in her beginning days.

    A glass of juice later and she was ready to face the day.

    Lo and behold, she arrived at the teleport gate. As per usual, the Town of Beginnings was swarming with players. She wandered around the entrance, scratching her head at the dot on her map. She was standing right over it on that map, but surely she wasn't standing over him. She glanced from side to side like a mad woman and spotted him hiding in the shade. Right next to him was a tall... terrifyingly tall guard, and Freyd was... talking to him? Haine approached the two and craned her head up at the NPC.

    "I've never seen the guy move from this corner before."

  9. A chance encounter with a particular azure haired boy called to Haine's attention as of late. Haine had only interacted with ChaseR once, maybe twice? A neutral impression, she concluded. He wasn't the chattiest, but that was alright in her book. She was known for moseying her way into personal spaces regardless. Her curiosity piqued to see him at the guild hall of all places. She was a step too short as Eruda approached her. The next time she glanced, he left as soon as she saw him.

    An afternoon later, she scrolled through the guild HUD. His name was absent from the roster and so she resorted to her friends list. A soft scratching beside her pulls her attention away. "Hm?" Haine looks down at the pudgy ball of fluff clawing at the couch. "HEY! That's brand new, cut it out!" She nudged the cub away with her foot and sighed. She turned her attention back to her previous task. With a swipe on her HUD, she pieced together a message.

    To: ChaseR

    From: Haine


    Couldn't catch you at the guild hall yesterday, so here's my hello! How about a quest? Don't say no, I have nobody to go with : (








    That was a lie, but she'd see if it worked.


    Brought along:

    Damage +3: 164236-1

    Loot Dice+3: 164290-2


    Name: Haine
    Level: 63
    HP: 1290/1290
    EN: 126/126

    Damage: 19
    Mitigation: 66
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Assault Spear [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Fishing [Obtained]
    Searching [Rank 1]
    First Aid [Rank 5]
    Extended Mod Limit Rank 1 [Obtained]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar: Fighter

    Finesse Rank 3
    Barrier Rank 2

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter HP Potions (+50 HP)*3

    Housing Buffs:
    Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
    Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
    Basic Training: +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  10. "No, no you may not have a bite."

    Haine, through a mouthful of spicy noodles, was not amused. The polar bear resting faithfully at her feet stood up on his hind legs, scratching at her calf. She quirked a brow and looked down at the demanding creature. The fuzzball should know better than anyone that his master wasn't one to share food. One glance into those soft, sparkling eyes and she was done for. "Oh, piss off!" She set her chopsticks down on top of her bowl and frowned. Mishka was like a cat, never concerned until something yummy came around.

    A chime disrupted her thoughts and the cub flinched, startled.

    Freyd? Haine opened her HUD and scanned the message. It had been a while since they quested. She couldn't help but recall the imagery of him stumbling into monkey balls. Despite the horror of the situation then, she could only laugh now. A slight chortle escaped her lips as she swiped up to reply. She couldn't part from her food and decided on speech to text.

    To: Freyd

    From: Haine

    Hey Donkey Kong, How goes it? I'll get to your coords after lunch if you're free now and then we can discuss.






    She dangled a spicy noodle for the cub anyways and watched with mild amusement as it scarfed it down. It took a minute for the spice to kick in and the familiar sneezed. "Seeee? I said no for your own good." She shook her head and pulled out a tray of water from her inventory to tend to the cub.


    Haine | HP: 1290/1290 | EN: 126/126 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 4 | BLD:36


    Name: Haine
    Level: 63
    HP: 1290/1290
    EN: 126/126

    Damage: 19
    Mitigation: 66
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Assault Spear [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Fishing [Obtained]
    Searching [Rank 1]
    First Aid [Rank 5]
    Extended Mod Limit Rank 1 [Obtained]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar: Fighter

    Finesse Rank 3
    Barrier Rank 2

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter HP Potions (+50 HP)*3
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 1
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 2
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 3
    Obtained via Item Stash (Housing)
    Obtained via Dimensional Backpack

    Housing Buffs:
    Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat
    Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
    Angler: +1 material gained when fishing
    Basic Training: +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month [1/1]

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  11. She followed the aromatic trail. Lo and behold, there was the dining hall. She waddled in, her gait affected by a hint of clumsiness. Her surroundings seemed close to spotless, she was afraid to muddy the ground with her soles. She trailed behind the others and settled into a seat at the dining table. Arms folded into her lap, she let her mind wander a moment. She was never one for formalities, neither sharp nor observant. She had little to input with formal matters, but she could follow orders. She hoped that would be enough.

