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Posts posted by Hirru

  1. Events unfolded before the hunter.  The moose had smashed Ariel out of existence, or was it more that she was sent away?  He knew much better than some others that she would not run away from a fight like this.  There are some fights.. ..you can't run from.  The chilled air seemed to be getting more apparent, as the burning effect from Freyd's attack and the shattering effect from probably Mornings' attack combined.  The protective hide of the creature seemed to be melting and cracking, but was reforming just as quickly.  One could see the heat rise from it, as if the cold around was making it's body heat fall off.  Was this thing healing from the cold?  Freyd must have seen that, and used fire against it.  Always good thinking, that one.  Though, there was something much worse.  The cold air was getting stronger with each charge.  He could feel it from when it passed over him to this time when it rushed Freyd.

    The issue comes from when it rushes.  As the hunter watched, he could see that both Freyd and Mornin's attacks were doing something else.  It was hard to see, especially with the ever changing properties of damage values between players, and the unknown amount of health that a new boss may have.  They had burned through nearly a fourth of its health.  Sure, it was healing, but something else was going on.  Their attacks were not doing as much as they should.  He remembered how well everyone in the group performed in the floor boss raid, and even with non-max stats, he could work around certain stats parameters that they should have.  So why.. was this thing not past the quarter threshold?  His eyes went back to the visible air around the boss, then back to the wounds that they had given it so far.  Orange streaks fell over several parts of its body, but some were.. changed.  No longer orange and seeping crystalline data, or whatever Shield put it.  No, the data had stood still and seemed cooler in color.  As if it were.. frozen.  Was that how it was healing and protecting itself?  It was only after it smashed into something that the frozen parts seemed to fall off, as if the wound was never there.  The only wounds that seemed to have more effect were Morning's shattered strikes and Freyd's burned areas.  Sadly, Mina's strikes were mostly healed over by now.

    "Freyd, are you seeing this?  The fucked up antelope is pulling the chilled air around it to chill the wounds it gains.  The wounds become icy armor that encase the wound and allow it to heal them!"

    Pointing it out to the group, he would then raise his shield to Mornin'.  His energy reserves would need some help, if he is to keep the fractures up.  A yellow light would befall the shield and the first ring around the hunter's arm would shatter.  Morningstar would then gain a bit of energy back.  Not much, but it is something.

    "Mornin' can you keep up the shattering?  It's doing work on fracturing the ice armor.  Freyd, can you do something about the air?  It seems to be getting colder and colder, and that's making it stronger."

    Looking to Mina, whom didn't have any specialty except for her abundance of AOE potential that was being squandered.  She talked about the old team, possibly from the raid.  He couldn't agree more.

    "Mina!  Hit it hard, just like back then.  We'll have it down in no time."


    EN Regen - 4+3(hyper) = 7 (max)
    Recovery - Null (maxed)
    Post Action - Energize -> Morningstar | +8 EN // -10 EN

    Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 143/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
    Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 91/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 (Charge CD: 0/3)
    Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 1/3 //CD: 1/3

    Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 90/112 (99+4-21+8) | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN 

    (2,1,0,2) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3,109/4000 (3496-386) | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 110  | ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 165 | Shatter: -40 MIT (2/3) | BURN 54 (1/2) | Bloodied but Unbowed (1): +25 MIT

    • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
    • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
    • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
      • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
    • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
    • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
    • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
    • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
    • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
    • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
    • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.


  2. After dealing a major amount of damage to the creature, the demonic snake reared back from the impact.  The hands flailing around as the recoil took them, but it would come back to form soon after.  The cowl of the cobra slithering back into being, but it felt that something was more off.  Was there always eyes there?  Were the arms forming odd patterns to look like eyes?  Hirru didn't want to stare at it, incase it had some weird cursing ability.  He didn't want to be having more arms than he should, or whatever these curses give.  Maybe he would become a undead skeleton?  Would be kinda weird, to be honest.

    "I think we do deserve a little rest and relaxation after all of this."

    He could feel the warm air as he imagined it, for only the briefest moment.  The salty spray from the waves that would splash out from the shoreline.  He could see people either playing in the water, or lounging in the sand.  Most were having fun, though there was one that seemed to be staring out into the waves.  A woman whos hair shone in a violet hue.  Their skin tanned beautifully.  This was someone that he wanted to see.  As they look back to the hunter..


    The sky is dark.  The waves are rougher.  The smell of a storm in the air. 
    I look upon the one before me, she is not whom I once knew.  What was once a friend turns to meet my gaze. 
    Her eyes are glazed over, hair no longer fair.
    I can't help to realize that her face is a haze.
    I can't remember anything but the water that splashes around me.
    A final wave before us, growing larger than none before.
    The water swallows us both, one can no longer be.
    Light only comes a moment more, when washed upon the darkened shore.

    Hirru blinked wildly as he came back to the fight.  The hands seemed to pass around him as Malediction passed over him to attack Freyd.  Was he breathing heavily?  Was that another.. who was that?  That wasn't whom he thought it was, so was it one of.  As he thought on, a snap of movement would point his shield towards Freyd.  A yellow light would flow through the shield before a passing over the shadow.

    "Keep it up!"




    EN: null
    Recov: Null
    Post action: Energize -> Freyd | +8 EN / -10 EN

    Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 132/152 (124+8) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 163 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 3 | BH: 73 | LD: 8 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 2/3 | TRLBLD
    Hirru | HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 98/108  | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 45 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 76

    (2,0) Cursed Serpent, Malediction | HP: 1530/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 (2000-470)

    • Critical (MD 9): Deals (400) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (240) DMG to every other player.
    • Critical (MD 10): Deals (440) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (340) DMG to every other player.


  3. "Yeah, I would rather not.."

    He would reply to the possible hair like creatures that could be lurking around.  The defeat of the creatures entwined also cleared out some of the obstacles around them.  The stalactites and stalagmites seemed shaven away from the blows that Freyd had flared out against the entwined Utterances.  There seemed to be light at the end of the tunnel, quite literally even.

    "I'll be.. better once we're out of here.  Maybe.."

    Hirru responded to his companions inquiry to his health, though he was probably more talking about the hunter's lack of response.  There wasn't much he could say to things that didn't make sense to him, and Freyd was throwing them around one after another.  He had quite a bit of this from Mack and Macradon, but not all too often.  He could handle it back then too, as he wasn't having trouble with his own identity back then.  Now though..

    Stepping through the opening into the blinding light, the hunter's eyes would have to adjust themselves for a moment.  The area around them seemed to resemble the terrain of the 13th floor once more.

    "It seems we're back, but where's the boss?  Shouldn't there be a weird demonic boss at the end of such a weird dungeon?"

    The hunter switched his search back on, and the oddities kept coming.  A large blip would come up from behind them.  That wasn't possible, the hunter thought.  We cleared everything that was behind them, and it was only a nearly straight path.  What could be..


