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Posts posted by Atenea

  1. Too busy enjoying herself, Lisbeth hardly caught the words of the stranger. To her ears they just words carried by the wind and a trick of her own mind. Closing her eyelids tight, she put her hands behind her back and sighed happily. The sunlight might have been created artificially, but it felt so good on her face and skin. At least in this world she wouldn't get a bad suntan.

    Hearing the seagulls and the water splashing against the shore, she moaned as she stretch her body and settled to just lay down for a while. That was until she picked up the heavy footsteps of what could only be a male player. Not bothering to open her eyelids, she felt him stand over her and block the sunlight from her view. By her own guess, he must have been very tall to do so and feeling another presence with him, she couldn't decide if it was another player or not.

    Opening up one of her eyelids she caught a good look of his face. The friendly stranger was a foot taller than her and one of the biggest players she had seen so far. He almost reminded her of a mountain and then of course was the wolf by his side. Not remembering to cover herself, she sighed and closed her eye.

    "Not unless you want me to have yours as a token," She remarked in a sassy tone. Not that she meant to be rude, but more because it was in her own nature and she was enjoying herself for once.

    "Impressive gear... And wolf." Lisbeth sighed, looking up at him with her turquoise eyes.

  2. Lisbeth suddenly burst into laughter at his comment, unable to control her breathing as she did so and tears formed in her eyes. Trying to catch her breath, while a fit of giggles inundated her, she turned to him and raised a dark brow at him. Unlike what he probably thought that his words would do, she felt extremely happy and a bit sorry to having heard he'd suffer one of those players.

    "Oh... Oh, God. You poor thing." She replied, before brushing away the tears from her eyes. Straightening once more, she nodded at him before winking his way and pulling her arms up like a body builder. Though, she was slim and tall, her body curvaceous with a hint of muscle. The flex that she perform didn't do anything for her arms, but it was all for a show.

    "Good! I don't want you to be scared of these guns," She replied jokingly, before dusting her shirt off and turning her back on him once more. Rolling her eyes at his plain refusal of giving him mats in returned, she shrugged her shoulders and put her arms behind her back.

    "Well, after that sad story of being under the demise of small hyper female players. I think you deserved one. In fact, you can pick on what floor we will eat. Or, I will... There are some good cooks out there. Though, none like myself. Of course, I'm not sure my good cuisine moved into this game as a skill." Her voice a bit cautious, though the hint of teasing him still there. She already felt like a good friend with him and she was happy about that.

    "Oh... I miss days like that. Sometimes a little rain wouldn't hurt, but this game doesn't think that." Looking up at the clear sky, she let out a scoff at his comment before dragging her gaze back at him.

    "Uhuh! Not funny," She taunted back, her turquoise eyes going back to Nova and the thought she had once before of familiars.

    "I've considered it... But, I'm not sure. I don't want to build a bond and love something so deeply, before losing it." She didn't hide from him the truth.

    "I don't want to go into a battle and worried that I might do something stupid to put it in danger." She sighed, continuing to stare towards the path and finally catching sight of the gate.

  3. Turning her head back at the strange, but familiar voice. A smirk overcame her lips before a closed up fist was thrusted into the smiths direction. With that little advice coming from someone whom was closer to her Lis relaxed a bit more. So, the orange player wasn't the caused of the poor woman's problem. That was music to her ears.

    "Heya, Shanny! Long time, no mats?" She replied with a bad pun, remembering she owed him the necessary items for her own armor.

    Turning her gaze back at Ryujin her brow furrowed just a bit as she got lost in her own thinking.

    "Well, isn't SAO such a small world after all," She thought silently to herself, waiting for Shanny's respond.

  4. "Well, that's obvious." She replied in a sassy tone, before swinging her sword toward one of the closets golems. The strike that pierced through the air was one of her strongest attacks with her sword. Still keeping her back close to Sakuri, she turned sometime to watch him and see how he was faring with the other golem.

    With no damage gear on her, Lisbeth knew she would have to be careful and quickly, she moved to block the possible hit of the monster. Grinding her teeth together to hold her sword up and keeping her stance neutral for the attack she called out to Sakuri.

    "Are you doing alright?!" Before her eyes noticed how her strike had lowered the golems attack by two. The monsters sword hitting her armor garner her only a hit of one with the reduce damage ability the cuirass possessed.


