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Posts posted by Haine

  1. Haine moved rigid beside Kiluia. Her uncomfortable expression was transparent and her death squeeze on the cub was starting to suffocate him. With a whine, the cub wriggled about, demanding freedom. He nipped Haine's arm and she yelped, her grip loosening. "Oww..." The cub tottered over to Pingu and paired up with her for protection. "Traitor." Haine scrunched her nose at the cub and accepted Kiluia's hand. With that, she led them forward, however she had no idea where they were going exactly. 

    "Uhh... so where...?" She realized she didn't exactly know what the quest entailed. She chalked it up to some spooky shit and willed her resolve. The sooner they got to it, the faster they could get it over with. The woman scooted closer to the sidewalk when a particularly skeletal figure came close. She eyeballed it and noticed the thing had no eyes, just pitch black hollows.

  2. "Tenth one again? Really?"

    Haine swiped away her HUD and whined for a moment. That underground floor gave her the heebie jeebies, with all of the undead lurking and nary a trace of light in that biome. Haine kicked back on the stone she was sitting on and pondered. Well, if it meant easy SP, she wasn't about to be a coward over it. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, mustering her resolve. She opened them and swiped back her HUD, firing a quick response.


    To: @Kiluia Seiko

    Aight. Be there in a jiffy!

    She turned to the cub who was asleep on the rock beside her. "Wake up, lazy! We've got stuff to do." She shook the cub awake and he stretched. A quiet yawn escaped him and he looked up at his owner with droopy eyes. She pat his fur and then pushed off the rock. With a crystal equipped, she teleported them both to the gloomy settlement. Instantaneously, she felt a chill crawl up her spine. She scooped the cub into her arms and squeezed him tight for reassurance. She used her tracker to locate Kiluia. She padded up to him invaded his personal space. He would be her living shield.



    Name: Haine
    Level: 62
    HP: 1270/1270
    EN: 124/124

    Damage: 19
    Mitigation: 66
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 4

    Equipped Gear:

    Divine Piercer - Aqua [Weapon]: Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Heart's Container - Aquilia [Light Armor]: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Osiris's Grips [
    Trinket]: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Assault Spear [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Fishing [Obtained]
    Searching [Rank 1]
    First Aid [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:

    Familiar -Fighter

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter HP Potions (+50 HP)*3

    Housing Buffs:

    Bedroom ( Rested ) -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat

    Basic Workshop ( Working ) -  +2 EXP per crafting attempt

    Slime farm ( Basic training ) +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

    Fishing Pond ( Angler ) +1 material gained when fishing

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Trading hall

    Every member of Firm Anima receives an additional +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's. (10+ for alchemy crystals, 6+ for others). If you are rank 9 you also get +1 crafting attempt/day. If you are rank 10 you get +2 crafting attempts/day.


    +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Storage Vault

    Allows a guild to create a Storage Vault in their Guild Page. Members can use this thread to store and withdraw items. Any items that have trading restrictions cannot be moved to a Storage Vault.

    Guild Bank

    Allows the Guild Owner to promote one member (or themselves) to 'Treasurer'. This unlocks access to a Guild Bank spending account.

    Basic Kitchen

    Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30

    Living Room

    Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

    Scents of the Wild:


    Yamata no Orochi

    Wedding Ring:


  3. She perused the cloak and its stats, it was a fitting gift for Asmura to begin combat. “I like the thorns, powerful.” She admired the design and the sharp edges of the cloak. “Ooh.” She thought their future with Asmura. She wanted to give the girl an effortless life free from the blade - but that was not what the other had wanted. The free spirit longed to take charge like the others, Haine would simply support her as much as she could.

    She blinked, incredulous at how the sun was already setting. Wasn’t it just bright spankin’ sunny a moment ago? She shook her head and chalked it up to the quest’s written cue. She didn’t mind either way, for the absence of the sun’s scorching rays made the air cooler.

    “Heck yeah, it’s going to feel weird,” Haine admitted. She didn’t know the first thing about parenting, but she liked the idea of being the cool mom. They didn’t need to put a label on that. “It’ll be fine, don’t worry your head about it.” She reached up to attempt to pat her love’s head, but he was too damn tall. She lowered her hand to his shoulder and pat that instead.