    The familiar voice was followed by a rumbling from behind a the 'cave' entrance that held them shed its disguise and stuck out at them.  The forewarning would have been enough for Hirru to pull his shield around to engage in defense, while the agile Freyd was sure to have flourished his way into a more advantageous situation.  Dust and earth began to be upheaved as a looming shadow would await them.  A giant snake like creature loomed above them with a disgustingly fierce look to it.  It seemed to be of a hooded cobra type, but something odd formed along the frills.  They were arms, the same arms from the stairs.  It opened it's maw and the lower jaw seemed to unhinged both from the skull and from itself; splitting in two to reveal a mass of tendril tongues.  One of those slightly thinner, and cut down to size.

    "Maybe we should have stabbed the walls."

    He called out.

    Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 132/152 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 163 | ACC: 7 (+AA) | EVA: 3 | BH: 73 | LD: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STC: 40 | PVO | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 2/3 | TRLBLD 
    Hirru | HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 108/108  | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 45 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 76


    Cursed Serpent, Malediction | HP: 2000/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3

    • Critical (MD 9): Deals (400) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (240) DMG to every other player.
    • Critical (MD 10): Deals (440) DMG to the target with the highest hate. Also deals (340) DMG to every other player.


  4. The loud thudding was all the hunter could hear, as Mina shouted out to them to move.  He could not move so well in the end so instead of trudging through the pile, the hunter dug deep into the leaves.  He didn't see what happened to Ariel, nor did it matter.  All he knew was there was a giant something that was barreling towards them.  The charge blew through the pile, as if it were nothing.  Thankfully, the hunter was sprawled out on the bottom.  The smaller the target, the better; he thought.  The only thing that was left was a few things of leaves around him, but the fern in leaf pile still shown tall.  Weirdly enough, though.  The wind that fell in behind the charge was seeming a little cooler than normal.  Was it due to the stormy weather from earlier?  Couldn't be.

    Popping his head up a bit to see, there seemed to be someone else here that wasn't before.  In fact, he could have sworn Ariel was with them a second ago.  Wait..

    "How did you get here, Mornin?  Nevermind!"

    The hunter quickly threw out a party invite to the man.  The hunter needed to have all health bars and buffs within his HUD, to accurately see who needed heals and who needed feels.  Though, that wasn't his only action.  While getting up from his natural camouflage, a small buff would ring around his arm three times over.  He would probably need the energy as they continued.

    "Man, this forest is already making me dizzy.  Black bears that are white and a crazy deer with ugly antlers, that sounds a little like those bears."

    He would say as he raised his shield up in a fighting stance, while holding a Mass Crystal like a sword, in the other.

    EN: Null
    Recovery?: Null
    Post Action: Hyperactive -> Hirru | +3 EN Regen / -5 EN

    Freyd | HP: 1311/1311 | EN: 152/152 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 123 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | BH: 72 | LD: 12 | PROSP: 3 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | TXV: 32 | TRLBLD | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | V.D.: 144 | Dote: 3/3 | Prob: 36
    Tricolor_Mina HP: 760/760 | EN: 97/110 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 7 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76
    Hirru HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 103/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPE 0/3 //CD: 0/3

    Morningstar | HP: 851/851 | EN: 99/112 | DMG: 28 | MIT: 60 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 6 | BH: 39 | LD: 5 (6) | REC: 4 | FLN: 16 | AA | PAR VEN

    (0,1,0,1) Owij’be The Indomitable | HP: 3517/4000 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 125 155| ACC: 2 | Battle Healing: 220 | Shatter: -20 MIT (1/3) | [Bloodied But Unbowed Stacks: 2]

    • Bloodied but Unbowed: For each source of damage dealt to Owij’be (Including DoT Effects), its mitigation is increased by 25. This fades at the start of Owij’be’s turn.
    • Unstoppable Force [AoE]: Every 3 turns, Owij’be will begin to rush through the arena. The blistering winds of The Cave will follow in its wake. Owij’be gains +2 accuracy and makes an attack against all targets, Dealing 300 damage on a success and inflicting [Bitter Chill] unless the target has [Antifreeze].
    • Titanic Bulwark [Equip]: Every 5th turn, Owij’be will gather nearby trees into its antlers and brandish them as a weapon. For as long as Owij’be has a branch in its antlers, it gains +50 Base Damage, +1 Accuracy on all of its attacks. This debris can be attacked like a normal creature to end this effect.
      • Titanic Bulwark | HP: 500/500
    • [Bitter Chill]: Target loses -2 evasion until removed, any further refreshes of this effect instead deal 100 unmitigated damage to the target. Purify will remove this debuff.
    • Demolish [AoE]: At any point a Titanic Bulwark loses more than half of its HP and is not destroyed or 4 turns have passed since its creation, Owij’be will use Demolish. This attack is an autohit dealing 300 unmitigated damage on all targets and inflicts [Bitter Chill].
    • Burned Hide | Owij’be loses -55 of its battle healing while burned.
    • Immovable Object | If Owji’be strikes a target who is under the effects of Rampart, it concusses itself and cannot act the following turn.
    • Dizzied | Delay pushes all of its turn based effects back a single turn.
    • Shocking | Stun (Familiar/Player) & Paralyze do not disable the boss, but instead remove/negate a single stack of Bloodied but Unbowed.
    • Frost Resistant | Cold Effects (Freeze & Frostbite) will not disable the boss, but will reduce its damage by 25 until the start of its next turn.
  5. The two players were long from finding anyone particular, as the winding maze of bark and crimson passed on before them.  There were signs of storms in the distance, but nothing had reached them yet.  Could it have been whatever the players call, as sound effect?  The hunter could only ponder as his eyes were aglow a bright green.  Search was constantly on now, as their search for the labyrinth entrance had come to an unexpected halt.  Instead of continuing to find salvation, the two decided that it would be better to find their lost companions.

    Hacking through some rough undergrowth and plowing through piles of dead leaves, the two scouts would trudge ahead.  The foliage would not hinder them in their search, as the green haired warrior kept his eyes on the prize: a set of footprints that would hopefully be one of their friends.  If only there were a better way to do this, as the menu's maps didn't seem to be showing friendly units in the area.  Probably something to do with this forest.  Due to that, he decided to take on some enhancement food.  Mainly just some rations and switched out his luck bracelet for his main armor.  The albino black bears and the mimic already showed that this place was ambush in nature, so it was better to be safe than sorry.

    "We're almost there.  The tracks are getting fresher, I think."

    The hunter spoke up to his current partner, Ariel.  One of the Chaos Sisters that the hunter could not still understand.  There were things that he wanted to speak to her about, but those things could wait.  He was not going to bring that up in the middle of a combat zone.  

