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About Abalasster

  • Birthday 03/21/1999

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    Solo Player

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    Newfoundland, Canada
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    Music, Musicals (N.t.N, D.E.H, C.F.A, Hamilton, W.W.R.Y, etc)
    Acting/Actors(Christoph Waltz, Joseph Fiennes, Liam Neeson)
    The Harder the Conflict, the more Glorious the Reward"- Thomas Paine
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  1. Are Open threads dead? All I can see are Solo threads and Private threads, but Very, Very, limited Open threads. And it makes me wonder why? I believe that open threads are fantastic. It can pull an entire group of random people together and create something beautiful. The first thread that I ever jumped into was an Open thread and it was the best time I've had on this website. I wish more of these threads would pop up, (And that the ones that do pop up don't have 17 or more posts already)

    Open thread example: 


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Baldur


      17+ people is just an unwieldy number of players. We used to only give 1 SP no matter how long the thread was, so it's still a bonus.

      You can still have a "large" number of people communicating, just keep the number to one where people are actually interacting with one another. When it's that big, you basically have a bunch of smaller conversations going on, which is a different beast and might as well be different threads.

    3. Hirru


      That's pretty much what I think about it.  Sure have an OP, they're magnets for socialization; but, when it gets to a certain size, it should be changed to a PP for safety from overwhelming... and front liners..

    4. Hirru


      And that's another thing that people don't know!

      You can change an Open Party thread into a Private Party thread without much consequence, as long as you are the thread creator.  If not, talk with the thread creator to have that change made.

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