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Status Replies posted by Kalesh

  1. Are you at the beach party? Well now the sun is going down and throws a cozy feeling over the area. Perfect time to make a move on your secret love ;)

  2. Are you at the beach party? Well now the sun is going down and throws a cozy feeling over the area. Perfect time to make a move on your secret love ;)

  3. Are you at the beach party? Well now the sun is going down and throws a cozy feeling over the area. Perfect time to make a move on your secret love ;)

  4. Well, I am 100% out of materials. Who wants to give me a 'welcome back gift'? :D I kid, it would be nothing but cruel~! They'd all be poured into the watery abyss!!

    On a more serious note I am kinda curious if there are any fire items around/left? I know merchants can 'make' them in a way, but I just wanted to know the odds of getting one and just... Actually I am now realizing VIP vouchers aren't a thing anymore so I can't change weapon type easily....

    Basically my end-game is to have claws that have fire attributes :P Also I only know of one fire weapon but I am pretty sure I am not worthy of inheriting it after its original owner's demise. :P Let alone change it into a non-sword.

  5. It... It finally happened... I caught a decent quality monster fish!

    *wipes away single tear* After three ranks, it all pays off at last!

  6. Are you allowed to change equipment mid thread if your stats haven't been required up until that point? 

  7. Are you allowed to change equipment mid thread if your stats haven't been required up until that point? 

  8. Morning guys. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I'm hoping to come back from my hiatus and join back up with you guys. 

    1. Kalesh


      No. Bad Hikoru. Stop using stealth. STAHP. DO NOT ABUSE THE POWER OF YOUR UNIQUE SKILL.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. Still wanting to know my story for killing Zel? Just want to get something off your chest? Wanna rip me a new one or allow me the chance to redeem myself?

    Join this thread here and lets answer those questions.

    1. Kalesh


      Have you tried reaching into your chest and manually pumping your heart?

      It won't work, but it's extremely metal.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. Morning guys. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I'm hoping to come back from my hiatus and join back up with you guys. 

  11. For those low level players that may have missed it, there is another Monthly Boss Event that is up and ready for sign-ups.

    Sign-up will continue for, approximately another 48 hours.

    1. Kalesh


      The answer is yes.


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. For those low level players that may have missed it, there is another Monthly Boss Event that is up and ready for sign-ups.

    Sign-up will continue for, approximately another 48 hours.

    1. Kalesh


      It's cool, I use Wild Dance too, I'll back up those threats for ya :D

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. Alright, as promised, the two events are up.

    Shortly, the Staff will begin discussing PK Rules. I'm going through the discussion thread for that right now.

    Nothing personal, everyone, but if you have Staff needs please ask the PST's for the time being. I'm not trying to ignore anyone, but I have a great many Community things that I'm either running or working on.

  14. Alright, as promised, the two events are up.

    Shortly, the Staff will begin discussing PK Rules. I'm going through the discussion thread for that right now.

    Nothing personal, everyone, but if you have Staff needs please ask the PST's for the time being. I'm not trying to ignore anyone, but I have a great many Community things that I'm either running or working on.

  15. For those who know Lowenthal, or those who have recently met him please PLEASE send me some info.

    How we met, and when did Lowe see you last?

    I'm trying to make my journal moar pretty =P

    1. Kalesh


      Kalesh met you as an overconfident newbie in your Redemption who was friends with Piera who was in a guild you used to lead. Lowe heard about Kalesh through her on occasion according to Lowe. He was there during your redemption quest and pitched in a blow to the boss before Zel wrecked it. Kalesh was offered a guild spot but politely declined by saying he wanted to join as an 'asset' instead of an 'investment' to ensure he wasn't just being picked up because he was a newbie.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  16. Only.... 1.5 hours left of work. And it is slow as molasses in winter... To make matters worse, 1 of my threads is currently dead in the water... So now I'm down to 2.

  17. Only.... 1.5 hours left of work. And it is slow as molasses in winter... To make matters worse, 1 of my threads is currently dead in the water... So now I'm down to 2.

  18. Emergency! Crabs are attacking the beach party. Help me destroy them or take cover.

  19. Only.... 1.5 hours left of work. And it is slow as molasses in winter... To make matters worse, 1 of my threads is currently dead in the water... So now I'm down to 2.

  20. Oh my, both Erroneus and Akumasaru keeping an eye on me:

  21. Anyonr up for dungeon hunting?

  22. In happier news... there will be TWO event sign-ups being posted in the very near future. Keep your eyes peeled. One will be for Front Liners, the other for Low-Levels.

    1. Kalesh


      Awesome. Should be interesting... ironically none of my mods except damage are tier dependant so lulz. Only my weapon NEEDS replacing...

      Doubt I'll get tough enough quick enough though. Best of luck to you everyone in any case!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  23. We need more girls at the beach party. Atm its me and like five guys :)

    1. Kalesh


      I'VE GOT IT!!


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  24. We need more girls at the beach party. Atm its me and like five guys :)

    1. Kalesh


      Oh my goodness. Oh my damn.



      Memes aside more girls would be a nice thing and might convince me to join sooner >>;

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  25. In happier news... there will be TWO event sign-ups being posted in the very near future. Keep your eyes peeled. One will be for Front Liners, the other for Low-Levels.

    1. Kalesh


      *raises hand* I am level 24, that puts me out of frontliner territory, but with 1 SP I would ascend to tier 2 stuff. Can I time travel hijinks this or is signing up for one invalidating the possibility of signing up for the other?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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