    Suddenly, he was starting to get something from his sonar like search pings.  He would get them regularly from creatures around the area, so they could avoid combat as much as possible.  This was not mob sized, though.  humanoid shapes.  He couldn't tell the exact dimensions, since he took off the bracelet, but they could not think this anyone else.  This was definitely Mina.

    "I see something..  a figure at roughly.. mid right.. 2 o clock.. slightly down.  I haven't seen humanoid mobs in the area, so it may be Mina!  Let's go and investigaAAAA!"

    He would call out as he pushed through some brush, finding himself realizing why they were below them a bit.  The brush had hidden a quick drop, to which the heavy armor of the hunter could not but give in to gravities pull.  Rolling along the steep drop, his armor clanging and buffeting him in unholy sounds.  Finally, noise would stop as he fell into something.  The feeling was soft, but crunchy.  A large pile of leaves had stopped his fall, but slapped him out of his Search skill.  To anyone that could see him, it would look like a fern had popped out of the red and brown leaves.

    "Ooh ah.. I should stop using that setting.."

    His vision would come back slowly as his awareness of the situation came back to him.  In front of him, were two figures of very familiar stature.  One was the missing partner for this scouting venture, and the one that he was probably following.  He would have said something to her in protest when he saw another player with her.  It was odd, he couldn't remember not seeing another figure.  This was not Bahr, that he had figured, but someone much more familiar to his eyes.  Someone that he would then understand why he couldn't sense him.

    "Mina!  What the... Freyd?  How the.."

    Hirru Stats


    Hirru | HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | LD: 8~11 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 44 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36

    Hirru Lvl 33 (PL 62)

    1113 HP
    108 Energy
    1 Base Damage
    182 Mitigation
    8~11 Luck Die (8 normal / 11 lab search)
    5% Battle Healing
    4% Holy Blessing
    8 Recovery
    32 Thorns
    20% Life Mend


    Paladin's Oath ..................... // +4% Holy Blessing / +20% Life Mending
    Light's Embrace .................... // +8 Recovery / 32 Thorns
    Bulwark ............................ // +72 Mitigation
    Blades Cloak ....................... // Vanity
    Lun'Rael's Insignia ................ // Unique Vanity |
    Fates Armament (Shield) ............ // Unique Vanity | 
    Dimensional Backpack ............... // +1 B.R.I Slot

    Battle Ready Inventory

    <Teleportation Crystal> x5 ......... // Teleport to a town / out of a dungeon [Uses 2 posts: 1 for use, next to teleport]
    <Favor of the Golden Dragon> ....... // +3 Loot Die
    <Shelob's Fang> .................... // +1 Accuracy / +1 Paralyze / +32 Envenom Off
    <Mass HP Recovery Crystal> x5 ...... // +10% AOE Heal
    <Dear My Friend (Mass)> x5 ......... // +15% AOE Heal
    <Dear My Friend (Instant)> x5 ...... // +15% ST Heal


    Heavy Armor ........................ // Rank 5: +35 MIT
    Battle Healing ..................... // Rank 5: +5% HP each turn
    Search ............................. // Rank 5: +5 Loot Die / +5 Stealth Detection
    Quick Change ....................... // Rank 0: Change items in B.R.I to equipment (Free Act)

    Extra Skills (Max 4)

    First Aid .......................... // Rank 5: +20% ST-H / -15 EN
    Leadership ......................... // Rank 5: Command the Front w/ Buffs

    Skill Mods / Addons (Max 5 Mods)

    Iron Skin (Add on) ................. // +15 Mit / +60 HP
    Field Medic (Add on) ............... // +25% AOE-H / -15 EN / 3 turn Cooldown
    Hyperactive (Add on) ............... // +3 EN Regen for 3 turns / -5 EN / 3 turn Cooldown

    Reveal (Add on)..................... // +2 to Dungeon, Labyrinth searches / Post 10 searches / 2 turn Labyrinth Cooldown

    Barrier ............................ // -15% Dmg shield AOE / -15 EN / 2 turn Cooldown
    Energize ........................... // +8 EN ST / -10 EN
    Rally .............................. // +1 ACC AOE, -1 ACC self / -6 EN / 3 turn Cooldown
    Press The Attack ................... // +(Target Tier) Dmg, -(Cumulative)Dmg / -10 En / 5 turn Cooldown

    Detect ............................. // +1 to Labyrinth searches | +2 Stealth Detect

    Housing / Buffs

    Rested ............................. // -1 EN for 2 uses
    Relaxed ............................ // OOC HP regen 5*tier Rec EN after 2 turns
    Filling ............................ // Increase food by +1 T1 slot
    Multipurpose ....................... // +1 LD, Stealth, Dection, or Prosperity to 1 post
    Ambition Scales .................... // +1 EXP per crafting attempt (Appraiser)
    Practiced Angler ................... // +2 EXP & +1 LD & CD to fishing attempts
    Amphitrite's Net ................... // +1 CD to fishing attempts


  6. They were gaining a foothold into the battle, now that the creature was becoming sluggish and tired.  It probably isn't a sustained fighter, like most other.  Ambush tactics, quick and easy are more along this creatures repertoire.  Even so, it would not take the constant hits against it lightly. 

    Sending out its tendrils towards the object that it thought was the attacking Ariel, the Mimic would instead find itself attacking a bush nearby.  It was getting more and more wild in its attacks, but their trajectories were starting to become predictable.


    He would breath out in relief as an iridescent glow would fall over his shield.  Raising it on high, the hunter would give unto the Chaos Sister a fair damage buff.  The light would fall upon her own blade, blessing it with power.

    "End the thing."


    Mimic takes 24 Toxic Venom DMG
    Mimic Attack -> Ariel [ID: 221253 ][MD: 2+3-3= 2] Miss

    EN Regen: +7
    Recovery: [ID: 221254][CD: 7] +8 EN
    Post Action: Press The Attack -> Party | +4 DMG (1 turn)/ -10 EN 

    [H: 6] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 81/108 | DMG: 29+4 0/1 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | FLN: 16 | RSKY: 8 | BH: 56 | HLY BLS: 45 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 8/11(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3
    [H: 0] Hirru | HP: 960/960 | EN: 79/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | Hype 2/3 CD 1/3 // PTA CD 0/3
    [H: 0] Tricolor_Mina | HP: 631/760 (+155)| EN: 63/110| DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | HYPR: 2/3
    [H: 0] Bahr | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 124/124 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 123 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | LD: 6 | SLTH: 4 | STDT: 2 | FLN: 8 | BLD: 48 | BURN: 56 | BLGT: 32 | BH: 51 | HB: 20

    ≪Mimic≫ | HP: 544/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | TXV 24 (2/3)

  7. Until they could find Mina or Bahr, they were alone out here.  Ariel was right.  They had no choice, but to rely on each other.  Past circumstances be damned.