  4. Haine blushed, she liked the ring of the name. She would try her best if Asmura would have her. Her mind trailed off to the idea of family. The idea of the two being parents together had her mind wandering all sorts of directions. She loved it to say the least, all mushiness aside.


    Soon enough, they’d neared the quest location. The desert temperature was grueling and she had gone the whole way without complaining, by some miracle. The barren sandy hills merged into a great arena in the middle of nowhere. The quest marker dinged, and on cue, the hideous lizard man emerged. Haine snorted at the foe’s stats, it was gonna be a cake walk.

    She gave her love the first hit and materialized her blade in the meanwhile. She whistled as she watched him at work. One punch and a crack of the creature’s skull later, she erupted in laughter. “Nice one! Save me some.” She rushed in behind and made a grand gesture out of nothing. She leapt into the air and landed on top of the alligator, driving the spear into its cranium. She watched as its health dwindled to a satisfying red, then nothing.

    ID: #163625

    BD: 4 + 4 ACC = 8 [ HIT ]

    DMG: 19x15 - 30 MIT = 255 DMG


    Kiluia | 840/840 HP | 70/84 EN | DMG: 15 | MIT 41 | ACC 2| EVA 41| BLD 24 | REC 1

    Haine | HP: 1210/1210 | EN: 104/118 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 4 | BLD:36


     Sando Satsu | 0/350 HP | DMG 100 |20 MIT ----> Enraged 150 DMG 30 MIT 

  5. Haine's eyes softened at the prospect of being a pseudo mom. She was the least bit qualified for such an honor, a childish spirit who often bickered with her sister more than setting an example. It felt nice though, to imagine what a life with Asmura in the mix would be like. She deserved to feel secure somewhere, to have the chance to be her age instead of struggling with this cruel world. "I feel the same and I really want that, if she'd accept us." She brushed her bangs back and scooped in a few more bites. 

    It was about time to get moving. She pushed out of her seat and followed Kiluia to their destination. The heat became prevalent again. She walked faster to match the tall man's strides and outrun the heat in some sort of way. His question invoked a feeling of warmth in her. "And I'll be... mom?" Her words were softer as she tried to process things.

  6. Haine paused on a mouthful of shaved ice and trained her eyes on the other. "Like, adopt-adopt?" She swallowed and set the spoon down as her mind lingered. In the time that she knew Asmura, she'd grown fond of her company and adored her. The girl was bubbly with a level head on her shoulders which was uncommon of those her age. She wondered what walk she led in life and how she had faired in this cruel world for the past few years. She felt an absence of her maternal side ever since her sister had disappeared. She missed the feeling of looking after someone younger she held close... it hit close to home. Her amber eyes softened at his declaration. "I want to. We have so much space to be shared, I think she'll love it with us." She propped her chin on her palms and closed her eyes, a soft smile curving her lips. 

    She opened her eyes and scooped a spoonful of the sickly sweetness. "Love, eat quicker before it melts." She opened her mouth with an 'aah' and brought the spoon to his lips. She scooped another bite and devoured it with a hum of approval. "Shush, there's no such thing," the woman quipped.

  7. Haine wouldn't admit she had a materialistic side.

    Hailing from a family of wealth, the woman was no stranger to luxury at her beck and call. With a bat of her lashes, she swayed her doting father to purchase her heart's content. She had a meager sense of resourcefulness and times like these were a rude awakening. The bluenette scrunched her nose at her worn coat, a drab grey in all its utilitarian glory, courtesy of Setsuna. It was a far cry from Haine's feminine preferences, but she preferred the armor and her life a little more.


    Haine's attention trained on a particular pink sash, woven from a strange material she couldn't put a finger on.

    "Ohmygod." She clasped her hands and gushed.

