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Posts posted by Atenea

  1. Using all of her strength to gather as much energy for the attack as she could, Minerva finally found her chance and was very pleased to take it. Running forward as the backside of the Animal was to her, she swung the dagger with as much force into it and let out a cry as she moved her hand to stabbed it as many times as she could. Jumping back to gain some distance between the AI and herself, she watched quietly to see if the red bar would finally disappear.

    Letting out a triumphant laugh, she turned to the man and flashed him with a friendly grin. Unleashing her hair from the ponytail she always wore, the black tresses moving with soft breeze, a dark raven brow went up at him.

    "What?! No more banter?! Did the cat got your tongue?!" She called out playfully before letting out a chuckled, while giving him a mock curtsy. Sending a wink his way, Atenea turned back to the boar and waited expectantly for the congratulation sign to appear.

  2. Oh, he was feisty. Minerva liked that. Letting out a tingling laugh, she charged toward the boar and swung her hand to strike, yet by a few inches she missed. Moving out of it's way, she turned her body to stare at the man, while glancing a few times at the beast. Propping her hip the side, while letting her free hand rest on it as she stuck her tongue out at him and pointed her dagger at him.

    "You made me miss!" She accused him playfully, before twirling her dagger up in the sky and catching it with ease. "At least you show some trust on my combat skills. I'd be very angry if you'd came charging now," She slowly circle the boar, as a predatory smile came upon her lips.

    This time. This time she would make the kill.

  3. Letting out a chuckle at his words, she shrugged her shoulders and got ready for the second charge, this time she tried to hit as she turned away from his path. Sadly, she missed and that made her let out an annoyed groan. She needed to focus, getting all cocky would not help her at all- not when she was so close to winning. Twirling her dagger she began to build up her next attack, moving from side to side she waited for the boar to strike once more.

    "Come on," She urged it, knowing that her taunt wouldn't do anything to it. "So, if this goes bad are you going to come save me?!" She called out to the stranger, too hype up with the battle and too excited for the kill to stay quiet.

  4. Throwing out a silent prayer to whatever God was listening, Minerva moved quickly to retreat her dagger, dodging the charging boar she slide pass it and made a grab for her dagger. Getting up quickly, she finally got tired of continuing the never ending game of dodging and hitting the beast. Letting out a battle cry, she ran towards it while her hand began to glow with a ready attack, striking it with the rapid bite-she barely made it unscathed.

    Smiling triumphantly she was sure that this one would make a hit. Looking at her HP still seeing it over 5/7, she changed her gaze to the HP of the boar. Waiting for it to display if the hit had done some damage, she quickly glance one more to the stranger, this time finally noticing it was a man.

    "You enjoying yourself?" She called out, her eyes never moving from the beast.

  5. A dark raven eyebrow went up as she noticed his wardrobe change, but she did not say anything about it. Whether it was black or white, both colors suited him well- not that she would ever say that to him. Catching herself looking at his pants she quickly moved her gaze around and cleared her throat. He definitely must have been thinking of her as being weird, not that she blame him. After all, her shyness didn't ever help her on settle a 'normal' first impression.

    "Uh...Yeah. Sorry... You don't look sixteen," She replied, chuckling nervously. Oh, she wanted a dark hole to open under her just then and swallowed her whole. That way she could stop with the painful conversation. Even she could feel the awkwardness.

    Biting the inside of her cheek as she listened to his name and nicknames, she tried no to laugh or smile in a silly fashion. The poor guy was definitely on the receiving end of a lot of cute names. Extending her hand in greeting, she finally could not contain the smile anymore and for once she felt herself settled in the presence of a stranger.

    "Well, thank you for the compliment, Zauis. I'll try not to used them... Well, I was going off to the fields to practice more, but I heard about a quest called the Secret Medicine of the Forest. I was on my way to complete it..." She trailed off her sentence, looking a bit unease before continuing on. "I guess I'll gather experience for it. Yet, I'm still gathering my wits concerning this whole floor."