    The mimic seemed to be stupefied, or more so becoming more sluggish.  Was it the massive attack that Ariel had planted upon the creature?  It did seem that it could still be suffering from the toxic venom from Ariel's weapon.  It was probably all of that, and such that dazed the mimic, just enough, to get it to miss it's tentacle attacks.  They seemed to be flailing about, without much direction anymore.

    Hirru could finally take a moment to take a breather from healing his partner, and look into his own energy reserves.  Drawing in from himself, he swept his hand over his own arm.  A wash of yellow light would fall over it, before starting to encircle it for a bit.  Energy could be felt returning to him, but it would be some time until he was back to full.

    "That should help for now, but you're right.  I'll keep the pressure off you."


    Mimic takes 24 Toxic Venom DMG
    Mimic Attack -> Ariel [ID: 221127 ][MD: 5+3-3= 5] Miss

    EN Regen: +4
    Recovery: [ID: 221128][CD: 12] +8 EN
    Post Action: Hyperactive -> Hirru | +3 EN Regen / -5 EN

    [H: 4] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 94/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | FLN: 16 | RSKY: 8 | BH: 56 | HLY BLS: 45 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 8/11(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3
    [H: 0] Hirru | HP: 960/960 | EN: 74/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | Hype 3/3 CD 0/3
    [H: 0] Tricolor_Mina | HP: 631/760 (+155)| EN: 63/110| DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | HYPR: 2/3
    [H: 0] Bahr | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 124/124 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 123 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | LD: 6 | SLTH: 4 | STDT: 2 | FLN: 8 | BLD: 48 | BURN: 56 | BLGT: 32 | BH: 51 | HB: 20

    ≪Mimic≫ | HP: 1128/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | TXV 24 (2/3)

  8. Hirru couldn't understand if the girl was just not very keen on using her skills, or if they didn't have the stealth skill at all.  He had to rethink that for a second, as he remembered that he had an odd time finding her when they first.. "met".  Could be the terrain, or something else, but there was no way that..

    "Hey you!  Shiny boi!"

    Oh boi, here we go.  Four people seemed to jump out at him with the look of plebeians and outcasts.  Rogues and thieves.  They seemed to be working their way around him, surveying him.

    "What'sa guy like you doing in a place like this?"

    "You don't look like one of the town guard.  Too new and shiny!"

    Hirru raised his shield in response, backing away slowly to keep them from encircling him.  One of them seemed to laugh at this.

    "Spooked ya, didn't we?  That's okay!  We won't hurt ya, if you leave all your stuff right there."

    "Kid doesn't even have a weapon, mate.  We could just beat him for it."

    The hunter piped up.

    "That's what you're gonna have to do.  I'm here for your boss, ruffians!"

    The bandits couldn't help but laugh at the bravado and stupidity.  They readied their weapons.

    "Sucks for you, kid.  You're not going anywhere."

    The first two worked their blades, trying to get through the tough armor and shield.  They hit, but at what cost?  The razor sharp wings of the armor and shield tore into their arms as the passed.  The only ones that didn't were the third bandit, that got a clean hit in from the confusion; and, teh fourth that was too bewildered by the fact that the hunter didn't seem to budge or fight back.

    Bandits Attack:
    [ID:221024][MD:7] 150-182=1 Minimum | Bandit takes 72 Thorns Dmg
    [ID:221025][MD:8] 150-182=1 Minimum | Bandit takes 72 Thorns Dmg
    [ID:221026][MD:10] 151-182=1 Minimum
    [ID:221027][MD:4] Miss

    EN: null
    Recovery: null
    Battle Heal/Holy Blessing: +86 HP
    Action: None

    [0/0/0/0] Hirru | HP: 960/960 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 76
    [0/0/0/0] Dazia | HP: 700/700 | EN: 88/88 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 44 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 4 | FLN: 16 | VAMP-0: 70

    Bandit Uno | HP: 178/250 | DMG: 75/100/125/150
    Bandit Dos | HP: 178/250 | DMG: 75/100/125/150
    Bandit Tres | HP: 250/250 | DMG: 75/100/125/150
    Bandit Cuatro | HP: 250/250 | DMG: 75/100/125/150


  9. Hirru didn't know what any of that meant, and probably for the better.  If it had anything to do with being in a giant mouth, or not, was still not what was on his mind.  The Utterance that was left seemed to be stunned, no.. paralyzed by the excessive power that Freyd could enforce.  It's twin had been removed from their connected self, as if a part of it was no longer there.  It didn't know what to do.  It would be much easier for the hunter to attack it now, if he could.

    He wished he could.

    "Probably wouldn't sound more off putting than anything we've heard before."

    Hirru took the mouth motif and worked with that knowledge.  Anything in the mouth would be really odd.  Even more so when there is some weird music playing around it.  Although, the hunter didn't know what PSA meant either.  Must be more jolly than deep, dark and dank.  He really had to ask Shield what any of that meant.

    EN REgen: +4
    NO actions

    (2,3) Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 143/152 (145+4+8-14) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 163 | ACC: 7 (+AA) | EVA: 3 | BH: 73 | LD: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STC: 40 | PVO | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 2/3 | TRLBLD 
    (0,0) Hirru | HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 108/108  | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 45 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 76

    Malediction's Utterance 1 | HP: 406/700 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Paralyzed (700-270-24)
    Malediction's Utterance 2 | HP: 0/700 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 (700-660-32-40)

  10. "That, or it took my luck when it smashed into me.."

    It seemed that the creature was much more than what they thought.  Being so evasive, that Ariel's best attack couldn't hit it; or, it could very well be luck.  He wouldn't really choose to say either way, as the world around them was a game.  From what he remembered how Shield explained the everything:  the world around them was based around code and numbers.  Most of the information went over Hirru's head, but it pretty much summarized as variables that are characterized by numbers and letters.  Roughly speaking, at least.

    Looking to see that Ariel was doing decently well with health, he was going to start pushing his one energy supply back up.  They really didn't have much time to relax from the bears and the traps they lay.  Little did he know that, he was probably going to be bleed dry.  A sickening screech billowed from the slobbering jaw and metallic lips of this grotesque creature.  Hirru couldn't tell, but it may have been a distraction.  It would be enough to land a fierce strike against Ariel.  Although, it could be worse.

    Instead of taking the time to start recovering energy, the hunter needed to keep being a the healer he was needed for.

    "I hope you can make this quick.  I can't keep healing like this." 

    Mimic takes 24 Toxic Venom DMG
    Mimic Attack -> Ariel [ID: 219563][MD: 10] Crit +2 = 362-20=342 DMG

    EN Regen: +4
    Recovery: [ID: 219564][CD: 2] Nope
    Post Action: 
    First Aid (-15 EN) -> Ariel | 20% HP = 207 * 1.2 Life Mend = 248 * 1.1 Survival = 272 HP.

