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Status Updates posted by Shuyin

  1. After looking at some of the vets profiles, thinking about going back and putting some more work in on mine

    1. LemonArsonist


      I'm waiting for my new one to get accepted :P

    2. Finnick


      me too(Shuyin not you Lemon, Sorry I don't have to restart)

  2. Anyone want to RP?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shuyin


      Sounds good, do you want me to create the topic or do you want to do it?

    3. Lily Heartbreaker
    4. Shuyin


      Alright, have to head out for awhile so I will put one up when I get back

  3. Anyone want to start a RP with me

    1. Vaan-The Berserker

      Vaan-The Berserker

      You can start one with me. You have to make it.

  4. anyone want to start up a new RP?

    1. Azrael


      I always want rp's but you'd have to start it for me XD

    2. Dante
  5. Anyone want to start up a new RP?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jomei


      Woo! Haven't even been to floor 2 but I'm gonna skip it! haha

    3. Shuyin


      Little bit busy atm, do one of you guys mind making it?

    4. Skylar


      Sure, I will make it.

  6. Are you aloud to change your profession?

    1. Hyun


      If you've finished the earning a living quest and have a shop running you cant

  7. Crafted my second item and got a good quality, guess I turned out to be quite the chef after all!

  8. Glad to see Mari is back online! Hurray!

  9. Have a lot I want to do today on the site

  10. Haven't Rp'd in awhile so if anyone has any tips or constructive criticism I wouldn't mind hearing them

  11. Heading off for the night, catch you guys tomorrow

  12. Home for the day

    1. Azrael


      welcome home!

  13. How would someone go about rolling a 25 on the loot die?

    1. Calrex


      You would need to roll high on the dice and have enough buffs to get you there. A 20 with a Rank 5 Search and Detect is one way of doing it

    2. Shuyin
    3. Leon010


      At least 18 LD with some kind of item that increases the LD plus search and detect is another way

  14. I normally like to write atleast two paragraphs, but with SP's its hard to find the motivation lol

    1. XWuZHeAR


      I normally don't drink beer but when I do I prefer dos equis

    2. Shuyin


      All about the amber

    3. Hikoru


      Stay Thirsty my Friends

  15. Long day at work, and have to go in early tomorrow, not sure I'll have to much time to post tonight

  16. Made a perfect item on my first role, I think I'm going to like this profession thing!

    1. Kiru
    2. Lowenthal


      -throws Confetti on Shuyin-


  17. Need motivation to finish sp lol

    1. Lowenthal


      think of the SP! The fame! The glory!

    2. Hikoru


      *rubs back* you got this man! one more round and youre the champ!

  18. Not sure what to do next

  19. Quick question, do enchancements stack? Also I'm getting really tired of the dice roller... lol. Can only describe me missing in so many ways

    1. Mari


      what do you mean by enhancements stacking? There are caps on all enhancements, temporary buffs cannot stack the same type.

      For instance you cant use a potion then a meal to increase your attack its one or the other.

    2. Shuyin


      The question I have is with the accuracy enhancement. If I have a trinket that gives +2 accuracy, and my weapon also has + 2 accuracy do they stack to give me +4. I'm pretty much trying to figure out if it is worth while to have the same enhancement on more then one piece of gear.

  20. Quick question, for battle healing in the skill section it says it activates on CD rolls of 10+, but I've seen people referancing the loot die to activate it, which one is it?

    1. Skylar


      It is supposed to be the CD.

    2. Shuyin


      Cool, thanks

  21. Thinking about making an OP, would anyone be interested in joing?

  22. Three rolls and three missed attacks, might have to start building one of these pyres

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