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Posts posted by Hirru

  1. ((I'll just do the summary.  Just change the topic with a [COMPLETE]))

    Hirru groaned every second that they were in the desert before the end finally came.  The city came into view and the building that they needed to bring it to.  They went over to deliver the cargo to the NPC which she took in kind, to only have it disappear once it was all said and done.  Thinking about it, they probably could have opened the chest and put everything in their inventory, but he didn't know if the quest would allow that.  Shrugging, as the new skill came to life in him.  He was now noticeably cooler than before, which must be a bonus effect of the skill.  

    He sighed as Kalesh shook his hand.

    "Keep the Col, and lets just use that for a good meal and stay at the inn."

    He said as he led the way to what he would assume to be the inn in this city.  They both ate, and slept the day away.  Waking in the morning, the two would go their own way as the party was dissolved, but not before they got their contact info.



    Kalesh - 200 Col + 2 SP + Extra Skill <<Survival>>

    Hirru - 200 Col + 2 SP + 3 Mats + Extra Skill <<Survival>>

  2. [ID: 28352][CD = 3][LD = 1]

    Morning of the 2nd Day (~24 hours remain)

    *Sounds of a cuckoo*

    Hirru groaned as he could feel the heat from the sun as it came up from the horizon.  He didn't have any dreams tonight, which was odd.  Though, lately those have been of the painful nightmare variety, which were not pleasant at all.  Maybe he should lay off the drink for a while, and the paralysis.  Heck, get away from adventuring for a while.  That would probably help him more than anything.

    His thoughts were clouded by the cries of the cuckoo which was his current alarm.  He quickly swiped the alarm away before going over to see what Kalesh was doing.  He saw the little pattern that the broadsword wielder had drawn in his boredom.


    "Nice!  Now let's get this cargo home before I have get a scorpion to do it."  

    Hirru said as he took the chest hands and hoisted it up to be carried.




    "Are we there yet!"

    ((No more monsters... just complete it)

  3. [ID: 28343][CD = 10][LD = 20] + 1 HP and + 1 Mat

    Hirru would be getting tired at this point and time.  The day was long, and he was exhausted for some reason, as though his entire being was yearning for the sweet release of sleep.  He figured that it was about time for them to switch places and walked over to his sleeping companion.  Hirru reached out to him to jostle him awake.

    "Hey, wake up!  It's your turn to take shift."

    He said as the broadsword user would wake up, and hopefully take his place.  Hirru took one last look around the area, just in case something was creeping while he was waking Kalesh up...

    Sure enough, a little scorpion came crawling out of the sand, but Hirru was having none of its nonsense.  His sword stabbed straight into the insect which shattered instantly giving him some unrefined venom.  He would then go to sleep next to the chest, when Kalesh was ready, curling up in his vest to keep him warm, which would heal him a bit.

    [Mats 3]

  4. ((I'll end it))

    Hirru could not believe what he just saw.  The bear cub, that Grave found, cleaved through the rock faster than they could.  He was even more surprised that Grave got the skill anyway.  Shrugging, cause he was here for the dungeon anyway.  As Grave came over to him, and they both shook hands.  Hirru turned to the other one, but he would have disappeared into the dungeon.

    "You know... I never got his name.  Oh well."

    Hirru opened his menu to give Grave his contact info.

    "Keep in touch, okay?  Or else, I'll have to save you from a real stoning."

    Hirru went into the dungeon to get this over with.



    Grave: 133 Col + 2 Sp + 3 Mats collected + Extra Skill <<Martial Arts>> Rank 0

    Hirru: 133 Col + 2 Sp + 1 Mat collected

    Golden: 133 Col + 2 Sp + 2 Mats collected

    The Bear Cub (Nickname- Nigel): 1 Col + 1 Smashing!

  5. My sword swung true as I hit the wasp for the final time.  It fell to the ground before shattering into many different pieces.  I sighed deeply as a notification of the exp and items gained from that fight.  If this was the only thing that I was going to get from these things, I would have to go back for some potions, if I want to take out this queen.

    "Oy.. I'm just going to wait here for a few while I let my battle healing do its job."

    I found a comfortable spot, and sat down to watch the wasps buzz around.