    Haine leaned on her tip toes and reached for the hanger. To her chagrin, her height was a hidrance. She huffed her blue bangs aside and mustered all her tiny might. Clang! With one jump, she seized the sash. In the midst of her endeavor, a coat slipped off its hanger. She puffed her cheeks and knelt down to snag it. She appraised the violet velvet and held it up to her frame. "Sweeeet." Those two would do! They had the slightest harmony in style nor color, but she would sure as hell work it. 

    Haine marched up to the counter and waved at the NPC. "Yo, miss merch! How much for these?" She waved the fabric about.

    "Twenty-thousand each."

    Haine blanched. "W-Wait. Why so much?" She cringed. Haine had accumulated a comfortable amount of wealth, but she refused to blow it that easily. She would never hear the end of it from Kiluia. BUT! There was hope. Haine crossed her fingers over her chest, closed her eyes, and inhaled sharply. She opened her amber eyes with renewed vigor and insisted. "How bout'... fifteen?" Haine wiggled her eyebrows. Perhaps a bit of self proclaimed charm would do the trick?

    Useless against the unenthused NPC.

    Haine raised a finger in protest and stumbled over her words.

    Thus began her sad march back.

    "Tch, ripoffs. We don't need to shop here!" She scrunched her nose at the building and turned her attention to the cub beside her.  "That sash was tacky anyways." The cub yawned and shot his owner a beady eyed look. "Exactly," the woman cut in, as if she understood the cub. All he was concerned about was a place to crash.

    A message chimed in her HUD and she peered at it. A request from cap for a trickier quest? Haine whistled. Spicy.


    To: @Raidou

    No prob cap! Be there in a min.

    Haine arrived at the coordinates and did a double take. Was this the right place? Another glance at her coordinates confirmed she was. "Well I'll be damned." Haine whistled at the estate in all its opulence. It was larger than anything she'd seen in person before. "The dream, man." She made her way down the pathway. She spotted another figure rapping at the door. Party member? She clasped her hands behind her back and approached. She remained quiet out of sheer surprise with her surroundings. 



    Name: Haine
    Level: 61
    HP: 1250/1250
    EN: 122/122

    LD: 1+3 BUFF = 4

    Damage: 19+3=22
    Mitigation: 66
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 4

    Equipped Gear:

    Divine Piercer - Aqua [Weapon]: Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Heart's Container - Aquilia [Light Armor]: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Osiris's Grips [
    Trinket]: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Assault Spear [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Fishing [Obtained]
    Searching [Rank 1]
    First Aid [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:

    Familiar -Fighter

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter HP Potions (+50 HP)*3

    Housing Buffs:

    Bedroom ( Rested ) -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat

    Basic Workshop ( Working ) -  +2 EXP per crafting attempt

    Slime farm ( Basic training ) +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

    Fishing Pond ( Angler ) +1 material gained when fishing

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Trading hall

    Every member of Firm Anima receives an additional +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's. (10+ for alchemy crystals, 6+ for others). If you are rank 9 you also get +1 crafting attempt/day. If you are rank 10 you get +2 crafting attempts/day.


    +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Storage Vault

    Allows a guild to create a Storage Vault in their Guild Page. Members can use this thread to store and withdraw items. Any items that have trading restrictions cannot be moved to a Storage Vault.

    Guild Bank

    Allows the Guild Owner to promote one member (or themselves) to 'Treasurer'. This unlocks access to a Guild Bank spending account.

    Basic Kitchen

    Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30

    Living Room

    Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

    Scents of the Wild:


    Yamata no Orochi

    Wedding Ring:


  8. Haine eyeballed the NPC as they put together their treat. She all but leaned over the counter with her nosy self. Haine marveled over the colors and smells, this world mirrored reality in every way. To think she could spend all the time she wanted being a glutton with no consequences? The world was her oyster!  She all but forgot Kiluia's question and blinked. "Hmm? Oh, Asmura?" She shot a thank you at the NPC and accepted the snowcone bowl. She left the fruit cups to Kiluia. "Oh yes, she's absolutely adorable. I wanna put her in my pocket. I'm glad she's moving in with us, she needs some normalcy in this shit world." She gestured towards an empty table and made a beeline for it. She set the cup down and settled into her seat, gesturing to the other side of the table for her love. 