    The presence of food was a good ice breaker.

    On cue, the gluttonous bluenette salivated. Just a few snacks, but damn it, she was hungry. Cups and plates filled the tables with various feast buffs. "Well, don't mind if I do." Haine played off her awkwardness with a wave and went straight for her rations. She piled them onto her plate and scooted the chair forward. She stuffed her face and listened to the specifics of the quest. She trusted Raidou's judgment that they could best this quest, so there was little worry. Upon a quick perusal of her HUD and the information exchanged, she all but doubted her confidence.

    The woman unscrewed the cap of a potion and held her breath. She chased the vile potion with an iced drink. She set the glass down and cleared her throat. "Understood. Is there anything else we should consider?"


    Haine: HP: 1250/1250 | EN: 122/122 | DMG: 19+3 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 4 | BLD:36

    Consumes: Titan's Strength (+3 Damage), +3LD Mochi, and accepts Lullaby 2

  12. Haine searched Eruda's expression and noted the hint of hesitance once she tugged at her sleeve. "Yeah- yeah but-..." Haine's bottom lip curled into a pout as she searched her mind. She'd known Eruda long enough to witness that she wasn't... one for big social events. The woman was set in one path and that had to be a drag, the bluenette would get to the bottom of this. The blonde shared her story and golden eyes softened a moment. Haine parted her lips to protest. "Well, your chance is here!" Her energy amped as she seized Eruda's hands. "But imagine this." She took the lead and walked off, leading the other down the path to the bazaar. She tilted her head and pictured a story as she went along. "A festival date...!" She closed her mouth and let out a muffled squeal. This was Eruda's opportunity to go in for the kill and Haine would be damned if she didn't.


  13. A sudden blast of energy had Haine scurrying the opposite direction, but it was all for naught. Skalaugh's remains joined into one mass as soon as they dispersed, reanimating the beast. She was a hair too late and the dragon's talons sunk into her flesh. Her form, dwarfed in comparison, was sent flying like a ragdoll. By instinct she saw no option but to close her eyes and brace for an inevitable, rough landing. 

    Fortunately, there was aid.

    A tall frame linked arms with her, buffering what would've been a far from graceful sight. The bluenette's feet shuffled as she attempted to plant them. The whiplash had taken some sort of effect on her, her vision spinning momentarily.She stumbled back and shook like a leaf, everything too quick to process. She craned her head up in acknowledgement of the tall - unusually tall man and choked out a thank you. His face was recognizable but she couldn't put a finger on it. She had not noticed the urgency of her state until a soft glow on her shoulder energized her. To her alarm, that single, devastating attack hacked away half of her health. 



