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Status Replies posted by Jomei

  1. This isn't looking too good...

  2. This isn't looking too good...

  3. I need a quest buddy

  4. Hey guys,any ideas on what I could get as a familiar? I cant think of something that would fit Hikoru....

  5. Alrighty time for lunch guys! See you in a half hour!

  6. Goodmorning friends :D

  7. Psh. No i didnt just fall asleep waiting for a reply.. Why would you think that? aheh

  8. Im thinking of changing Hikoru's age.... Hes so young compared to everyone >.<

  9. So forgot how to spell emerged, so I typed 'ermergerd' and google fixed it for me

  10. Oki just made 4 items all 3 threes on the roll. YOU CAN'Y MAKE THIS CRAP UP! LIGHT MORE PYRES!

  11. Im thinking of changing Hikoru's age.... Hes so young compared to everyone >.<

  12. SAO Lost song, the one with Charcter creation and online multiplayer, comfirmed for coming to america in 2015 fall.

  13. My shop is now open :3...even though it's empty

  14. Yoloro- Waiting for my gear to get crafted hurts me inside. -4 Moral

  15. I hate my electronics. Xl

  16. Yoloro- Waiting for my gear to get crafted hurts me inside. -4 Moral

  17. OMG I just realized when X uses the martial arts skill he uses his whole body to fight right? So that means he glows like Johnny cage from mortal kombat.

  18. OMG I just realized when X uses the martial arts skill he uses his whole body to fight right? So that means he glows like Johnny cage from mortal kombat.

  19. OMG I just realized when X uses the martial arts skill he uses his whole body to fight right? So that means he glows like Johnny cage from mortal kombat.

  20. Back from being grounded, YAY!!!

  21. Back from being grounded, YAY!!!

  22. Starting to think that all of the people who I have constant rps with are in different timezones.. because you guys are all up when i should be asleep, or early in the morning haha

  23. Oops. Made Breeze sound bad. Gotta try and fix it.

  24. Goodnight! :D

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