    Miska, however, had a different idea. The cub climbed on top of Kiluia's seat and lounged there. The penguin who was waiting at her owner's side abandoned ship to scratch at Haine's leg. Both familiars were entranced by the sweet treats.

    The bluenette shook her head and giggled. "Fine! But I get first bites." She bopped Pingu's nose and sunk the poon into the shaved ice. She shoveled in a mouthful and swished the sweetness around. Ice melted into a delicious, brain freeze inducing symphony. Haine cringed and squeezed her temple. "Oof."

  9. A sudden gust of heat signified their arrival in the desert town. She scrunched her nose in an instant reaction and blocked the sunlight from her eyes. It was a shame they couldn't quick travel right to the starting point. The journey would always begin in settlements, the group would have to waddle their way out if they wanted to get there. She pumped her fist in determination and whipped her head around. "Alright, let's go-ooooh?" Her gaze trailed from Kiluia to a snowcone vendor in the shade. Her golden eyes glimmered and she grasped her love's hand. "Babe... Can we? Just for a lil'?"

    She didn't wait for a reply and walked off to the stand. She clasped her hands and greeted the NPC with a beam. All the flavors were enticing, how could she pick just one? "Ahh, dilemma..." she thought aloud,  squinting at the pictures plastered on the wall. "Hi! Yes, um, may I get the watermelon? Oh?" She looked at the bowl sizes and pointed at the largest one. "That one please!" She clapped giddily and glanced over her shoulder at Kiluia. "Ihopeyoulikewatermelon."

  10. "Alright!" She attempted to push herself off the couch, but the soft leather sunk her in and it was incredibly cozy. She groaned and slumped back. "Mmm... right now...?" He was already far off tending to things. She sighed, and with one final kick, got off the couch. She cracked her back and called out to Kiluia. "Wait! Just gotta find Mees and change real quick." She paced up the stairs and found the cub snoozing on his little bed in the corner. She shook him slightly and called out. "Meeesk. I know you're gonna hate this, but we have to go for a quest. I promise it'll be quick...?" 

    She cringed a little, knowing full well that arctic animals and sweltering heat did not mix well. She would need the bear's prowess, however.  She scooped up the cub and set him onto her bed. "Hurry, hurry..." she thought aloud, making a mess of her room as she rummaged through her drawers for her items. She equipped her outfit and combed her hair.

    Finally, after nine years, she was down by the door waiting.

    "Alright, I'm ready."

  11. Haine tuned off from the conversation and trained her attention on the shrubbery. There were useless berries that seemed... poisonous to the touch, mutated and hideous. She knelt down and peered at one, then glanced back at the picture on her HUD. "Oof, close one," she muttered. She would about freak if she picked these for snacking. The bluenette stood up and brushed her coat. The two were a good ways ahead with their long legs and long strides. Curse being short! "H-Hey, did you guys forget me?!" She paced forward, huffing. Once she'd finally caught up to the duo, she leaned forward, palms propped on her knees as she gasped for air.

    Ever the same, she was easily distracted by her surroundings. She looked up and around to see that the sun broke through the gloomy clouds. As they inched closer to town, the sounds of the settlement grew louder. Medieval music filtered through the wetland outskirts, greeting them. She kinda missed the cheering, the NPC's had all but forgotten them now that their prompt was over with.


    ID: 163388 | LD: 1 + 1 = 2 [ fail, no mats gathered ]


  12. "Alright. Just let me know if I can help around some more." She leaned back on her seat and wrapped her arms around her knees. She traced Kiluia to his spot behind the couch and looked up at him. She smiled into the kiss and stole another one before he pulled away. She would've liked to cuddle, but he was breaking a bit of a sweat, in and out of the house the whole day. She stifled a pout and focused her attention on more productive things. It was time for her to pick up her slack and do more than lounging on the couch eating grapes.

    "Yeah, that one! Might as well..." She opened her HUD and scrutinized some other quests. "And it seems like we're running out of the easy stuff anyways. This is one of the last ones." She set a destination on her marker and stretched. With a satisfying crack of her back, she settled back into the couch. Haine twisted around looked up at Kiluia. "Anything you've gotta do before we head out?"