    ID: #167973

    BD: 5 [ HIT ], - 14 EN

    Dimension Stampede: 19 + 3 bonus*15 = 330 - 100 MIT = 230 DMG

    Antidote: Temporarily Negates Bloody Talons/REND

    [H: 0]Lessa HP: 910/1210 | EN: 112/112 | 22 DMG | 5 ACC | 1 EVA | 171 MIT | 54 THN | 1 HM | 1 REC | 36 BH 
    [H: 1] [REND 0/3] Haine HP:758/1270 | EN: 96/124 | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 3 EVA | 111 MIT | 36 BLD | Antidote:3/3 | Antioxidant
    [H: 0] Raidou HP:1625/1625 | EN:130/144 | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 6 EVA | 176 MIT | TAUNT | 80 BH | Antidote:3/3 | Antioxidant | PARRY 
    [H: 1] Freyd HP: 1205/1205 | EN: 94/104 | 25 DMG  | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | 79 MIT | KEEN | 6 HLY | 36 BLD | 24 BH 
    [H: 0] Mari HP: 1570/1570  | EN: 137/154 | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 88 MIT | 24 BLD | 15 FLM-AURA | 72 BH[H: 0] Oscar HP: 1370/1370 | EN: 119/134 [-4 EN] | 23 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 151 MIT | 12 FLN | 36 BRN | 69 BH | -3 EN Cost | -1 EN Cost 2/3 
    [H: 0] Hidden HP: 910/1210 | EN: 109/118 | 19 DMG | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 124 MIT | 8 HLY | 121 VAMP-OFF | 60 BH
    [H: 0] Crozeph HP: 730/1030 | EN: 88/100 | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 1 EVA | 54 MIT | FRZ | 2 REC | 1 LD | 30 BH 
    [H: 0] Zajcica HP: 1210/1510 | EN: 130/130 | 6 DMG | 4 ACC | 279 MIT | 54 THN | 30 FLM-AURA | 21 FST-THN | Taunt | 36 BLD | 75 BH
    [H: 0] Macradon HP: 1505/1805 | EN: 180/189 | 22 DMG | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 152 MIT | 2 REC | 36 FST-THN | FRZ | 90 BH | 180 VMP-OFF | -3 EN Cost | -1 EN Cost 1/3
    [H: 0] Kiluia HP: 750/1050 | EN: 88/102 | 25 DMG | 5 ACC | 4 EVA | 124 MIT | ABS-ACC | 36 BLD | 1 REC | KEEN 
    [H: 1] Night HP: 1490/1490 | EN: 143/161 | 23 DMG | 6 ACC | 6 EVA | 124 MIT | 1 KEEN | 1 PRYLZ | ABS-ACC | 24 TOX-VEN | 4 LD | 4 SD | 7 SR | 74 BH 
    [H: 0] Zandra HP: 1805/1805 | EN: 190/191 | 22 DMG | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 197 MIT | 30 FLM-AURA | 90 BH | -3 HACT (1/3)- -WR (2/3)- 
    [H: 0] Morgenstern HP: 1510/1510  | EN: 128/142  | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 1 EVA | 171 MIT | PAR-VNM | 25% DoT Reduce | FRPRF | PARA-IMN | BLDCLT | 76 BH



  14. Out of darkness in the cavern shone a bright flame, a gargantuan dragon the source. "Well would you look at that..." She whistled, frozen in place in sheer shock of its form up close. Along with its arrival was a wave of heat, pure flame radiating off its scales. The beast swept in from its perch and took lead, flying over the undead. As the others rushed into formation, Haine made haste to follow suit. With trained swipes, she brought forth her defense. Shards of pixel wove into an ornate blue shape, Divine Piercer manifested.

    In the back of the mass, she gave a once over of her surroundings. Firm Anima stuck together in trained formation. She squared her shoulders and joined beside her guild. Indubitably, there was strength in the mass. She surveyed in awestruck wonder as several players struck the beast. She had never faced a foe as formidable. The woman trained for an opening. Haine cringed at her love's particularly brutal strike, she could've sworn she heard something crack. As he steps back, she shoots a glance over her shoulder. "Nice one!" She nods in acknowledgement and follows suit. 

    In opportune time, the bluenette readied her glaive. Just as the Skalaugh landed, Haine pivoted on her heel. She propelled herself forward and used the momentum to connect her blade to its hind leg. Sharp edged embedded into its flesh, she vaulted off the blade and pulled it up for a second strike. She worked quick to retreat to colder ground, a thin sheen of sweat over her forehead in proximity of Skalaugh's flames.



    ID: #167737

    BD: 8 [ HIT ]

    Dimension Stampede: 19 + 3 bonus*15 = 330 DMG


    Lessa HP: 1210/1210 | EN: 112/112 | 22 DMG | 5 ACC | 1 EVA | 171 MIT | 54 THN | 1 HM | 1 REC | 36 BH
    [H: 1] Haine HP: 1270/1270 | EN: 110/124 | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 3 EVA | 111 MIT | 36 BLD
    Antidote:3/3 | Antioxidant
    [H: 3] Raidou HP:1625/1625 | EN:130/144 | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 6 EVA | 176 MIT | TAUNT | 80 BH | Antidote:3/3 | Antioxidant | PARRY
    [H: 0] Freyd HP: 1205/1205 | EN: 102/104 | 25 DMG  | 6 ACC | 4 EVA | 79 MIT | KEEN | 6 HLY | 36 BLD | 24 BH
    [H: 1] Mari HP: 1570/1570  | EN: 137/154 | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 88 MIT | 24 BLD | 15 FLM-AURA | 72 BH

