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About Seul

  • Birthday 08/29/1997

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    Jacob's Ladder

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  1. In other SAO-related news, the series is being adapted into a live-action American TV show... What?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Opal


      Dis gon be gewd. Seriously though, why live action? Did they not see what happened to Dragonball Evolution? They scrubbed the project for Cowboy Bebop (Keanu Reeves as Spike? Rly?) And lets not forget the live action movie of Gundam. God...that was aweful. I guess hey! Milk that cash cow for all its worth! 

    3. Baldur


      So they change it. The main character is now "Kevin" and he lives in his mom's basement in California. He's an extreme nerd, so he's not popular with the ladies, so he runs at the chance to immerse himself in a digital world where he can be anyone he wants to be. He puts on the nerve gear and BAM

      He's somewhere that looks exactly like the real world but they put in a big, cheap, CGI castle shot for a second before jumping to him. We then basically get Game of Thrones, but with video game jargon. He meets other shuts ins who need to realize their inner jock.

    4. Seul


      B-But... What about the harem?!

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