    [ID: 28342]
    [BD = 7] Hit
    [CD: 6] Nope
    [LD: 7] Nothing 

    [Hirru: 25/31]

    [Wind Wasp: 0/16] +1 Mat

  6. I really hated bugs at this point in time.  Not only did they buzz around and bypass all of my attacks, they were ultra-accurate.  Seemingly as such, I didn't noticed the wasp hand swung around me, and stabbed me in the bloody back.  I don't know what to do with myself, as I feel myself being pushed away.  I fell to the ground and watched as the wasp kept its usual random bee dances.

    "Come down here, and fight like a humanoid!"

    [ID: 28279]
    [BD = 2] 
    [MD = 9-2=9]
    [CD: 5] 

    [Hirru: 25/31]

    [Wind Wasp: 1/16]

  7. [ID: 28268][CD = 6][LD = 17] + 1 Mat

    Having found a good place next to the oasis as he scanned the night for anything that would harm them, especially anything with a stinger, or carapace.  He would deal with them post-haste, but that was if he could find them.  The night sky loomed on as he couldn't find anything in the dark, in fact, he didn't even have the search skill.  Makes doing this that much harder.

    As the night went on, Hirru's mind would wonder more into the events of the past few days.  It seemed that paralysis was a huge factor in his memories, or it was causing a large spike of unknown factors to come.  Hopefully, he didn't have to deal with that for a while.

    In the mean time, before he would go and wake Kalesh for his shift, Hirru decided to cut down the cactus, and got a cactus flower from it.


  8. If it was one thing that Hirru hoped for in this battle, it was a swift end.  That wasn't going to happen easily now, as both Xion and Beoreson missed their mark.  Good thing, Mack, was a lumberjack with that axe.  Hirru shook that thought from his head, wondering where that came from.

    [ID: 28263][BD: 1][MD: 6] 

    Hirru prepared to attack the Kobold, but it had other plans.  This one decided to dance around Hirru as he tried to get a slash out at it, but it wouldn't give him a chance.  After tiring the hunter out, the kobold went over to Xion and booted his armor before shiving him with the rusty end.

    "Will someone kill this thing already?!"

    Hirru = 27/27 [Hate - 3]
    Xion = 39/40 [Hate - 4] 
    Mack = 31/31 [Hate - 2]
    Beore = 27/27 [Hate - 3]

    Kobold = 9/20 [Target - Xion]

  9. ((Don't mind the bolding.. errors))

    [ID: 28257][CD = 5] 

    Hirru looked on at the chest and realized the journey ahead.  This wasn't something that could be just carried in their inventory.  Groaning as he fell to the sands below, his impact making a few grains fly up.  The sun was already past the 5th floors horizon, and the clock in the upper right corner said that it was well into the evening.  If they pulled it now, they would be up all night and the rest of the day.  That would not be fun for anyone, and was pretty sure that health would drop when hungry and tired.

    Speaking of hungry, he was slightly so.  Unfortunately, all that he had was the stale bread and some water.  Though he didn't like it, it was all they had.  Getting up onto his knees, he opened his inventory to pull out two breads and two waters.

    "Looks like we'll have to stay here for a bit.  This place seems like a safe zone, but you never know when 'they' will be around."

    He threw over a bread and water.

    "Sorry, I don't have anything else, but it will quiet your stomach for a bit.  Meanwhile, I'll take first watch."

  10. ((I would say drag that out in the next few posts..))

    [ID: 28240][CD = 11] +1 HP

    Hirru listened to what Kalesh was talking about.  It sounded like another episode, but this time, there was no memory surge.  He couldn't even remember what happened during that fight, except that he got a heavy dose of that toxin.  Paralysis was going to be another thing that he would put on the, 'Hirru hates the most' list.  Right next to bugs.  Hate those things now, for some reason.  To the broadswordsman's request, Hirru declined the offer.

    "My battle healing will take some time, but it will take me back to full by the end of the day."

    Scratching his head, Hirru looked onward where Kalesh was pointing towards.  Finally, finding the oasis where the cargo was supposed to be, Hirru ran towards the oasis.

    "Hurry up!  We don't have much day light left!"

  11. ((Alright, let's end this and get our skill.))