    [H: 2] Oscar HP: 1370/1370 | EN: 122/134 [-12 EN] | 23 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 151 MIT | 12 FLN | 36 BRN | 69 BH | -3 EN Cost | -1 EN Cost 1/3
    [H: 1] Hidden HP: 1210/1210 | EN: 109/118 | 19 DMG | 6 ACC | 5 EVA | 124 MIT | 8 HLY | 121 VAMP-OFF | 60 BH

    [H: 1]Crozeph HP: 1030/1030 | EN: 88/100 | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 1 EVA | 54 MIT | FRZ | 2 REC | 1 LD | 30 BH
    [H: (Mark 11)] Zajcica HP: 1510/1510 | EN: 130/130 | 6 DMG | 4 ACC | 279 MIT | 54 THN | 30 FLM-AURA | 21 FST-THN | Taunt | 36 BLD | 75 BH
    [H: 2] Macradon HP: 1805/1805 | EN: 180/189 | 22 DMG | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 152 MIT | 2 REC | 36 FST-THN | FRZ | 90 BH | 180 VMP-OFF | -3 EN Cost | -1 EN Cost 1/3

    [H: 1] Kiluia HP: 1050/1050 | EN: 88/102 | 25 DMG | 5 ACC | 4 EVA | 124 MIT | ABS-ACC | 36 BLD | 1 REC | KEEN 
    [H: 1] Night HP: 1490/1490 | EN: 152/161 | 23 DMG | 5 ACC | 6 EVA | 124 MIT | 36 BRN | 36 BLD | 72 BLIGHT | 24 TOX-VEN | 4 LD | 4 SD | 7 SR | 74 BH
    [H: 0]Zandra HP: 1805/1805 | EN: 190/191 | 22 DMG | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 197 MIT | 30 FLM-AURA | 90 BH | -3 HACT (1/3)- -WR (2/3)-
    [H: 1] Morgenstern HP: 1510/1510  | EN: 128/142  | 22 DMG | 6 ACC | 1 EVA | 171 MIT | PAR-VNM | 25% DoT Reduce | FRPRF | PARA-IMN | BLDCLT | 76 BH 

  15. In an unceremonious turn of events, the young woman began her descent to no apparent destination. All she surmised was that this was... probably it. A wild, untamed wave swept over a once peaceful Coral, crowds of unsuspecting passersby plummeting down the paths. "What the-" The bluenette gulped and struggled to stay afloat. She had no clutch but the quivering ball of fluff in her arms. "Sssh, sssh." Her attempt to reassure the polar bear was to no avail. Having something to clutch felt more like security for Haine than the polar bear whose natural habitat was full of water. With a powerful kick of his hind legs, Miska weaseled his way out of the other's hold. "W-Wait!" she protested, before a cluster of others came colliding into her.

    With a shriek, she fell face forward into the waves and choked. She broke through to the surface for a split moment, and by then, the edge already drew near. She hyperventilated and squeezed her eyes shut. The ground beneath her dropped, waves thinning out as gravity did its thing. She felt her stomach somersault and resisted the urge to scream. She was falling in midair for what seemed like eternity, until divine intervention did its thing. The breeze slowed to a halt. The woman was levitating. She peeked a golden eye open for a birds eye view of a mighty army and a blue net waiting carrying her to safety. With a winded oof, she fell off the net and landed arms first on the floor. Haine stared at the soil, incredulous, her petite frame shaking like a leaf.

    A soft snout nudged her arm, revealing a familiar white fluff. "Oh thank god you're okay." She swept the cub into her arms and planted a kiss on his soft forehead. Their reunion was short lived as her attention diverted to the cacophony. There was more pressing matters like those ominous things ahead. A red barrier separated the players from what lied ahead. Haine pushed herself off the soil and cringed at the feeling of her soggy yukata clinging to her. This wouldn't do. She retreated to the back of the barrier and swapped into her comfy battle garb.

    An expression of relief washed over her as she recognized some familiar faces from her guild in one convenient cluster. She paced over to them. She cut in just as Raidou gave his orders, with a nod of acknowledgement. "Roger that, cap!" The woman saluted in playful fashion. To her right she noticed a tall silver haired man. Wait a minute, why was Kiluia here? He didn't say he would be at the festival. She moved to him and noted his battle-ready stance. "...We'll talk later," she added, with a poke at his chest.

