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Status Updates posted by Aramail

  1. What with the boss fight quickly approaching, I am quite surprised that no one has stepped into my shop to pick up supplies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aramail


      Someone needs to check their calculator....and brush up on how to act in privately owned stores. My shop isn't a wal-mart you can just burst into, and demand items at the top of your lungs....

    3. Hirru


      You should read Hirru's past.  At certain points, he doesn't know better.

    4. Hirru


      And then there are the points where he is very bad at proper anything..

      I apologize for my character's behavior being an outward image of myself when I was in the military... minus the amnesia and other aspects.

  2. I'm back from after a few Real Life issues. Glad to back and in the swing of things.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zeke


      Would a topic with my character be  acceptable? I'm uncertain if you were requesting or not, but we could try. I'm still trying to improve upon my role-playing method, so I'm not sure if my quality would meet any standard you might have.

    3. Aramail


      I have little to no standards when it comes to RP. As long as it's within site rules and regulations, I'm fine. If you could make the thread, good sir.

    4. Zeke
  3. Would anyone be so kind, as to assist me with the quest <Breaking the Unbreakable>? I'd like to get that Martial Art skill as fast as possible.

  4. So, my phone ran iut of hotspot data. Wish there was away to make that infinate. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Astraeus


      Have a good night!!

    3. Carambit


      Its ridiculous what they charge to get that extra bit of data on your phone... I just stick to wifi whenever I can and I'm at home. My brother and I upgraded our internet plan recently so we have a 1Tb cap. That ain't runnin' out anytime soon! :P

    4. Alex


      Oh really? I didnt know we had a cap on our Wifi XD 

      I'm so stupid

  5. Why must the pretty attract the weird....

    I swear, my shop get's on more weird post, I'm going to start swinging.

    1. Kalesh


      I would say I'm sorry, but you priced a fire-related potion 420 col.

      I will apologize though <3

    2. Kalesh


      Author's Note: I do not deny the being pretty.

    3. Macradon
  6. I'm looking for someone to accompany me in my Earning A Living Quest.

    1. Blue


      I can. I have two accounts. Do you wanna do the quest with Blue (Level 4) or Golden (Level 27)?

    2. Aramail


      I'm sensing a pattern with your character names. But I'd prefer Blue, as he's closer to my level.

    3. Blue


      Shweet. I suggest you start the thread since ur doing the quest.

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