    [ID: 28208][CD = 6]

    The warrior looked around when the man before him mentioned a lost cargo.  He couldn't see anything for miles except for the desert, some mountain ranges, and a gigantic tower in the background.  Heck, even the sky looked weird.  As if it were a ceiling that stretched out for eternity.  This was an over load to his system.  How did he get here?  Where was his fireteam?  Who....

    He clutched his head and fell to his knees.  The pain was sharp and fierce as he strained to keep himself from falling for it.  All too soon, he fell quiet.

    Hirru began to stir as he opened his eyes.  He yawned before realizing that he was still in the desert while Kalesh was in front of him with a look of curiosity on it.

    "What happened?  Did we kill it..?"

  12. ((And here it goes...))

    [ID: 28187][BD = 6][CD = 7][LD = 4][MD = 6]

    Hearing Mr. Penguin calling for him to hurry and finish the last cookie, Hirru turned back to the snow creature with a mit with a happy smile.

    "Alright!  Let's play!"  

    Hirru looked at the candy cane in his hand before planting it in the ground, a small flag sprung up calling it the south pole.  He ran at the abomination as it did the same.  Hirru displayed his hands in a playful manner when the beast showed his mitten.  His palm pat the mitt as it went on the creatures back to reach out to its candy cane.  He took the cane in hand, and planted it into the creature, causing it to be encased in ice before bursting into many beautiful crystal shards.  Another flag flown from there shown the north pole.

    His task complete, he walked over to grab his candy cane, before going to Mr. Penguin, but his features were different than before.  They were of a man in a brown cloak.

    "Wait.. who are you, and where is Mr. Penguin?"



    Hearing the other guy mention that it was almost dead, the warrior turned back towards the scorpion with a grim smile.

    "Alright!  Let's play!"

    The warrior looked at the sword in his hand before planting it in the ground, a small window sprung up saying something about disarming.  He ran at the abomination at full charge as it did the same.  The warrior displayed his hands in a fiercesome manner when the beast showed its claw.   He drove the claw away as the warrior went on the creatures back to reach out to its tail.  He took the stinger in hand, and planted it into the scorpion, causing it to freeze in place before bursting into many strange crystal shards.  Another window flashed in front of his, but he flapped it away.

    His task complete, the warrior walked over to grab his sword, before going to the man in the brown cloak, but the warriors features were different than before.  They were cold and dead inside.

    "Who are you, and where the f**k am I?"

    [Hirru - 12/31][Hate - 3]
    [Kalesh - 13/13]
    [Hate - 3]

    [Scorpion - 0/16][Target - Hirru] +1 Mat

  13. ((You don't know how much fun I'm having with this..))

    [ID: 28180][BD = 1][CD = 7][LD = 11][MD = 4]

    Hirru was getting upset at the fact that Mr. Fluffybottoms was getting all the cookies from the cookie jar, but would not share any with Mr. Penguin!  This angered Hirru as he wanted to have some too.  His anger built up until he was hot enough to melt the ice.  Standing on his own two feet, he wobbled for a second before getting his bearings.  At that moment, Hirru trying to be 'papped' by the snow creature using its mitten.  Rolling away from the mitt, becoming a small snowman in the snow.  He shook off the snow from his body and pointed his own candy cane towards the creature.

    "Wanna play patty-cake?"


    In Reality

    Hirru got up from the ground, wobbling as he held his head.  He looked around with a cold questioning look in his eyes before the scorpion would come at him with its pincer.  Hirru would roll away quickly before looking in wonder and shock at the scorpion before pointing his blade at the insect and say,

    "The f**k is that!"

    [Hirru - 14/31][Hate - 3]
    [Kalesh - 13/13]
    [Hate - 2]

    [Scorpion - 3/16][Target - Hirru]

  14. My confidence back in my heart and mind, I strove to destroy this insect before its queen would show up.  As it came back at me, my blade found a mind of its own, as it glowed from its position at my side.  My stance changed and I rushed at it before causing another upward strike.  Another <<Rage Spike>> to compliment the other.

    Looking at the wasp, I noticed that it wasn't dead yet, with a sliver of health.

    "Why won't you die?!"