    She made haste for preparations as the mood was tense with looming threat. Skimming through her inventory, she materialized some buffs.  The barrier provided some mysterious source of energy. She could harness every bit of what she got to keep her butt alive. She scarfed a few pastries and plugged her nose in preparation of the strange vial to chase it with. With a quick draft, she was fully buffed. She eyed the remaining potion in her hand and pondered. She held it up to Raidou and gestured at it. "This won't be of use to me. Have at it."

    From the corner of her periphery, she spotted a familiar raven haired figure shrouded in the shadows and the cursor above her.

    NIGHT... was it?

    The bluenette stepped away from her circle and gave a nod of acknowledgement to the other. "So we meet again." She chewed her lip and thought to this bizarre situation. "Not exactly how I imagined this, but we'll roll with it."  Haine turned her attention to the front and cracked her knuckles.


    Haine Consumes: Antioxidant: 150463-1, Protein +2: 163570-3, Antidote +3: 149052-2

    BONUS:  [Gain +3 DMG, +2 ACC, +2 EVA, 15*Tier (45) MIT]

    Brought for @RaidouToxic Venom T3: 152515


    Name: Haine
    Level: 62
    HP: 1270/1270
    EN: 124/124

    Damage: 19
    Mitigation: 66
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 4

    Equipped Gear:

    Divine Piercer - Aqua [Weapon]: Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Heart's Container - Aquilia [Light Armor]: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Osiris's Grips [
    Trinket]: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Assault Spear [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Fishing [Obtained]
    Searching [Rank 1]
    First Aid [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:

    Familiar - Fighter

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter HP Potions (+50 HP)*3

    Housing Buffs:

    Bedroom ( Rested ) -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat

    Basic Workshop ( Working ) -  +2 EXP per crafting attempt

    Slime farm ( Basic training ) +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

    Fishing Pond ( Angler ) +1 material gained when fishing

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Trading hall

    Every member of Firm Anima receives an additional +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's. (10+ for alchemy crystals, 6+ for others). If you are rank 9 you also get +1 crafting attempt/day. If you are rank 10 you get +2 crafting attempts/day.


    +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Storage Vault

    Allows a guild to create a Storage Vault in their Guild Page. Members can use this thread to store and withdraw items. Any items that have trading restrictions cannot be moved to a Storage Vault.

    Guild Bank

    Allows the Guild Owner to promote one member (or themselves) to 'Treasurer'. This unlocks access to a Guild Bank spending account.

    Basic Kitchen

    Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30

    Living Room

    Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

    Scents of the Wild:


    Yamata no Orochi

    Wedding Ring:


  16. 99.png.7586b4b9b87b58729a4b70536bbecc77.png

    It was a much needed break, surrounded by all the colors, tunes, and festivities. In a world that doesn't wait, it was easy to lose touch with oneself and throw their head into the game, driven by ulterior motives. Haine had dedicated herself to Firm Anima and its duties, there was always much to do and she grew accustomed to the frequent schedules. It was odd to see everyone donned in casual attire, mingling among each other. Time ticked by as the guild members talked among each other, but as the event drew to a close, they'd been standing for a while now. The soles of her sandals pressed against her nerves and ached, she was ready to go home.

    The bluenette stretched, sighing in satisfaction when her back cracked. A gust of wind had her locks flying in her face, shielding her periphery. She brought a hand to brush them away, only to spot slips of colorful paper dangling from her wrist. "Huh." The woman arched a brow. "I swore I hung these?" She shrugged and turned to the shorter redhead. "I'm gonna hang these real quick. Stay put!" She pat Vie's shoulder and began a clumsy beeline down the village.

    Once she'd reached the spot, the woman untied the slips. She walked up to a shorter branch her short self could reach and tied them close to each other. She clasped her hands together and backed up to admire the sight. Among her slips here a dozen others, decorated in the color of a rainbow. Fairy lights hung from the treetops, giving the shrine a soft glow. She closed her eyes shut as a soft smile graced her lips. "Go easy on me, fate."



    [ Haine hangs the Tanzaku. ]

  17. The door opened, and before it revealed a man who matched the posh vibe of this estate. She was, in all honesty, mildly intimidated. She gave a nod of acknowledgement to both him and the woman beside her, a soft smile on her lips. "That I am." Was she always this awkward with introductions? Haine was always an extrovert through and through in most cases.  There was always an exception, especially once she'd joined Firm Anima. There was a whole lot of formalities and faces to meet, the serious vibes were getting to her. "Haine, Firm Anima's assault captain at your service!" She played it off with a clasp of her hands. She made her way through the door frame and all but did a double take at its interior. True to its exterior, it was opulent. Amber eyes roved over everything.