    [H: 2] Ariel | HP: 965/1035 | EN: 103/108 | DMG: 29(+8) | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | FLN: 16 | RSKY: 8 | BH: 56 | HLY BLS: 45 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 8/11(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3
    [H: 0] Hirru | HP: 960/960 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 |
    [H: 0] Tricolor_Mina | HP: 631/760 (+155)| EN: 63/110| DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | HYPR: 2/3
    [H: 0] Bahr | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 124/124 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 123 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | LD: 6 | SLTH: 4 | STDT: 2 | FLN: 8 | BLD: 48 | BURN: 56 | BLGT: 32 | BH: 51 | HB: 20

    ≪Mimic≫ | HP: 1522/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | TXV 24 (1/3)

  11. "I agree.  We shouldn't be in here any longer than we need to be.  Though, I do hope that you're joking about the teeth part."

    He said while dusting his shoulder from the point that Freyd had used him as a springboard.  The hands were vanquished and the stair well seemed much less.. alive, or should the saying be 'more normal'.  Their ascent would take them a few minutes, before an opening would bring the next obstacle into view.  The open stagnant air that would be attributed to the 13th floor would fill the air, almost tantalizing them as the way out was before them.  The only thing that seemed to be the jagged stalactites and stalagmites that seemed to cover the exit.  They seemed to leak water down, but the formation of them seemed off.  Hirru wouldn't be able to pin point it, but the stalactites were not direction above some of the stalagmites.  In fact, they're formation was even odder, as they seemed to be pointed inward, towards the both of them.  The only two that weren't, were two stalactites that seemed to be curved in an odd manner.

    "This better not be a gaping maw.."

    As he said that, something seemed to slip by.  It was along the periphery of his vision, but it wasn't coming up on his pings.  It was still a mass rippling effect from everything in the room.  Still, they probably wouldn't have to wait long.  The floor seemed to wriggle and writhe a bit before a stalagmite seemed to come alive.  It's body seemed to consist of the same fleshy bits as the hands before.  Mouths slitting thought the entirety of its length, but would seemingly split in two near the base.  It wasn't long to see why.  The being that crawled out of the shadows split down the middle, slick slime coming off from the seams.  Each half would form into a part rock man, part snake hybrid.  They almost seemed like Naga from a certain floor that he didn't want to go back to today.  That is, if the naga were just mouth and teeth all the way down.

    EN: 1
    Recov?: [ID: 218966][CD: 10] +8 EN

    (0,0) Freyd | HP: 1357/1357 | EN: 145/152 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 163 | ACC: 7 (+AA) | EVA: 3 (-1) | BH: 73 | LD: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STC: 40 | PVO | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 2/3 | TRLBLD 

    (0,0) Hirru | HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 107/108  | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 45 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 76

    Malediction's Utterance 1 | HP: 700/700 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1

    Malediction's Utterance 2 | HP: 700/700 | DMG: 280 | MIT: 120 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1

  12. "Huh?  Oh, now we wait.  It takes half a day to summon again, but thanks to that little spyglass I used, it should only take a quarter of the time."

    He said while finding himself a place to sit while they waited.  Taking a few things from his time with Koga, he figured that there would probably be some questions or other things.  Nari was pretty level headed, or so it seemed.  There were plenty of things that he could talk to her about.  How things would be for the front, if she thought to join them.  What it was like on the front?  Were there ever challenges that nearly broke them..

    "I don't intend to do too much before the next field boss.  Rather not strain our resources and bodies unless we need to.  Though, I'm sure a dungeon wouldn't be out of the question later, if you wish."

    It was better to only fight when one knows that they could easily win, or if the variables could easily be swayed into their favor.  These seeds were part of those variables.  A quick shield to boost their survival was a much better choice than constantly draining ones energy reserves to keep the party alive.

    "It's not like this venture isn't rewarding you too.  We both get a seed for each time we kill the boss, so it's good to bring a couple more people.  Hmm..  Maybe, I should've done that..."

    He started to trail on under his breathe for the last bit, but it was still audible.

    3/5 Post until Field Boss

  13. Hirru could only sigh in relief from the amount of health that he could recover for Ariel.  There wasn't much he could take, but that was worrisome.  There was quite a bit of issue with the damage properties of this mob compared to the amount that Ariel could deal out.  The hunter could sense the ringing of a burst art activation, which would probably help a bit, but that still brought a slight reprieve, if she can hit it.  So far, with a low power art, she was able to do nearly a fourth of it's health bar.  Hirru was sure she had power near equivalent to most high DPS in the front, as she normally does.  This meant that the tentacled creature could use those metal bits for more than just camouflage.  It's barbs could do nearly a third of Ariels, but Hirru can abate that by a quarter of her own.  His energy reserves were gonna take a massive hit, it this fight takes too long; but, they could easily beat it.

    The scenario played out the same once more.  The writhing tentacled mass slinging out another barbed mass towards the great warrior.  This may or may not be a problem for now, but the chipping that would be ensuing would only make it worse.

    "Keep the hurt on it!  I'll do what I can to abate any damage that comes your way."

    He called out to her while sending another surge of energy to her.  This was all he could do.


    Mimic takes 24 Toxic Venom DMG
    Mimic Attack -> Ariel [ID: 218958][MD: 8+3-3=8] Hit  360-20=340 Dmg

    EN Recov: +4 EN
    Recovery?: [ID: 218599][CD: 8] +8 EN
    Post Action: First Aid (-15 EN) -> Ariel | 20% HP = 207 * 1.2 Life Mend = 248 * 1.1 Survival = 272 HP.

    [H: 2] Ariel | HP: 899/1035 (-340+272) | EN: 98/108 | DMG: 29 | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | FLN: 16 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 11/14(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3
    [H: 0] Hirru | HP: 960/960 | EN: 78/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 |
    [H: 0] Tricolor_Mina | HP: 631/760 (+155)| EN: 63/110| DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | HYPR: 2/3
    [H: 0] Bahr | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 124/124 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 123 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | LD: 6 | SLTH: 4 | STDT: 2 | FLN: 8 | BLD: 48 | BURN: 56 | BLGT: 32 | BH: 51 | HB: 20

    ≪Mimic≫ | HP: 1546/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | TXV 24 (2/3)

  14. [[Note: Due to the post action required to reveal the Mimic.  Ariel's attack has been nulled]]


    The hunter had figured that something had come crashing down upon him.  He wasn't expecting a chest.  He definitely wasn't expecting a mimic chest.  Before he could do anything, Ariel was quick to warm him to stay down.  There wasn't much else he could do, except flatten himself out more than he already was.  Not long after did he feel the weight lift from him, before the slight force of wind that would come from the force of their blade, would blow past him.  Did Ariel unsheathe their sword to do that attack?

    Giving a moment to take in that he wasn't going to get hurt by a passing slash, the hunter rolled to the side.  Quickly getting up from there, he looked around to find the threat again.  The chest was warping itself from a wooden chest into a tentacled mess.  The wooden patterns and metal bits seemed to be camouflage that it created itself.  An almost chameleon like creature, though not like Elizabeth.