    [ID: 28172]
    [BD = 10] 4+2 = 6 DMG
    [MD = 4-2=2]
    [CD: 3] 

    [Hirru: 28/31]

    [Wind Wasp: 1/16

  15. As the wasp turned around in a wide semi-circle, I prepared my sword to cross its trajectory.  It would try to stab me with its only weapon, the stinger on its abdomen.  I wouldn't allow it, and as it tried exactly that, I dodged to one side while pulling my sword into the direction that is was going to appear.  The blade bit into the wasp causing a little more damage as it flew by.  It skittered a bit before coming back to its rhythmic buzz.

    "How about now?  Anything that you got in mind?" 

    [ID: 28171]
    [BD = 7] Hit
    [MD = 3-2=1] Missed
    [CD: 4] 

    [Hirru: 28/31]

    [Wind Wasp: 7/16]

  16. [ID: 28168][BD = 10][CD = 2][LD = 3][MD = 10]

    Hirru was quite beside himself.  Mr. Penguin was having a tea party in the distance with Mr. Fluffybottoms and Tinklebutton, and he was invited, but he couldn't move because of the DAMN ICE. (paralysis venom)  Trying to figure a way out, a giant snow creature came towards him with big, huge mittens!

    "Are you here to free me from my slumber?"

    The creature shook its head before poking Hirru with a candy cane.  The feeling of frigid cold crept up on him as he was encased in even more ice.

    "Thanks for nothing, Giant Cranberry!"


    In reality

    Hirru was struck by the stinger of the scorpion again, and continued on his incessant rant of a "Giant Cranberry".

    [Hirru - 14/31][Hate - 3][Paralyzed 1 turn]
    [Kalesh - 13/13]
    [Hate - 2]

    [Scorpion - 3/16][Target - Hirru]


  17. [ID: 28162][BD = 4][CD = 8][MD = 10 ]

    "Alright, let's finish this!"

    Hirru called out to the scorpion as he rushed in to kill the beast.  Though, it would have been much more cool looking to have finished it himself, he over shot his chance and got hit.. by the stinger... again. (4 DMG)(PLZ 1 turn) Falling to the ground, Hirru contemplated life as he knew it.  As the hot sands of time crawled into his soul, Hirru could feel his sanity slowly falling.

    "Well yes Mr. Penguin.. I'M FRIGID!"

    [Hirru - 18/31][Hate - 3]
    [Kalesh - 13/13]
    [Hate - 2]

    [Scorpion - 3/16][Target - Hirru]

  18. I watched the little bugger as it flew a round in a rather intricate pattern, but it would eventually attack me.  Sure enough, the buzzing would be heard coming closer to him before it made a straight bee-line towards me.  I stepped away from its trajectory while trying to slice into the buzzing creature of annoyance.  Of course, I would miss cause that thing was going a bit too fast for its own good.

    "Slow down you little annoyance!"

    [ID: 28164]
    [BD = 3] 
    [MD = 4-2=2] 
    [CD: 7] 

    [Hirru: 28/31]

    [Wind Wasp: 11/16]

  19. ((Updated that post.. thanks for the reminder.. kinda stuck on the paralysis part.. Also, the LD will tell who gets hit.  1-10 Hirru / 11-20 Kalesh))

    [ID: 28162][BD = 8][CD = 4][LD = 2][MD = 2 ]

    Hirru watched Kalesh do as much damage as he could to the scorpion, a blip.  Well, it was better than nothing he thought to himself.  As long as the bugger didn't do anything that would cause severe rage to ensue, he would be fine with it.  That being said, the sand was still as hot as a beach that had no water around.  Oh wait...

    The scorpion.. went after Hirru and tried to snap at it with its pincer, but it missed the target as his paralysis finally came to an end.  Quickly jumping back to his feet as he shook off the numbness, Hirru readied his blade for vengeance.

    "Alright, big shot.. you're mine now!"

    A quick step around the creature was enough to distract it and he sliced through the carapace of the scorpion, causing a fair cry to come out.

    [Hirru - 22/31][Hate - 3]
    [Kalesh - 13/13]
    [Hate - 2]

    [Scorpion - 3/16][Target - Hirru]

  20. I poised myself as the buzzing menace flew up to get the drop on me, but that wasn't happening a third time.  As it came down, I rolled away just in time, and it crashed into a large rock formation nearby.  Taking this opportunity, I ran towards the wretched thing and loaded up the sword skill <<Rage Spike>> to hurtle myself at the wasp and cause an upward strike on it.  