    A moment later, a knock on the door snapped her out of her trance. She turned her head towards the source of the noise. Raidou was here just a beat later. She was grateful he came when he did, one familiar face would alleviate the awkwardness. Her expression lightened in anticipation.

  18. Her eyes widened at the corpse in front of her. The grotesque looking banshee had morphed into an old woman, the quest broker she presumed. What an interesting twist, Haine applauded the cardinal for it. She was bummed, though, she could've used the extra cash. Nonetheless, Haine scooped up the potion drop and added it to her inventory. It was growing unwieldy and in need of some organizing.  It was kind of a bum, but she was glad it was over with quicker so she didn't have to stay in this creepy place for long.

    With every moment that passed by as the adrenaline slipped away, the more her fear began to heighten once more. She wrapped her arm around Kiluia's for safety and traveled down the eerie forest. Their familiars were long since accustomed to such gloomy habitats, they'd been every which way questing by now. They didn't stray too far from their owners, they opted to lead the way down the illuminating stone path.



    Kiluia - 4 SP ( 2 quest, 1 page, 1 bonus ) + 200 COL + 3 T1 Materials + Bottled Banshee Scream

    Haine - 4 SP ( 2 quest, 1 page, 1 bonus ) + 200 COL + 3 T1 Materials + Bottled Banshee Scream

  19. She narrowed her eyes at the zombie she'd missed. The sneaky bastard had staggered its way out of range before she could get to it. That was her love's cue to step in and seize the spotlight. With one mighty swing, she witnessed the zombie's head roll clean off its shoulders. She gaped for a moment at the gory sight and recovered once its body slumped to the floor. "Woah, nice one." She reached over for a high five and turned her attention to the banshee's incessant wailing across the room.

    "We get it!" The bluenette quipped. "I'll give ya' something to wail about." She squared her shoulders and approached the banshee, a grotesque mutant in humanoid form, with shaggy locks of raven and a tattered wedding dress. "Well aren't you a beauty?" Haine smirked whilst she charged her glaive. There'd be time to jest later. With one powerful swing, she tore right through the ghost.


    ID: #164215

    BD: 10

    DMG: Dimension Stampede 19x15 = 285 DMG


    Haine | HP: 1270/1270 | EN: 95/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 66 |EVA: 1 | ACC: 4 | BLD:36

    Kiluia| 940/940 HP | 80/94 EN | DMG 16 |MIT 48 |EVA 1|ACC 2 |BLD 24 |REC 1



    Banshee | HP: 0/250 | DMG: 200 | EVA: 2

  20. She entered the decrepit building and heard a distant sound of something... wailing? Another chill traveled up her spine. She shot Kiluia a tentative look and closed her eyes a moment. She inhaled sharply and mustered the will to go forth. With renewed vigor, she traveled forth. The noise came from the floor above and to her right was a staircase that was just about to give. She'd just have to risk her chance then. Haine crept up the staircase and cringed at the creaky wood beneath her. Drops of water trickled from the ceiling, the place smelled akin to an old library.

    She pressed her back against the wall adjacent to the room the banshee was wailing from. She fought the urge to cover her ears, it was a shrill and grating sound. She analyzed the ability of those spawnlings in front of her, she could never. With a nod of determination, she burst into the room and materialized her blade. "Alright, time to do the die." With a jut of her hip, she prepared her stance for the minions to come forward. She rotated the spear and jabbed clean through the wisps with a flourish.


    DMG: Weeping Moon 19x9 = 171 DMG - 15 MIT = 156 DMG


    Haine | HP: 1270/1270 | EN: 109/124 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 66 |EVA: 1 | ACC: 4 | BLD:36



    Undead Guardian Zombie #1 | HP: 0/40 | DMG: 120 | MIT: 15 | #164196 | BD: 8 ( hit )

    Undead Guardian Zombie #4HP: 0/40 | DMG: 120 | MIT: 15 | #164197 | BD: 2 ( hit )

    Undead Guardian Zombie #3 | HP: 0/40 | DMG: 120 | MIT: 15 | #164198 | BD: 8 ( hit )

