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Status Replies posted by Jomei

  1. Does anyone want to do anything? Had a sucky night at work and could use some friends

  2. Does anyone want to do anything? Had a sucky night at work and could use some friends

  3. Does anyone want to do anything? Had a sucky night at work and could use some friends

  4. Does anyone want to do anything? Had a sucky night at work and could use some friends

  5. Thinking about about the quest Long Live the Queen, any takers?

  6. That last boar almost did me in #Imtonewtodie

  7. Ugh, everyone I know is at Rockfest today and I'm at work. But at least I have SAO

  8. In other News I want to do The field boss quests for The queen Bee and Avalanche; Anybody wana join in the fray?

  9. In other News I want to do The field boss quests for The queen Bee and Avalanche; Anybody wana join in the fray?

  10. Woo! just beat up a big rock :D

  11. Woo! just beat up a big rock :D

  12. Woo! just beat up a big rock :D

  13. When you are stuck betweena rock and a hard place what do you do

  14. So I found the best way to avoid death early on; simply gather mats the safe way until you can trade them in for gear. Not the most honorable way to live at first, but life is life~

  15. Back from an awesome night yesterday :)

  16. Anyone want to start up a new RP?

  17. Back from an awesome night yesterday :)

  18. Alright, let's try this one more time, and see what happens. *builds dice god worship pyres, making sure each one is solid and fused together before lighting them*

  19. Goooooooood Morning all! Hope you slept well, and if you are still asleep and reading this, youre hallucinating and deserve to be in a mental hospital!

  20. Started an OP if any of you would like to join, please do!

  21. Goooooooood Morning all! Hope you slept well, and if you are still asleep and reading this, youre hallucinating and deserve to be in a mental hospital!

  22. Hopefully by midnight today, you will have another cook by way of me and shefu no kami cafe will open its doors!

  23. Started an OP if any of you would like to join, please do!

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