    Noticing she was babbling, she looked sheepishly at him and smiled shyly.

    "How about you? I'm sorry. I'm not that much of a talker... Or people person." She murmured, looking a bit apologetically.

  6. Licking her lips, she studied the animal with canny eyes. The HP bar was down, but not enough to finish a strong attack. She needed to deliver two strikes and the fight would be done. A small smirk came upon her lips and she felt like she needed to impress the stranger watching her. She wanted to show him that she was no damsel in distress. Having shown some skill concerning agility and acrobatics, she readied the dagger before doing a front aerial move.

    The move came out perfectly, just like she had practiced it for many times in real life and on the solitary fields. Sadly, when she followed by throwing the charged blade with the knife throwing skill. She did not get a hit on her imaginary opponent. Letting out an exasperated huff, her green-hazel eyes watched as the blade skidded pass the boar.

    "Damn it," She said in an annoyed tone, before quickly assessing her situation. She only had one other knife and it was not that strong to used on the boar, which only led her to two possibilities.

    To run or gamble her life on trying to get her weapon back. The boar was too close to it, perhaps if she could trick it into attacking her and then running for the dagger, she'd had a chance to survive and win.

  7. She did not notice that she was being watch. Her whole attention was set in the charging boar and as it got closer, she quickly prepared to deliver the hit. Using some of her speed and agility, she quickly deliver the hit before moving to get some distance from it. Her green hazel-eyes made a check to her HP once more, noting how from 7/7 it had decreased to a 5/7.

    Gritting her teeth hard, she moved slowly around while twirling the dagger. The rapid bite had been successful, yet she wondered if it would be once more. Shaking her head to distract herself from the possibility of losing the fight, she once more prepared her combat attack. From where she stood, she could see someone watching her from the corner of her eye.

    She might have said something to the stranger, yet she could not lose any of her concentration place on the beast.

    'I need to win. I definitely don't want to lose to this weak monster and I definitely do not want someone to witness me running away from it,' she mused silently to herself.

  8. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

    Greetings from a fellow newbie! First, I loved how beautiful your app was and wonderful character development! Aside from that, I can't wait for us to post together and hopefully come out alive of this game!

    Like Ferrah said, I hope you have many adventuresss!

  9. The first boar had been tricky. The second boar had been a quick kill. The third boar had been defeated too fast. Yet, it was the fourth one that was giving her the most trouble. Falling hard on her butt, Atenea was happy that pain was nothing but a mere illusion at that moment. Sword Art Online had a few perks hidden behind the great walls of tragedy and death that it was supported on. One of them was the absence of pain, for most that was a scary feeling- yet, she did not missed it.

    For many the feeling would be a reminder of life, but to her it was just a painful sign of how imminent death could be. She already had too many things clouding her mind and remembering her that this was just not a game. Panting at the strain of dodging and fighting back the boar as best as she could, Minerva kept a close watch on her HP. She definitely did not want to be remember as that player who got killed by an imaginary silly figment of data that resemble a boar.

    Rolling away from the charging beast, she tried to get up and steady her right arm for an attack. The dagger glowing red as she gather the energy to strike.

  10. This is a tough choice, because I can't really decide on all time favorite character. I do have a list of characters I adore, not gonna lie- but to choose one in particular is hard.

    So, instead of listing them off going to divide them in a list of Favorite Male Characters/ Favorite Female Characters.


    Kirito- For obvious reasons, but mostly because as the viewer you create a connection with him and actually get to live the game through him.

    Klein- Love, love, love Klein. Not only did he make for some good comic relief sometimes, he was actually very mature and caring towards Kirito. Klein came to understand him so well and most of all, he became quite an ally to him and Asuna.

    Agil/Egil- <3<3<3 I would have actually wanted to see more of him and Kirito. Especially because he is so awesome with the battle axe.

    Akihiko/Heathcliff- Adding myself into the Oddball group as well. Not only was his storyline intriguing, but I enjoyed very much the plot twist it brought to the storyline. Very refreshing in my opinion. Plus, he was one BAD ASS MOTIFUKA.


