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About Raun

  • Birthday 02/26/1992

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  1. To whomever I owe a reply to, I'm sorry. My computer broke. Also, I come back all excited only to find myself disgusted with the recent events of the site. Frankly, I don't really feel like RPing with anyone but @Shira anymore. But... I will finish whatever thread I started.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Takao


      right. if you say so.

    3. Hunie


      Personally, I don't believe Oikawa or Opal would come after me, I'm scared this has given an opening to all the others on the site to try and PK. Its just something that might make the community more scary to RP in, I think I've raised these concerns with Oikawa and Ariel personally, but I'm just putting it out there one more time. That being said, I suppose the past is in the past... And... That's that. 

    4. Takao


      Before the changes to PK rules, it was required for players to give consent before they could be attacked in threads. Essentially that means that most of the PKers tended to be such because they killed low level players made specifically to be killed; this isn't inherently bad, it spared the site a lot of unnecessary drama(and let it come from other sources). In fact I'd have preferred it remained that way, because it promoted storytelling over mechanical ganking.

      I'll admit that I personally don't abide player killing, either in its past or present forms. I think the only thing its doing currently is breeding a lot of mistrust within the community and producing undesirable results, and a large part of that I imagine is due to the repercussions of losing a character you've invested a lot of time in. I hesitate to speak at length about what we've discussed so far, but we are trying to work out what would be adequate reimbursement for users who have lost their characters, in hopes that it does take some of the edge off of player killing. But if the issue persists, I'll personally work on bringing up some suggested changes to the PK rules.

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