  13. Haine, like the glutton she was, unleashed a whole buffet for dinner. Sandwich after sandwich and cookie after cookie, she fell over on the floor with quite the full stomach. "Bleeh." She groaned and settled onto her side. She'd laid out a sleeping bag and zipped it all the way up to avoid coughing on more sand. It was all but impossible to fall asleep in those conditions, but she managed after plenty of tossing and turning. Morning come and the group set out into the sandstorm again. With renewed energy, they traversed the desert.

    A few grueling hours later and they'd stumbled across a cargo buried in the sand. "Look! I think that's it guys!" She pointed in the direction of the large satchel and waved frantically. She tried to pull it up herself and failed miserably. It was a combined effort to pick it up and stow it away. Thus began the journey back to the quest giver.

    Haine's legs just about fell off after all was said and done.

    ID: #163240

    CD: 8


    Hisa - 3 SP (1 quest, 1 page, 1 bonus), + 80 COL

    Ruler - 3 SP (1 quest, 1 page, 1 bonus)  + 80 COL

    Katoka - 3 SP (1 quest, 1 page, 1 bonus)  + 80 COL

    Kiluia - 3 SP (1 quest, 1 page, 1 bonus)  + 80 COL

    Haine - 3 SP (1 quest, 1 page, 1 bonus)  + 80 COL

    Survival unlocked for party

  14. Haine listened to the two chit-chat and chimed in. "Hmm, I agree. Vie's a bit hard on herself... but if she directs her drive, she'll go far." She smiled as she thought of the redhead. She'd taken a liking to the lady by far, she was one of her favorite recruits for the reason that they clicked. Vie's introverted shell was chipped at thanks to Haine's persistence. "I haven't quested with the others yet, so I have yet to know."

    She turned her attention to her surroundings. It might have been strange to look for things worth while in the soil of all places, but she'd learned after a couple chance encounters that good things could be found in plain sight. She squinted at a particular patch of blooms and thought of Setsuna, she could use them to make some fabric dye. She picked some up and stored it away. As for anything useful, there was nothing to be found.


    ID: #163051

    LD: 5+1 SEARCHING = 6 [ fail ]

  15. "Thanks!" Haine accepted the woman's hand and regained her grounding. The field was open now, devoid of any other presence. The quest was a cakewalk and it had ended as soon as they raised their weapons. She didn't mind, it was a good warmup for a day that would be productive. A little bit of experience points never hurted! "Yup, glad to be of assistance." Haine moved to Kiluia and linked their arms together. They made haste for the treants, leaving the area behind. Open plains transitioned into dense forest floors. Haine feared she would lose her way here, were it not for the quest marker and Kiluia taking the lead.

    She turned to the woman of little words and glanced for a moment. She couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't come across as too smothering. Whilst lost in thought, a question slipped off her tongue before she could stop herself. "How do you keep your hair so soft?"

  16. The wyvern fell as soon  as it surfaced. Haine puffed out her chest in victory and marveled at the beauty of the scene. As hideous and terrifying as the creature was, it looked kinda majestic laying there. Its body slumped over, and then slowly, the gravity of the waves pulled it under. Haine flinched as all the townspeople came out of hiding. Where did they come from? She beamed in light of the praise. "Not a prob, not a prob." She waved her hand in dismissal and turned to the others.

    The topic of the new recruits brought a smile to the woman's face. Firm Anima was growing exponentially through word of mouth, it was tough to keep up with all these new additions. She loved most of the newcomers, they were kind and in good relations with each other. "They've been lovely," Haine added. Her cub scratched at her leg, demanding attention. The bluenette shook her head and scooped the cub into her arms. "I like Hisa! She's cute." She mused about the others. "Ooh and Vie too." She trailed off in thought. "Katoka too!"