    Asuna- 'Nuff said.

    Cilla- Because of her cuteness and dragon.

    Lisbeth- Because of her fiery nature and being a girl black smith.

    Yui-Her loveliness and loyalty toward Kirito as well as Asuna, plus her sword >.> I want a sword like that.

    Leafa- :'D Love, love, love her too. I ship her with Agil u.u

  11. Righting herself once more, Atenea opened her eyelids slowly and stopped herself from gulping loudly. Her face was scrunch up in a small frown, something she wasn't fully aware of as she looked up to face the stranger. For a few moments, she just stared and her hazel-green eyes ran down the unknown male's body, taking in his appearance before quickly going back up to meet his gaze.

    She did not want to come out as rude, especially when she had not intended to be so. Yet, what was she supposed to say to him. He was handsome. Definitely experience in the game, his outfit deemed it so and just as well as his assurance. Bowing in respect, she quickly followed with a mumble stream of words, while her eyes were meeting the floor. A thing much more easier than looking at those green eyes.

    "Please accept my apologies. I was not looking. Yes, I am fine. Thank you, Sir." Her hands curled into fists, trying to stop the shaking as she tried to fight her shyness. Her long dark hair contained in a pony tail, switched with the light breeze the game produced.

    Licking her lips absentmindedly, she looked up at him once more this time a wide confuse expression shone in her face. Her cheeks tinge with a pink color, she turned her head to the side before remembering her manners.

    "Atenea. My name is Atenea. Nice to meet you..." She straighten, before smiling in a coy fashion at him.

  12. How'd you find us?

    May I call you Althena? The name of the blue haired goddess from Lunar rpg franchise.

    Anyways, welcome to our home and your new home!

    Hiya Erroneous! Please to meet you! I found you through the wonderful world of Google and with a huge craving for SAO RP, I had to join!

    As for that nick- Sure! Lol I'd love that! Luna Noa was Hawt >.>

  13. Shrewd hazel-green eyes studied different people, as her body tried to dodge any possible contact with the moving non playing characters and other players. Here and there, sad faces mixed with smiling ones. A scary picture in her mind, seeing as most where still trying to understand the severity of the situation. The incrementing rumors that hounded the streets of the safe town, had put her on the edge and on high-alert.

    Minerva hated the thought of having to deal with others. She hated having to rely on anyone, let alone trust them with her own life. If she had the courage for it, she would have become a beater a long time ago- she would have runaway and pass the levels as quickly as possible. Yet, that was not her true nature. Instead of doing so, she had stayed behind and help as many as she could. That's how she had earned her subtitle. Though even with the many she had help, she still had no true friends on her list, let alone any allies.

    Stretching her slim, lithe body as much as she could, she exhaled a loud sigh of relief at having enough space of her own. Sadly, that had not been truly the case, when she closed her eyes and bump quite hard against another body.

    "Ooof..." She exclaimed, trying to keep her balance and ignored the forming fear at having to open her eyelids and apologize to some stranger.

  14. «Atenea» The Pure.


    » Username: Atenea.

    » Real name:Minerva Cecilia Aogiri Martell

    » Age:18 years old.

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 5'4"


    » About:

    Before being stuck in the game, Atenea had a pretty normal life. The only daughter of a failed marriage, she found herself immersed into video games and MMORP games from the age of sixteen.Two years later after the debut of SAO, she was no longer a young girl, but a college student with hopes of becoming a doctor.

    That plan changed the moment she logged in and from then on, has lost purpose as she tries to level up and escape the horror of it all. Not one to trust easily, being stuck in a game where it is much safer to be in groups than being alone, has become quite the burden for her. Specifically, because Minerva has always suffer from shyness and has forever had trouble, on making friends or doing small talk with acquaintances. Mixed that shyness with trust issues and Minerva has a lot to learn, if she plans to survive SAO.