    Undead Guardian Zombie #4 | HP: 40/40 | DMG: 120 | MIT: 15 | #164199 | BD: 1 ( miss )

  21. "I'll gather the intel on her favorite foods." Haine shot him a wink and brewed up the perfect opportunity in her head. She'd take Asmura for a dessert splurge and make her spill the beans. They'd be set up for success! Her eyes lit up with excitement, the cogs in her brain working. As she thought, her intuition guided her down a mysteriously shrouded path to the left. She stepped in front of Kiluia as if to protect him from the unknown. She couldn't see shit, but the path got a little brighter as they advanced. Little stones in the undergrowth illuminated the path, leading up to a strange, abandoned building.

    Haine cocked a brow and looked back at her map. "Hmm, says the banshee is right in here...?" She glanced at the gate that was cracked ajar. She took the initiative and struggled with all her tiny might to push it aside. With a creak that screamed rusty, their entrance was cleared off. She took a tentative step and felt a chill crawl up her spine. Wisps of mist floated over the ground like a scene from a haunted graveyard.


    ID: #164194

    LD: 17 [ banshee's lair located ]

  22. "One day at a time." Haine planted a kiss on his cheek. "I'll ask her how she feels about it." She could sense his tension from his rigid posture. Up ahead, the familiars were huddled close for security. She noticed that the two were growing closer now, they'd come far from the initial animosity. There was still a sense of rivalry between the two, but a playful one where they bantered and made up in the end. It was easy to manage them, the couple seldom had to break up fights anymore.

    The trickling of a nearby stream alerted her attention. "Ooh! Let's gather by the river for a minute." She hurried past him to the source of the noise and knelt down beside the body of water. A root embedded in the soil floated above the surface. "Perfect! I was looking for this." She snagged it for safe keeping.


    ID: #163973

    LD: 16 + 1 SEARCHING = 17 [ 1 T1 MAT found ]

  23. Haine pondered whilst she trained her gaze for any foliage she might find useful. As they traversed, the ground grew more and more barren. Greenery faded into little patches of grey, dried matter, as if there were something lurking which sucked the life out. "I think dinner would be a nice way to get to it." The bluenette shot him a reassuring smile and noted all the questions he was asking.

    She placed a hand on his shoulder and tilted her head. "Love, don't worry about it. I'm sure she will love it with us." She trailed off, looking for the right words. "Just be yourself, she likes you the way you are now." A glowing herb caught her attention and her eyes lit up. "Ah, lucky day." She knelt down and plucked the herb, something in the same family as the one she picked up previously. It would serve useful for a salve.


    ID: #163968

    LD: 15 + 1 SEARCHING = 16 [ 1 T1 MAT found ]

  24. His question snapped her out of her trance as she tilted her head. "Hmm?" Amber eyes searched his gaze. "Well, I was thinking..." Haine trailed off, a finger on her chin. "We should ask her what she likes first." Two years had passed in the death game, the girl's preferences might have changed and she wanted to gift her the best of the best. Was this what it felt like to be a doting parent? She didn't want to get ahead of herself, they'd yet to ask Asmura the big question. "Things like her favorite color? -" Her eyes lit up. "Ooh or an art set? She draws at the guild hall sometimes." The blueenette pulled her hands to her sides and noticed a strange glowing herb in the undergrowth. She knelt down to observe it and recognized it as an alchemy ingredient. She plucked it for safe keeping, it would prove useful for Raidou's crafting.


    ID: #163848

    LD: 14 + 1 SEARCH = 15 [ 1 T1 MAT ]

  25. They moved away from the town entrance and Haine wasn't sure if that made her feel relieved or even more anxious. The town was stuffy, but being out there in the dark unknown, hearing the howling wind and ominous sounds? Pick your poison. She leaned her head against Kil's shoulder and listened to him go on. Ghosts, banshees, the usual things here. She recalled the time she fought the lich, her blood went cold just thinking about that mess. "Yeah," she replied, softly. She felt safer with the proximity.

    She preoccupied herself with looking at the ground to find loot, but to no avail. She could hardly see the forest floor, it was covered by a thin veil of mist. In fact, she could hardly see much else around her. A particularly chilly draft moved over the forest floor, sending a chill up her spine. Haine pulled her coat around her in seek of warmth.

    ID: #163844

    LD: 9 [ no mats ]

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