  17. Her attention perked at the mention of Asmura's room. "Is it comin' along well?" She clasped her hands together. "Her room has to be the best one in this house, we gotta think out of the box." She put a finger to her chin. "Do you know what color she likes...?" Haine felt a bit guilty for not knowing these little things, she'd have to ask the girl so the surprise would have more impact. "But! Something with lots of sunlight and open space, I think-" Her eyes lit up at a sudden inspiration. "Ooh, ooh!" She sat up and pushed her HUD aside. "What about a bay-window?"

    Haine was adamant on crafting a perfect house.

    She glanced at his physique for a moment. They'd been living together long enough for her to not ogle like an idiot anymore, but it was nice to stop and admire sometimes. She was a woman after all. Haine averted her gaze and scooted back on the couch, patting the empty spot beside her. "Hmm, I don't know actually. There's a couple of easy ones but I don't wanna break too much of a sweat..." She trailed off, recalling the godforsaken desert quest on the list.

  18. Haine's eyes widened slightly at the quip. They weren't technically engaged yet. She recovered from that and played it off with a chuckle. "Mmm, somethin' like that then?" She turned her attention to the rain pelting down. She was grateful to have prepared for this floor's inclement tendencies. She tucked her strands under the edge of the coat. Her cub was dancing around in the rain, muddy water splashing onto his white coat. She scrunched her nose, the cub would get a good hosing down before he could even think to step into their home.

    The bluenette shrugged at Freyd's commentary. "We'll figure it out in time. You'll get the memo!" She shot him a wink and turned her attention to the rising tides ahead. Their conversation was cut short by the crashing waves in the distance. The further in they got, the harder the wind blew and the stronger the rain poured. The mud squelched beneath her feet as she advanced. "Ew, let's get this over with." Her boots stuck to the soil as she moved, it was mushy and she was anxious that it would threatened to give. They'd reached shore at last, the waves crashing violently upon their arrival.

    "Show yourself, sea noodle!"

    Surely enough, a gargantuan sized sea dragon emerged. It swirled its limbs into a coil and lashed, a scatter of lightning touching the ground. Haine squeaked and evaded a bolt, a little too close for comfort. She waited for the serpent's head to come in range and drove the spear into its side.


    ID: #162620

    BD: 3 + 4 ACC = 7

    ACTIVATES: Dimension Stampede (19*15 = 285 DMG)



    Haine | HP: 1210/1210 | EN: 104/118 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 4 | BLD:36



    <<Sea Wyvern>> | HP: 15/300 | DMG: 300

  19. Haine shrugged, albeit there was a tentative look on her face. "They don't seem to have any emotions..." She gulped and surveyed the rest of the golems. They were walking vegetables, green, friendly looking giants. Haine sighed and moved forward. Onto the next one! She regretted harming them, but it had to be done. She focused on the prospect of the sweet motherlode and powered through. "Alright! Enough with that. Loot is loot."

    She ventured forth and saw another one of those poor sods. She worked like a mindless being, stabby stabby and onto the next. She pivoted on her heel and drove the spear into the rock golem's gut, watching it fall over. She panted, her energy was dwindling down slowly but she could feel it. She glanced to the side at the familiars horsing around. She snorted a little and ignored them. She walked on ahead and left the familiars behind.


    ID: #162616

    BD: 2 + 4 ACC = 6 [ HIT ]

    ACTIVATES: Dimension Stampede  [DMG: 21*15 = 315]

    Kiluia | 780/780 HP | EN:50/78 | DMG: 17 | ACC:4 | BLD:24 | REC:1 |LD +7 +3 Search Rank -20 MIT
    Haine |1170/1170 HP | EN: 44/114 | DMG 21 |MIT:66 | EVA:1 |ACC:4| BLD:36 -30 MIT

    Rock Golem #4 | HP 225/570 |DMG:171

  20. "Yeah, clearly." Haine frowned and pulled the raincoat over her head to evade the rain. "This floor has bipolar weather, I'm actually not surprised." She shrugged and turned to face Freyd. "Freeeyd," she acknowledged, with a soft smile. "How long have you guys been chillin' here?" Let alone in this rain? She looked about and didn't see many other places with shelter from this nuisance. They must have been close to that quest location. She nodded along as the two discussed a game plan. It seemed an awful lot like the quest she had taken on before. A pop-up to party was sent to her and she skimmed it. "Oh, this lil' sucker?" She looked up, the cogs in her mind working.