    The creature would let out a tentacled attack out to somewhere, but the hunter couldn't see where.  Was it towards Ariel?  Mina?  Himself?

    "Mina!  Ariel!  Quickly, get this..."

    Looking back, there was a problem.

    "Where's Mina?!"

    Before the he could get an answer, the attack flew out to strike out at Ariel.  A barbed tentacle flew out to meet her, and all Hirru could see was the massive amount of health that was lost.  Almost instinctively, the hunter stepped forward in a run to get close enough for his outreached hand to reach them.  A burst of green energy would flash out from him to her, relieving most of the damage that would accumulate.

    Mimic Attack -> [ID: 218874] [CD: 10 -> Target: Ariel] [MD: 8+3-3=8] Hit  360-20=340 Dmg

    Recovery?: [ID: 218873] [CD: 10] Yes +8 EN
    Post Action: First Aid (-15 EN) -> Ariel | 20% HP = 207 * 1.2 Life Mend = 248 * 1.1 Survival = 272 HP.

    [H: 0] Ariel | HP: 967/1035 (-340+272) | EN: 97/108 | DMG: 29  | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | FLN: 16 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 11/14(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3
    [H: 0] Hirru | HP: 960/960 | EN: 81/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 |
    [H: 0] Tricolor_Mina | HP: 631/760 (+155)| EN: 63/110| DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | HYPR: 2/3
    [H: 0] Bahr | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 124/124 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 123 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | LD: 6 | SLTH: 4 | STDT: 2 | FLN: 8 | BLD: 48 | BURN: 56 | BLGT: 32 | BH: 51 | HB: 20

    ≪Mimic≫ | HP: 2000/2000 | DMG: 360 | MIT: 160 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | 

  15. There was nothing that the hunter could do in this situation.  All he could do was raise his shield while lowing himself, so that Freyd could easily attack around him.  It was an awkward position, but it was the only way.  Though, as the shadowed wanderer seemed to split the hands down through their health bars.  There was the sound of crystalline shattering, but by the looks of it, they were still in the fight.  Hirru could only look on at the health bars that seemed to be empty.  How were they still alive?, he would think.  Though at closer observation, they were only a slight blip of health remaining.  Did these things actually live with only a singular point of health remaining?

    "Don't seem to like the notion of death, or we're just that unlucky today?  Either or.."

    There was no need to do anything here, but the hunter truly wished he could finish off the enemy here.  There was no way to easily do so, though.  The hunter could only use his weapons without the usage of his former build.  That meant that his accuracy was long gone, and his damage was gone too.


    He grumbled under his breath.  There was only so much he could do, and this was one of them.  His hand fell close to Freyd, and gave a bit of his energy to the daring young man.

    Action - Energize: +8 EN to Freyd | -10 EN from Hirru

    (2,2,2) Freyd | HP: 1340/1357 (1357-17) | EN: 142/152 (152-18+8) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 163 | ACC: 7 (+AA) | EVA: 3 (-1) | BH: 73 | LD: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STC: 40 | PVO | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 2/3 | TRLBLD 
    (0,0,0) Hirru | HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 98/108 (-10) | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 45 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 76

    Malediction's Grasp 1 | HP: 1/400 | DMG: 180 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 (400-375-24)
    Malediction's Grasp 2 | HP: 1/400 | DMG: 180 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 (400-375-24)
    Malediction's Grasp 3 | HP: 1/400 | DMG: 180 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 (400-375-24)

  16. "I'm sure they'll do more than just see me."

    For the hunter however, his survival skill was still locked away from use for the foreseeable future.  He was sweating up a storm under all that heavy armor, it would probably be the end of him if he wasn't a merchant.  The many water bottles he had to buy through merchants and swindlers were cluttering his inventory, anyway.  Tossing back several bottles every few hours, the man would be drenched, if not for the hellish heat of the ninth floor.  Even if the floor bosses volcano was no longer active, it didn't change a god damn thing.  The hunter was a billowing cloud of water vapor as they ventured towards the waypoint that the quest gave.  He was sure that when they got there that the bandits would see him from a mile away.

    "Should probably eat.."

    He would say as he pulled out a little odd shard.  The shard would then flower out at the tip, showing an odd sight of a platter of overly salted fish.  The hunter would take one while washing the horrid salty taste down with a bittersweet Immolation potion.

    The feeling of the salty oil seemed to coat over his skin, as the potion seemed to sharpen the wings and motif on his armor and shield.  How this happened?  The hunter could never understand, as the game had it's ways to making the buffs still feel like they were apart of you.  That being said, they were slowly coming up a dark, soot-pocked, dirt trail.  It looked well worn, as if people would come and go from it regularly.  Some bandit camp, if you're settling on a single path to get to your hidden encampment.

    "You should hide now before the first group comes down."

    Hirru | HP: 960/960 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 182 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 76

  17. They were snared in the NPC's trap.  Always coming up at the wrong time, but right when they were needed.  Odd, to be sure.  The girl had accepted the quest givers request, and she would have her reasons to leave the hunter behind.  He was only there to figure out what was going on, and that's essentially what they did.  At least, that's what he thought.  She didn't seem to agree with what he thought, but that doesn't mean that the hunter couldn't be anything else but himself.  He could only sigh and give an affirmative nod.

    "I guess if you're accommodating me with the talk, the least I could do is help."

    With a quick flip, the hunter would flip through his inventory to make sure everything was okay.  After affirming that everything was alright, he would send a quick party invite.

    "I'm not much in the line of combat, though.  So that's on you.  I can buff and heal you far past what you need, though.  Also, if need be, I'm prepared to teleport us out."

    He was interested in the changes to this quest though.  There were many quests that changed with the disturbances of the 25th floor's disaster event.  Many more changed with the environment.  This one was probably no different than the others.  Probably, this one would have a hidden skill or something too.  This was a great opportunity to gain it, even if he wouldn't be able to uses them.


  18. They were all able to pass through safely, and that made the hunter's job that much better.  He didn't want to have to deal with healing over health that they didn't really need to.  Especially with the mobs that they may experience here.  There was just so much that could be done and all they had to do, was to find the entrance to the labyrinth.  Though, as they flew through the trapped zone, they had found themselves in a dark part of the forest.  There didn't seem to be as much light coming the canopy of trees.  The leaves.. they were a sickening dull red, or could they be slowly turning brown.  He could feel the droplets of water above them, and the sound and smell of rain.  There wasn't any sign of such before.

    "That's.. ominous.."

    His search would resonate outwards towards the surroundings to yet again find their way.  Their path had deviated, but that wasn't going to keep them from finding what needed to be found.  Even if one of their party was missing, they needed to continue on.

    "It's too late to go back without finding a work around..  We should continue on, or crystal back.  I'm sure this Bahr wasn't coming with us for nothing.  He's probably scouting out the area before us.  At least, I hope so.."