    "Yeah!  How do you like that?!"

    The wasp regained control of itself and buzzed angrily at me.  Its mandibles moving in a way that was really gross.

    [ID: 28154]
    [BD = 9] FINALLY!!
    [MD = 1-2=-1] Take that negative and ...
    [CD: 4] grrr..

    [Hirru: 28/31]

    [Wind Wasp: 11/16]

  21. ((Don't you dare jinx this...))

    [ID: 28153][BD = 7][CD = 3][MD = 9]

    Hirru could do nothing, but watch as the two handed sword user named Kalesh went in, and took a small chunk out of the scorpions health, but it didn't end there.  The scorpion, now ticked off, kept its attention towards Hirru and attacked... with its tail.. again.

    Hirru could feel the numbing agent go away, and was about to get back up, if it wasn't for that paralysis toxin!  Hirru couldn't even attack, which killed his mood even faster.  He was having none of this, and would have to make a mental note to disregard all bugs later in life.

    "Well, this sand couldn't be any hotter... oh wait.. IT IS!!"

    Hirru sighed as he lay sprawled in the sand.

    "See what you can do with this thing."

    ((I swear...))

    [Hirru - 22/31][Hate - 2]
    [Kalesh - 13/13]
    [Hate - 1]

    [Scorpion - 9/16][Target - Hirru]

  22. ((Not gonna lie.. I was envious of that 10, cause my solo is having A LOT of missing while the wasp is criticals everytime))

    [ID: 28134][BD = 4][CD = 7][MD = 10-2= 8]

    "That's what I'm planning on!"

    Hirru called out in response.  Truly, he wanted to get a bigger aggro set on him, but the world could turn anything around.  He would have to make this quick, if they wanted to get going, and find this cache before the day ends.  Though, they would have to get through the blistering heat before all that, and even then, there could always be more mobs to deal with.

    The scorpion clicked its only pincer several times, trying to intimidate Hirru, but he was having none of it...

    That feeling was what brought this event along.  Trying to get into the striking zone of the scorpion, Hirru got too close to the scorpion when it could strike faster than he could.  The stinger hit Hirru straight in the chest, and he was blasted back, laying prone on the ground. (4 DMG)  Feeling a little dazed, he tried to get up, but nothing would budge.  That's when he saw something familiar [Paralysis duration 1]  Luckily, he could still move his head, and tried to yell out..

    "Okay!  Attack now!"  

    ((See what I mean))

    [Hirru - 25/31][Hate - 2][Paralyzed - 1 turn]
    [Kalesh - 13/13]

    [Scorpion - 11/16][Target - Hirru]

  23. This time, things were slightly different than before.  Now, I was able to bypass the wasps attacks, but nothing else changed.  Oh!  There was also the fact that I didn't heal from my skill.  Great!  Everything was just peachy now!  Nothing could get better!

    The wasp, on the other hand, looked like it was incredibly pissed, but that was really hard to tell from its constant buzzing.  That and it just looked intimidating.

    "One of these days, I'm going to hit you!"

    [ID: 28133]
    [BD = 4] 
    [MD = 7-2=5] 
    [CD: 6] 

    [Hirru: 28/31]

    [Wind Wasp: 16/16]

  24. [ID: 28131][BD = 9][CD = 6][MD = 8-2=6]

    Hirru was glad that Kalesh could take orders.  Though, not that he had any problems with anyone that didn't, he just wanted to make sure that he was the brunt of this things damage, if it could touch him.  Speaking of which, the scorpion looked to be ready for an attack.  It scuttled for a bit, sizing up its prey as it snapped its pincers.  When it thought it had an openning, it lunged forward.. and caught Hirru with the tip of its claw. (2 DMG)


    Hirru growled at it before using his speed to his advantage, he got behind where that claw was and performed a <<Slant>> on it, causing it to be cut off.  (5 DMG) Backing off, the scorpion followed his movements.  Good, it was keeping its attention on him, but to be safe, Hirru yelled out.

    "Don't attack yet, it can easily hate you if you crit it!"

    [Hirru - 29/31][Hate - 2]
    [Kalesh - 13/13]

    [Scorpion - 11/16][Target - Hirru]

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