    "Angry, giant lightning snake, pretty much. Scale on its back is tough to penetrate." She all but winced as she recalled the time she tried to attack, her spear barely skimming the surface of the sea snake's scales. She was thrown off its back and winded for the rest of the battle. The topic derailed to the couple and Haine mused. "We haven't decided yet." She patted Kiluia's shoulder. "Sometime..." she trailed off, with a cryptic note. She gave Freyd the element of suspense, albeit she didn't know the answer herself.

  21. The elves were akin to little pests hovering around. They flocked in groups, attempting to corral the trio for a wide sweep, however they were swift to counteract. One after the other, they were downed quicker than they could move a limb. Haine smirked. The tides of the battle were in their favor. They advanced further into the forest, eliminating the King's henchmen. Surely enough, the last one standing revealed himself. With all of his defenses lowered, he stood no chance. Such weakness for someone who proclaimed themselves "King". She waited for Shay to strike and swept in.

    In perfect tandem, she rotated the spear and drove it into the foe's gut. With a grunt, he fell forward onto his spear, his weight resting on Haine. He was heavy and she stumbled back, all but crushed by the weight of the monster. She managed to shove him aside and watched the body crystallize.


    ID: #162584

    BD: 3 + 4 ACC = 7 [ HIT ]   /  DMG (Dimension Stampede): 19*15-75 MIT=210


    Shay | HP: 420/420 | EN: 14/42 -(15)+1 | DMG: 9 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | BLD: 12 | REC: 2
    Haine | HP: 1170/1170 | EN: 86/114 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 66 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 4 | BLD:36
    Kiluia | 780/780 HP | EN:64/78 | DMG: 15 | MIT:41 | EVA: 1 | ACC:2 | BLD:24 | REC:1 

    Elvish King | 0/150 | DMG: 25 | MIT: 75 | [BLEEDING: 12] (2/2)

  22. Haine felt a lack of productivity as of late. The guild chat was barren and her quest list was running dry. She was lounging at home, unsure of what to do. Boredom was getting the best of her then. She belly flopped onto the couch, her cub jumping onto her back. "Oof." She felt the wind leave her lungs at the impact of the heavy creature. "Damn Mees. Why do you gotta be so heavy?" She frowned. Maybe the cub was growing after all, slowly yet surely. She idly scrolled through her quests list, an unenthused expression on her face. She heard foot steps across the room and called out to her love.

    "Kiiiiil. What are you up to?"

    She looked  across the room at him.

    "Wanna quest today?" She mused out loud. "I'm tired of grinds, I wanna fight something cool. You down?" She propped her chin on her palms and swiped down her HUD.

    USING: Slime Farm 1/1 (7/31/20)


    Name: Haine
    Level: 59
    HP: 1210/1210
    EN: 118/118

    Damage: 19
    Mitigation: 66
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 4

    Equipped Gear:

    Divine Piercer - Aqua [Weapon]: Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Heart's Container - Aquilia [Light Armor]: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Osiris's Grips [
    Trinket]: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Assault Spear [Rank 5]
    Light Armor [Rank 3]
    Fishing [Obtained]
    Searching [Rank 1]
    First Aid [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:

    Familiar -Fighter

    Finesse Rank 3

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter HP Potions (+50 HP)*3

    Housing Buffs:

    Bedroom ( Rested ) -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat

    Basic Workshop ( Working ) -  +2 EXP per crafting attempt

    Slime farm ( Basic training ) +1 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month. Must be used on a player's first post in a thread. Cooldown begins counting down when used in a post.

    Fishing Pond ( Angler ) +1 material gained when fishing

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Trading hall

    Every member of Firm Anima receives an additional +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's. (10+ for alchemy crystals, 6+ for others). If you are rank 9 you also get +1 crafting attempt/day. If you are rank 10 you get +2 crafting attempts/day.