    Hirru continues the search
    [ID: 218836][LD: 14+14= 28] Treasure Chest???

    The party finds a treasure chest that has to be opened. A separate post action is required to open it.
    On a CD6+, roll for its result as per standard Treasure Chest proceedures. Otherwise, the chest is actually a mimic with the following stats:
    HP: (Tier * 500) | DMG: (Tier * 90) | MIT: (Tier * 40) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3
    It immediately attacks the player who attempted to open it before the party can react.
    If a mimic is spawned, searching cannot resume until it has been defeated.

    As he was about to walk forward, something came falling from the sky.  He felt that he had seen something like that before, but not from the sky.  Was it really falling from the sky, or the tree's canopy?  Either way, there was a treasure chest falling on top of him.

    "Uh..AAAH!! *oof*"

    Dust and leaves would billow out from the crash, as the hunter could be seen on the ground.  On his armored chest, was a treasure chest.

    Party LD : 65 | Hirru: 44 | Ariel: 21 | Mina: 0

  19. Listening intently on the words, the hunter would smile under the helm.  Freyd was finding his own in this world, and that gave Hirru a bit of reprieve.  There wasn't much the hunter really knew about the man, but he was happy to know that there was someone there for him.  He nodded, seeing that the man was settling that talk for now.

    "Thought you were just as much a free spirit.  Though, I guess I don't know any better.  It may be more than I thought."

    Not to say that the hunter was probably the most grounded in his ways than anyone else.  So far out of his way to work through the world, that he has found his own way to deal with it.  Consistently trying to find the right option to combat an obstacle, but finding the oddest one out of them all.  Not out of necessity, but just because it is what should be.

    Stepping up towards the staircase leading upwards, the healer would shrug.

    "It's the only way to go, unless you think we can blow a hole through the walls.  They seemed to react a bit."

    He would say as he placed his hand upon the archway.  Faux-gothic?  There was another word for the memory banks.  Was it how this place looked?  There were quite a few around on different floors, but mostly in certain areas.  This floor seemed to have it more as a part of the basic infrastructure, that wasn't already ruined.  His touch would make the stairs slightly react, it would be difficult to see with the dim lighting, but they were both no strangers to such formalities.  The stairs seemed to undulate slightly on the edge of the dark.  Hirru would not let that scare him from continuing on.  Taking a step forward onto the first step would set flames erupting in odd sconces along the stairwell.

    "I guess they want us to continue."

    As they did, the stairs would continue to up and up.  Up and up.  Up and up.  Step by step, the slog of physically scaling the vertical space in a specified degree of diagonal position tracking.  Most of those words that came out of his thoughts would make him feel stupid at times, but maybe it was something else.  Maybe he just was.  Maybe.. the stairs were longer than they thought.  As the thought crossed his head, the ping of several mob markers would ring out all around them.  Where were they hiding?  The walls were the answer, as the walls began to morph into long fingers, then hands, then arms.  Four demonic arms sprouting out of the walls all around them.  This was bad.  They were in a narrow corridor surrounded by these things.

    "Well, I should have seen this coming.."



    (0,0,0,0) Freyd | HP: 1357/1357  | EN: 152/152 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 163 | ACC: 7 (+AA) | EVA: 3 (-1) | BH: 73 | LD: 8 | BLGT: 32 | STC: 40 | PVO | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8 | DOTE: 2/3 | TRLBLD 
    (0,0,0,0) Hirru | HP: 1113/1113 | EN: 108/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 55 | HLY BLS: 45 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 76

    Malediction's Grasp 1 | HP: 400/400 | DMG: 180 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1
    Malediction's Grasp 2 | HP: 400/400 | DMG: 180 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1
    Malediction's Grasp 3 | HP: 400/400 | DMG: 180 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1
    Malediction's Grasp 4 | HP: 400/400 | DMG: 180 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1


  20. "Excellent!  We're out of that threat.."

    He would say while the two women would talk about their sneaky party member.  It was odd that the guy was with them, but not during the combat.  Even more so, he had not yet revealed himself.  Did something happen to Bahr?  He didn't know, but a quick search ping would definitely help him in that regard.  Though, it seemed that Ariel was much faster on that part, as her tracking skill would point out that he had ventured out before them.

    "Tracking really does seem to help out more often than not."

    He would say before Ariel quickly stopped them from moving too much.  There were traps all over.

    "What do you mean there are bear traps in bear territory?  Bears set traps?"

    He would joke, but not really.  He knew better that bears couldn't set traps.  Rakkuns set traps, not bears.  Setting search to maximum, he could see each and every one that was there.  Stepping well out of the way of them all, he could easily carve a path through without setting a single one off.

    "Mina!  Ariel!  Follow my path!"

    Sneak? = [ID: 218728][LD: 19] Success

    Party LD : 37 | Hirru: 16 | Ariel: 21 | Mina: 0

  21. "With how our progression is going, maybe we'll see another quest in their line.  Maybe then, we can see what she thinks then.  Maybe, Ali would willingly meet with us himself."

    He would play upon the thoughts that the npcs were really getting their own thoughts, which the hunter was not seeing.  He was goading those answers out of the thing controlling her actions.  Hirru was learning more and more about the ways the world was built and how the artificial intelligences seemed to work.  At least, he thought he was.  Things were becoming slightly different with each passing month.  Was something going on outside of their own domain?

    Speaking of things outside of his domain, the question that just got brought up seemed to be odd.  Doctor who?  What in the world was Freyd thinking about now?

    "I don't think I have.  Though, I could say I haven't been much into it."

    Hirru passed it off, in an inquisitive manner.  Though, it is true that he wanted to know more about the outside world.  There were some things that didn't need to be revealed that easily.  He chewed on it for a bit, as he thought that Freyd should know just as much as everyone else.

    ..so why did that question make him wonder different?

    "Not much to say about the past, either.  Seem to forget things more than not, lately."

    That would suffice for now.  If he wanted to inquire more, they would.  Instead, the hunter would redirect things a bit.

    "So, the green haired gal, Elora?  How did that come around?"

    EN recov 3/3

  22. Through the shouts and clashes, there seemed to be a bit of understanding between everyone, at this point.  Through some fancy foot work and even fancier spear arts, Ariel would seem to be coming out of her accuracy issues.  Though, it did seem like something was switched out for it.  Hirru was pretty sure it was something that she could only control, so he couldn't say anything on it.  There was the issue of Mina's constantly being hit though.

    "Mina, hold still for a sec!"

    The hunter would call out as he still had to be within short to touching distance to his healing target.  He really wished that the system would help him out in this endeavor, but this was something he had to move around and physically do.  He would sigh as he pulled a green light that would cover his right hand as he would use his left to raise the shield up high to catch any attack that was coming their direction.  The light would flow from out from him and coil around the body of Mina before fading, and recovering her health points.

