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About Shirosu

  • Birthday 01/28/1999

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    Meowing, books, art......

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  1. Ok Dudes and Dudettes , who has a diner/cook profession that can make Shirosu coffee? she will start going nuts without it (can pay)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hirru


      Well, Coffee doesn't sound like it would be much of a cook item, though.  Alchemy maybe, but Cook?  Anyway, it just sounds like RP fodder, as there isn't anything that would qualify as Caffeine, except the Brain food enhancement... and that's only for Profession EXP

    3. Vasth


      Well you don't need to make the coffee if your not on shop rp like where people order for their food and etc..

      but if you a rp at you shop,you don't need to make the food. You can just say to made it in the rp 

    4. Takao


      Cooks can make beverages, considering one of the cook enhancements is "Alcoholic." I've made stuff like herbal tea that uses the "Herbs" enhancement before. Just a matter of creativity You can just roleplay buying items without enhancements though.

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