    +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

    Storage Vault

    Allows a guild to create a Storage Vault in their Guild Page. Members can use this thread to store and withdraw items. Any items that have trading restrictions cannot be moved to a Storage Vault.

    Guild Bank

    Allows the Guild Owner to promote one member (or themselves) to 'Treasurer'. This unlocks access to a Guild Bank spending account.

    Basic Kitchen

    Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30

    Living Room

    Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.

    Scents of the Wild:


    Yamata no Orochi

    Wedding Ring:


  23. "Don't worry! It comes when you least expect it." She clasped her hands together. There was truth behind her words on her end, at least. The quest was grueling and she was glad it was almost over. On the way back, she drifted in tangents of thoughts. What would they eat for dinner? She thought of a grill, but the day had went by longer than they thought and she was too tired to cook. Ramen, cake... Her mouth watered. They had neared the location on the quest marker and it was their cue to prepare to end the quest.

    "Ah, I almost forgot!" She opened her HUD and sent Vie a friend request. "It's been real, Vie! We're glad to have you." She stretched and yawned, fatigue washing over her. She felt a little drowsy standing around all day. She had done little physical exertion save for walking about.

  24. The rest of the trek was grueling as the sandstorm was unforgiving on the group. She could feel the sweat collecting in a thin film, a prickling sensation over her. The sun had set and in place the weather had become more forgiving. Her arms ached from shielding the cub from the debris. The cool temperatures provided only little reprieve when her legs had grown heavy and stiff. She remained silent and hoped someone would mention the break first. Finally, like divine intervention, a cave had surfaced. There was nowhere for them to take shelter for hours till then.

    "YES!" Haine all but threw the cub to the floor and stretched her arms. "God, my arms are killin' me." She followed the others into the cave and cringed at the lack of light. Luckily she'd found a nifty souvenir once, it would buy them a few hours of some mysterious blue light. She settled onto the ground and laid back like a starfish. "Oh, my aching baaack." The sand stirred and irritated her nose. She sneezed and laid there. At the mention of food, she sat right up and scrolled through her inventory. Oh this group was in luck, she toted a whole damn grocery on her at all times, thanks to her gluttonous appetite.

    "Oooh, thanks love." She blew Kiluia an air kiss and accepted the brownie. "Oh no that's fine Hisa! You won't have enough." She declined the offer respectfully, the woman needed her sustenance. She scarfed the brownie while she searched for more goodies. "Ooh, BLT?" She pulled out two and handed one to her love. "Anyone want chips?" She was already munching away at a sandwich.



    ID: #162361

    CD: 12



  25. The bear was a little overwhelmed by the wolf's playful disposition. He was no stranger to rambunctiousness, having put up with Pingu's energy for months now. He was just... a little shy. She hopped off his owner's lap and and mirrored the wolf's butt jiggle. He circled around the tall creature and bopped his head against her chest affectionately. Cue more sniffing and animal interaction that Haine gushed over. "Aww, look at em'! Mees will come around soon, he's just a little shy." She folded her palms in her lap and chuckled. "So you're looking for inspiration? Make it something fierce like..." She brought her hands up and gestured with a squeeze of her fists, mimicking an explosion. "The Flame Goddess!" She brought her hands down and tilted her head as the wolf looked anything but fierce. It was like a puppy inside a lion's body, a living contradiction to the name she'd chosen.

    "Err. Maybe not?"

    She crossed one leg over the other and kicked back on the bench. She nodded along to Eruda's earnest confession. "Don't you fret my friend," Haine chimed in, with a point of her finger. "There's plenty of fun to be had here! The grind gets boring as shit, you gotta take a break sometime." She pushed her bangs back and hummed. "So, y'know, I heard word of a festival soon! It's gonna be huge." She leaned forward and seized Eruda's hands. "Oh my god, you'd look adorable in a yukata! Wanna come with?" A jubilant expression took over the bluenette. She released the blonde's hands and clasped her own hands together as she looked up to the sky. "Oh my god, can I do your hair too? Throw it up in a bun with some gorge blossoms..." She sprung to her feet and outstretched a hand to the other.

    "Nope, you don't have a choice. We're gonna go shoppiiiing!"

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