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Status Replies posted by Mack

  1. Still wanting to know my story for killing Zel? Just want to get something off your chest? Wanna rip me a new one or allow me the chance to redeem myself?

    Join this thread here and lets answer those questions.

  2. Alright, as promised, the two events are up.

    Shortly, the Staff will begin discussing PK Rules. I'm going through the discussion thread for that right now.

    Nothing personal, everyone, but if you have Staff needs please ask the PST's for the time being. I'm not trying to ignore anyone, but I have a great many Community things that I'm either running or working on.

  3. I see that five of you have already signed up to quest towards your doom...


  4. In happier news... there will be TWO event sign-ups being posted in the very near future. Keep your eyes peeled. One will be for Front Liners, the other for Low-Levels.

  5. Concerning PK:

    I am waiting to hear back concerning approval for something. In the meantime, I am asking everyone to refrain from PKing outside of the one CURRENT thread where we have an active PK event.


  6. What.... The.... Utter.... [CENSORED].... I just.... I mean... WHY?!?

    1. Mack


      Why didn't they all have to be killed for Shelob and Rohk then?

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  7. It's not much but I am offering 100 Materials and 30,000 Col to the person who kills Teayre. You must message me in PM if you are going to accept this. 

    1. Mack


      Niko, I can't comment.

      Takao, you know that the Iron Throne would only be cosmetic, right?

    2. (See 42 other replies to this status update)

  8. What.... The.... Utter.... [CENSORED].... I just.... I mean... WHY?!?

    1. Mack


      As the one that created and ran Lyrica... the Minion Killing there was a specific mechanic for Lyrica herself. I do NOT know if all of Donkey Kong's minions have to be killed to end the fight or not. If they do, though, then Teayre could be in trouble, her HP ain't all that high right now.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  9. It's not much but I am offering 100 Materials and 30,000 Col to the person who kills Teayre. You must message me in PM if you are going to accept this. 

    1. Mack


      I see no problem with a house with the Iron Throne in it... but you should be aware that "winter is coming."

    2. (See 42 other replies to this status update)

  10. Aside from stepping down as PST, I will also be retiring Jomei from the front lines. I considered killing him off, but decided against it in case I feel like coming back strong. Of course, I will finish up any role plays I am in before going on this 'hiatus.' And I will still checkup on the site and on Skype when I can.

  11. It's time to summon the rest of my army! TONIGHT, MY BRAVE WOLVES, WE FEAST! BEGINNING WITH @Xion, DIBS ON THE GIZZARD!

  12. It's time to summon the rest of my army! TONIGHT, MY BRAVE WOLVES, WE FEAST! BEGINNING WITH @Xion, DIBS ON THE GIZZARD!

  13. Someone in the Lyrica thread pointed out to me that her HP needs to be recalibrated because @Allania's damage got missed in the last rotation. I am fixing Lyrica's stats now and the thread will re-open in (no more than) 30 minutes.

  14. I'm sorry for my absence. Been super busy and not in the right state of mind because of my terrible job. With the end of the school year, I hope to make a gradual return soon. I just hope I don't lose all of my want to rp here in the meantime. 

    If I owe you any replies ( @Hunie ) I will most likely try to get to them (it) tonight. 

  15. So... apparently, I'm a GM now. Last one to find out :)

  16. So... apparently, I'm a GM now. Last one to find out :)

  17. So... apparently, I'm a GM now. Last one to find out :)

  18. I'm going to need a blacksmith to make me some tier 1 armor with full mitigation, and a silver dagger with full damage.

  19. Boys and Girls, Ladies and Germs, Lyrica is the first of what (we hope) will be MONTHLY EVENT BOSSES. These bosses are designed for non-Front Line players and should be safe (in relative terms) for the non-front liners to take on. They are a way of helping people catch up to the front lines and of providing FABULOUS rewards...

  20. I am looking for an item that gives me an extra crafting attempt. Anyone have one for sale? If so, How much?

  21. I am looking for an item that gives me an extra crafting attempt. Anyone have one for sale? If so, How much?

  22. I am looking for an item that gives me an extra crafting attempt. Anyone have one for sale? If so, How much?

  23. Who feels like crafting me some heavy armor?

  24. Time to dramatically murder my IC lover..... yay. Character development....

  25. Who feels like crafting me some heavy armor?

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