    "Now hard strike 'em both!"

    Regen: +4 EN | +48 HP
    Recovery?: [ID: 218654][CD: 6] Nope
    Cooldown: Hyperactive [2/3]
    Post Action: First Aid -> Mina +152*1.02= 155 HP | -15 en

    [H: 0/1] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 95/108 | DMG: 29  | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 5 | FLN: 16 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 11/14(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3
    [H: 0/0] Bahr | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 124/124 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 123 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | LD: 6 | SLTH: 4 | STDT: 2 | FLN: 8 | BLD: 48 | BURN: 56 | BLGT: 32 | BH: 51 | HB: 20
    [H: 0/0] Hirru | HP: 960/960 | EN: 86/108 (-15) | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPR CD: 0/3
    [H: 4/2] Tricolor_Mina | HP: 631/760 (+155)| EN: 78/110| DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | HYPR: 2/3

    Albino Black Bear 1 | 336/1200 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | LD 15+ Ignore Hate
    Albino Black Bear 2 | 210/1200 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | LD 15+ Ignore Hate

  23. "I can sort of see where she's coming from.  The monument does tell one who died, how, and by whom.  By your explanation, it would probably read 'Wardege'  Full Health Duel loss to Dazia', or something along those lines.  Was that his name?  Anyway, with that information alone, someone can easily assume the worst."

    Hirru had the same issue with another person that died by the exact same duel set, but the context of that was still unknown to him.  Could it be just the same as Dazia's situation?  Was this something like all the other player killers that he had met in the past?  Was he hunting for truths that did not seem to be real?  He would sigh before continuing on.

    "That info does mean one thing.  Someone started the duel to the death, but it does not say whom.  Only who won and who lost.  Quite a bit of information is lost.  Why was it started?  Who initiated it?  Why would they do it?  Why would their opponent accept?"

    He would seem a bit stern with that last part, but it was the truth in that regard.

    "She probably thinks that you're the one that initiated the duel, to kill him in the same way he was going to do to you.  The only one that knows the truth is you, and she is not going to believe you easily."

    "As for your tangent from earlier.  It is dependent on the situation.  Your own survival is paramount, and any and all chances to live should be taken.  That does not mean that others will see the loss of life as a necessity.  If available, the option should be to run and get away from the situation.  Now, to know if a life is one that is or will be one that continues suffering and agony to others, that is unknowable.  The issue may be small, and the death meaningless.  The issue may be big, and leave ripples throughout the future."

    Hirru could only think about what he has not been able to say to Ariel the multiple times they've seen each other.  He needed to ask her about it.

    "That, though, is not for us to decide.  We can not say if someone is a danger to others, not on our own.  The ideals of one does not equal the ideals of another."

  24. Dungeon Map used ( https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21019-pp-pt-f7-never-had-a-friend-like-me/?do=findComment&comment=642959)

    The air around them seemed to ripple and change before them before the ground fell from beneath the hunter's feet.  The grey and near lifeless visage of setting would change to something a bit more tinged in a sickly pale green.  The room they fell into seemed to undulate and rumble before finally coming to a stand still when their feet touched the ground.  The stones flooring still seemed to slightly give to their touch, but would come back to a solid feel of stone.  The room flared up in light from a couple sconces near the only exit out of this room.  Other than that, the feel of the room seemed like a normal ruin to him now. 

    "Hmm.. That's a first.  Demons be planning something?"

    Going with what the demon's shard did with the scroll, it would probably be certain that they were going to deal with what Freyd was thinking:  more demons.  A swap of his gear back to the limitations of having two heavy armors retrofitted around each other would be his next order of business.  This was also to lessen the oncoming issues that heightened search would bring.  He didn't want to be bombarded by the pings on every little thing in this room.  He didn't need it to know that the place was probably their biggest issue.  Hirru sighed before checking in with Freyd.  His inquiry before the dropping into their current environment was still roughly fresh in the air.

    "If what we did was to make things worse, then I'm sure making things better will only be a neutral result.  We're still burning through our energy from our last raid, and I'm still riding those vibes, if that right.  Gotta keep prepping and planning."

    He would say while looking back to Freyd.  He appreciated the notions, but there were many issues that they found themselves working through.

    "Healing or not, anything that we have needs to be refined.   We have to work towards our futures.."

    He was reminded of the kiss between Elora and Freyd.  He was glad that the wandering shadow had finally found someone to stand beside.  Hirru would look forward, as he always did.  There was now another soul on his shoulders to take care of.  The weight was light, compared to the rest.

    "..in the only way we know how."

    EN recovery 2/3

  25. "What the.."

    Hirru had to use his shield as an actual shield for a second for a second.  Not to block any damage, but to use it to keep the body of the bear from crashing into him.  Using the momentum to redirect it to another direction, hopefully more towards Bahr.  Though, as the hunter looked towards that direction, there was no one there.

    "Where is.."

    He would start to shout out, but spin around from the momentum and find himself nearer to Mina than the other bear.  Seeing that Ariel was having problems, she would probably need a Rally soon.  Though, it would probably be better to end this battle sooner by letting Mina burn through the mobs.  They needed to buff up after this, as there was no way they could easily continue in this regard.

    "Mina, Keep it up!  Ariel!  Do you have ACC food?  We may need to buff up in a bit."

    Regen: EN? Yes +4 | HP? Yes +48 hp
    Recovery?: [ID: 218639][CD: 2] No
    Cooldown: Hyper (1/3)
    Post Action: Energize -> Mina +8 | -10 EN

    [H: 0/0] Ariel | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 107/108 | DMG: 29 | [ - - - ] | MIT: 20 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 2 | FLN: 16 | PHASE | TXV [24/3] | AA | REC: 3 | LD: 11/14(+1 loot) | PROSP. 3
    [H: 0/0] Bahr | HP: 1035/1035 | EN: 124/124 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 123 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | LD: 6 | SLTH: 4 | STDT: 2 | FLN: 8 | BLD: 48 | BURN: 56 | BLGT: 32 | BH: 51 | HB: 20
    [H: 0/0] Hirru | HP: 922/960 | EN: 97/108 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 110 | LD: 11~14 | BH: 48 | HLY BLS: 38 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36 | HYPR CD: 0/3
    [H/3/1] Tricolor_Mina | HP: 618/760 (-142) | EN: 96/110| DMG: 21 | MIT: 138 | ACC: 5 | LD: 4 | BLGT: 32 | BRN: 56 | FRSTB: 40 | V.D.: 76 | HYPR: 1/3

    Albino Black Bear 1 | 576/1200 HP | 280 DMG | 120 100 MIT | 2 1 ACC (FRSTB) | 1 EVA | LD 15+ Ignore Hate, Stun Cooldown 2/3
    Albino Black Bear 2 | 1005/1200 HP | 280 DMG | 120 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | LD 15+ Ignore Hate

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