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Status Updates posted by Emerath

  1. #SantaClothesRebellion

  2. Hey everyone. I'm going to be taking a one to two week hiatus from the site for personal health reasons. I might still be around, but it'll be sparse. See you all later when I'm feeling better! <3

    1. Calrex


      No worries, hope you feel better!

    2. Zelrius


      Don't be gone too long, Tristan and I might miss you

    3. Hikoru


      Hope you feel better Em! Hope you feel better when you get back!

  3. If anyone has a spot in their party for a healer/DPS for the <<War of the Ancients>> quest, I'd like to get Emerath in on that before it's gone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      i think itd be just healer since from what i see your max is 4x6 and that wouldnt overcome the 30 mitigation they have. Unless you havent updated your sig recently that is.

    3. Ebony


      Rebekah has a group of players (Including me) that are planning on taking it. We have a plan all set up. Imo another healer would make things a lot easier.

    4. Emerath


      Sounds great, Ebony. I'll message Rebekah for the details, thanks!

  4. Crafting takes so much longer than I mean for it to each time. I should be less fluffy with my RP.... Wait, what am I saying? That's crazy.

    1. Oikawa


      Stick with it. It will pay out in the long run I promise.

    2. Emerath


      Oh I plan to. Honestly I'm loving the idea of making MMO style items in a more freeform RP environment. It's a neat system.

  5. I must say. This death game is a lot less scary when I don't die in the first few posts. :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Emerath


      Well, I've thankfully played enough tabletop games to understand that sometimes the dice are just not in favor. It happens! The best thing to do is start again and hope for the best!

    3. Aetharan


      At least I know that here, I don't have to worry about a DM demanding that the entire party of level-10 characters make a Fort save with a DC of 50 or die.  Punk didn't even have the nerve to just say "Rocks fall, you all die."  He had to give some illusion of hope.

    4. Aidol


      Then you technically had a 5% chance to say" **** You, Nat 20 critical success!" Xp

  6. I'm getting bleary eyed and my writing is getting a bit dry. But I must... beat... this... rock!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Emerath


      Two critical 10s in a row. RNGesus has not forsaken me! TIME TO END THIS ROCK.

    3. Grave


      Thanks to Vasth and Mack, I do 5 base damage with my fists ^^

    4. Emerath


      Yeah, had I thought this through, I might have waited until such a time as this was more easily doable. But, I'm impatient, so here I am. Praying that I don't roll five failures in a row to finish this rock's last remaining HP.

  7. My brain is swimming around inside my head, but I want to write words and make the story go! D:

    1. Zandra


      Know that feel :)

  8. Yep. The dice don't want me back. It's official.

    1. Aoda


      You haven't prayed hard enough.

      e m b r a c e t h e n u m b e r s

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