    With a wish to fight in the front lines and ultimately get to the last level, Minerva knows what she is risking and is willing to pay the price for it. Death might have been a scary thought in the outside world, but she rather die valiantly than wait like a coward for someone to clear the game. Not one to share many details concerning her life in the other world, those who have made her acquaintance can hear a distinct exotic accent in her tone that is not the same as native speakers. Fierce, quiet, cunning and true Minerva is ready to give it all as well as lose it all.

    » Virtues:


    If one thing she has never lack is courage. Minerva might be quiet and shy, but when it comes to facing tough decisions or scary situations, she is one to fight back and to always face them. Keeping always a clear head, while doing so-Minerva forever puts those weaker than her first, than her very self. A terrible thing considering that she could go quicker through the levels if she was a beater.


    Reasonable and proper, Minerva is true to her namesake. She is one to carry out justice than break it. Forever standing her ground on what she believes and on what she considers to be right. Loyal to no end, those who are lucky to gain her favor and friendship, can count on her till death. Those in trouble or who cannot defend themselves, will forever count on her help on defending them or at least trying to give them the best help she can, while still keeping herself alive.


    Most would judge her as too nice for her own good, but behind her hazel-green eyes Atenea is very shrewd. Clever and cunning, she knows when to play her cards and when to wait. Stubborn to no end, if she wants something she will do whatever she can to get it. Whether to use her mind, body, or sword if need be as long as no others suffer harm.

    » Flaws:


    She usually does not used nice words or the tactic to beat around the bush, when it comes to dealing with a problem. She is not one to stab in the back, because she rather solve it face to face than used others to do so. She knows that not many play by her rules, but either way she prefers it so- than to dance around the subject.


    When she has won the favor of others, she usually flirts with them- most of the time, there is no romantic interest behind such flirts and it only comes natural to her. A dangerous thing to do considering in the trouble that it can land her on.


    Minerva expects the best of everyone-including herself. Her attention to the rules and to following them, has forever won her enemies and she cares very little for that. If it means to be safer, then by all the fires burning in Hell- she is going to follow them and expect those in her company to do so.




    »Medicine Mixing.


    »Night Vision.


    »Sprint (Passive & Sword Skill).



    »Battle Healing

    Weapon skills :

    »One Handed Dagger.

    »Blade Throwing.

    »Two-Handed Battle Axe.



    » Curved Dagger (Harpy's Rejoice)

    »Throwing Picks.

    »Black hilt Knife.




    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


  15. Nice to meet you! I hope you have a great time here and make tons-o'-friends! And thanks for the brownie points!

    Nice to meet you too! Thank you, Keith! ^_^ I wish you the same! ;D Good to know you enjoy them!

    Welcome to the forum :) As a fellow newbie, I hope to chat and play alongside you for quite some time going forward. And I can say that I was very excited to find this place as well :D

    Hi hi Twilightdusk! Mwuahahaha I can't wait to conquer the monsters and floors by your side! *nods* We shall escape the game as winners!

    I love, love, love that this project is own it's way!

    WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! YOUNGNESS IS WONDERFUL XDDDDDDDD Yo! My name is Haine and I hope we can be friends ^-^

    HEY! Nice to met you Haine! WE SHALL! <3 *HUGS*

    Nice introduction and it's nice to you. I'm known as Zuzu or Zuzukins and if you need any help then just send me a private message and I'll get to it as fast as possible. I hope you enjoy your stay! Have a blessed day! ^^

    Nice to meet you Zauis! Thank you for your well wishes and for the offer help, I wish the same for you too and a thousand more good things! :D Is the Knights of Christ the strongest of guilds? Do they accept females? ;D Mwuahahaha! I'd love to join!

    Welcome to the site, Atenea. You have me beat in role playing and age by one year. Make plenty of awesome adventures and memories on your way to the top. ^^

    *Fistbumps* I feel so old now lol But hey, GO EXPERIENCE! ;D Thank you, Sir! I shall try to stay alive as best as I can!

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