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About Mack

  • Birthday 06/23/1985

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Knights of the Blood Oath
  • Position
    Vice Commander

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  • Location
    Kansas City, MO
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Single Status Update

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  1. Alright... I have Permission to restart the Monthly Bosses. Keep your eyes peeled for the sign-ups. I'm just waiting on final approval on the stats.

    Words of Wisdom:

    1. Anyone and everyone can sign up for this event from Level 1 on. This beastie will have a LEVEL BASED DAMAGE TABLE. Translation, the higher your level the harder it will hit you. It will also have a LEVEL BASED REWARDS TABLE, the higher your level the smaller the reward. These are, after all, primarily to level up low level players.

    2. We will not be cancelling this event to prevent Player Character Death. If you sign up to take part then it is a tacit acknowledgement and acceptance that the beastie might kill your character. Translation: if you want to be safe make sure you have a teleport crystal to escape.

    3. We're not setting out to try and kill pc's with this Event and we will work to make sure it is as safe as we can make it. You have all been warned that it could happen, so no being salty if it does. I have tried to build something that is challenging to players of all levels. When dealing with a Level range of 1-50+ this is a challenge. Trust me, the rewards are worth it.

    4. As with previous iterations, there will be an OOC Feedback thread.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zandra


      oh, an epic legendary two handed axe with five slots fallen damage? Thank you Mack ;)

    3. Mack


      5 Slots is for baby's... this is the legendary two handed axe of Renoitucexe (Hey, that's Executioner spelled backwards) and it has 5*5 slots of Fallen Damage, 5*5 slots of Holy Damage, +50 regular dmg, +3000 Mit, grants total status effect immunity no matter what, has 30 ranks of T10 Flame Thorns, and +150 ACC.

      If god was an axe, it would be this axe.

    4. Zandra


      Well, that could work too ;)

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