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About Seul

  • Birthday 08/29/1997

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    Jacob's Ladder

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  1. In other SAO-related news, the series is being adapted into a live-action American TV show... What?


    1. Rain


      Aaaaannnnddd let me guess. They're going to whitewash the live action while they're at it cause white people "sell more." Don't take this the wrong way, but I know what it's like to be an asian actor in that field and every time there's a roll I'm deserving off pops up, I don't get the part cause "I don't look the part that they're looking for." If they are going to make this into a live action, cast it for what it is. Mostly asians since the setting is Japan.

      -____- I really hate this kinds of things... they make me go from | to / in seconds.

    2. Mossino


      Sorry for invading this status but,

      why would they ever make a live action SAO...in America on top of that.

      Makes no sense.


    3. Seul


      That was one of my thoughts as well, but I'm not sure. I think it's too early to say. They could end up making a whole new set of characters or an AU that diverts from the things we've seen in the novels/anime.

      What worries me most is how much money they'll be willing to put towards the production value in general. I can just imagine all of the horrible CGI it'll have if they don't put in the effort. >.>

      As for why they'd even make it... Its a popular series so they probably figured people will watch it anyway. The series has already started invading through the video games. xD

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