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Posts posted by Atenea

  1. The damn thing dodge her attack and she decided to move away from it. Her HP was still green and that was a positive note, but she wondered if she should use the healing potion or not. Not wanting to waste her life saver, she decided to keep on fighting. The second dragon roar and charged toward her, she waited for it before turning at the last minute to dodge the attack.

  2. "Come on, you little Pri-" She was about to end the word, before she dodge the attack and swung once more with another strike. She wanted both of their bones for that shield and their heads as well. Moving as fast as she could, she took the opportunity to advance once more with the attack.

  3. The blade swung and it hit the young dragon straight in the belly. Going up the strike had caused and almost critical hit. Lisbeth watched as the HP of the little beast went down to a two. Her lips spread in a smile as she dodged it's bite and she began to circle it, still keeping her gaze in the other dragon as well. With a roar of fury, the other beast launch to attack and she was waiting for it.

    Young Red Dragons:

    1 -> 4/4

    2 -> 2/4

  4. Dodgin the attack, this time it was her turn to charge for one. Using the strongest strike she could muster then, she swung her blade and was ready to hit the damn thing. This time she wouldn't fail, damn it! Approaching the closest Dragon, her blade connected with the air and the strike was ready to cause damage.

  5. The dragon turned then and the blade did not even scratch it's body. Another frustrated growl escape Lisbeth and she gripped her sword even harder. The dragon roar and with it the other dragon, before the first one continued to advance forward as well. Lisbeth ran then trying to dodge the incoming attack and getting closer to the cave entrance.She wasn't going to be killed by two baby Dragons.

  6. The second dragon charged forward and she thought that he might try getting a bite from her as well, but instead it lowered it's head. Even with her moving back, she knew that thing would cause damage. The other was flanking her side and that was when she used the blade to shield. This hit wasn't as critical as the first one, but her health went down to a nine then. The HP bar was still green, but sooner or later it was going to be yellow.

    Using all of her strength to keep it away, she pushed back and did a turn, before swinging her blade once more on the Dragon's neck.

    HP: 9/13

  7. The dragon snorted as her attacked failed and it let go of her, before circling her again. The other beast did the same and with a frustrated growl, her eyes switched to the entrance of the secret cave. Too far away to run. Not when she had them so close, taking a step back and moving her blade with her left wrist- she reminded herself why that armor was important.

    "Come on." She urged them to attack, before the second one charged forward and the other dragon waited.

    Young Red Dragons:

    1- 4/4

    2- 4/4

  8. When the dragon advanced toward her, she thought she was ready to dodge the attack and yet, those sharp choppers reached her shoulder. There was no pain there, but suddenly her HP drop to ten. A critical hit by the monster and although, she had felt cocky before- right then she wondered what the hell was she thinking.

    Swinging her blade, she tried to hit the dragon on it's back to get away from it.

    HP- 10/13

  9. The two dragons stared at her, before they began to separate. Unlike the boar, these hunted like actual predators. Their mouths were open and their teeth seem to look like small blades. Letting out a dangerous roar, the first of them charged for the attack. Lisbeth waited. Her blade was shinning with the bright light for an attack, but first the AI needed to make it's move.

    Mob: 2/2

    HP: 4/4

  10. Lisbeth had determination and wanting rushing through her veins. That's what made her enter the secret path to the Dragon Cave that hold the precious items she needed for her dream armor. After meeting with the surly smith and his loving wife, the Girl took on the quest with more purpose than she had with the any others before. The small stint she had suffer not a long while back, had her feeling a bit useless inside the game as she watched many others advance and continued on. Truth be told, she was as weak as before if not more and that's why she needed to prepare herself.

    With determined steps she moved on through the floor, following the directions that the Quest had given her. Of course, none of it exactly told her of the secret Dragon Cave. Holding on to her blade, she hoped it would be enough for this quest and she wouldn't die.

    Exhaling a deep breath, she finally came upon the spot... Nothing happened. The wall didn't move. The floor didn't cave and Lisbeth found herself staring into what supposedly had been a path.

    "What the-" She mumbled to herself, before opening her HUD and checking quickly for the many intel she had gathered through messaging other players. A frustrated groan escaped her and without a second thought, she began to kick the wall and thankfully she didn't feel any pain for it. Just as she was losing faith, the wall disappeared and what was revealed before her was the den of the red dragons. Two bones. She needed two bones to bring back. Hopefully she would succeed!

    As she advanced forward cautiously, Lis hold onto her blade and waited for the attack and then she heard it. She heard the monster hiding in the dark and fear began to dawn on her as she turned to catch sight of the two beasts close by. They were smaller than what she had imagined, but still look ever dangerous. Preparing her attack she waited for the monsters to come first.

  11. I shall be taking this Quest for the upper part of a full body armored. The long sleeves shall be made of black scales and red ones, while keeping the design for this model. (Of course, it will be covering the exposed parts while still fitting to the figure!) (http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120313/weapons%20shunya%20yamashita%20fantasy%20art%20armor%20purple%20hair%20artwork%20anime%20girls%202143x3464%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_52.jpg)

  12. Lis had arrived early to the celebration. Although, she did not know personally rhe bride and groom, yet that didn't detain her from asisting. Her friend Aria, also known as Asuna, had asked her to be her plus one and so, Lis had agreed. Letting out a sigh she played with the hem of her red dress. The crimson color brought the soft silkiness of her skin and the turqouise color of her eyes.

    Standing by the corner and away from all the fussing, she waited for others to arrive. Cursing how on time she always needed to be.

  13. A dark pink eyebrow raised up at the words of the announcer. She was intrigued by his mesmerizing promise of a free item, but she wasn't sure what to exactly do. Standing from afar Eris watched as all the other players went to touch the obelisk, once she was sure that none had died or been burned off, then she moved.

    With a sure stride, she made sure to advance while not bumping into anyone, stepping in front of the obelisk- she closed her eyes and gave a silent prayer to whatever god was listening to her.

    "Please, let it be something good," She murmured quietly to herself, before placing her on the game contraption, her heart-beat increasing as she waited for the result.

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