    Sakuri - 17/17

    Lisbeth - 14/15


    Iron golem - 3/4

    Iron golem - 2/4

    Iron golem - 4/4

    Iron golem - 4/4

  5. Lisbeth could almost hear her mother's words cross her head as her naked feet finally sank into the soft, white sand. A lady being alone only called for trouble and terrors. She didn't doubt that, yet living inside of a nightmare she had lost all common sense to survive. Unable to catch a single dream in her nap, she had decided for a walk and didn't bother to put on her fighting clothes. Not when her intention was to get into the sea, perhaps swim on it and at least pretend that the current could take her.

    An unfortunate idea seeing as the sapphire dress she wore was not made for swimming cold ocean waves. Letting out a deep breath and inhaling once more the scent of sea salt, she ran as fast as she could before diving into the water. The current was strong today and not noticing anyone close by, she didn't bother with civilities. Letting herself be rock by the water and taken back to shore, she pushed her hair back and laugh alone as once more she dived into the current.

    Once more she was taken back to shore and she decided to lay on the white sand. Breathing heavily and perhaps flashing the world a wanton view of what always was hidden underneath her armor. Not that she cared for all she knew she was alone and happy.

  6. "Very." She whispered softly, not saying anything more. Definitely there was no annoyance in her tone then. Following after him, she kept quiet and made sure to keep a good look out for possible traps.

    Pursing her mouth at his words, she sighed sadly and understood the reason behind it. She didn't do groups because it was better to die alone and by your own self than be responsible for the deaths of others. Of course, she had never been responsible for any deaths then, but she understood and she hoped that she never had to go through that experience inside this nightmare.

    "I understand," Her voice was soft and her tone apologetic. Focusing back on the reality they stood, her gripped tightened around the hilt of her sword and it began to light up. She was getting ready for an attack on whatever monsters protected the corridors.

    For a few moments Lis wondered if this dungeon had no monsters to offer and only just death. That was a bad timing to think that, because once they crossed into a room the doors lock and the lights came out. As if an act was to play out and then the monsters came to play.

    Looking around Sakuri, her eyes widened. Four monsters was a big mob, yet their HP was dull. Staring at her own mob, she pressed her back more into her new friends body.

    "So...Any plan?" She asked him waiting to see which monster would attack first.

  7. She scoffed at his comment in an indignant tone. Her arms crossing in front of her as a her happy expression turned into one of glaring. Yet, she still continued to walked by his side and looked up at him, before turning her face up and away from his. Clearly, she wasn't impressed by that.

    "Well, I don't know what girls have you talked to in this game, but that is not true. I can perfectly guide my way AND I understand instructions to the letter." She replied, though half of that comment was a lie. In truth, she was good with directions but when it came to instructions- she was too stubborn to follow them.

    Hearing his jab at her council joke, she threw her hands up into the air before letting out a heavy worried sigh. An act she enjoyed to do.

    "Oh Lord, what I done!" She said jokingly, before nudging his bicep.

    "Those in council should be scared of you and also, I'm not surprised you are a blacksmith. You do have the muscles for it." She commented in all seriousness. Chuckling once more she patted his back and skipped off a few steps ahead before turning to face him, walking backwards her eyes although a light with mischief did not match her tone then.

    "That would be charming of you, but I could not accept such an offer without actually giving you back either materials or at least a dinner. I will definitely approve of your choice concerning gear as I'm no blacksmith." She stuck her tongue out and then turned her back on him, her skirt moving with the sudden twirl and breeze.

    "Today is such a beautiful day, though I miss the rain." She whined, before looking back at Eléssar.

    "Look at you? Proving your comment wrong! You just talked without even breathing and got distracted." She taunted back at him with fun, before winking his way and turning back to look at the snow lion. She really wanted a familiar really bad, but didn't dare to get one. Deep inside she didn't wanted to worry about creating a bond that might someday be a weakness to her.

  8. She really thought she was going to die there, but being too stubborn for her own good. Lis rolled on her back and got up quickly, doing a fighting pose. She hadn't notice the stranger nor recognize who he was; her eyes were too focus on the monsters advancing.

    Her eyes widened as suddenly over the monster a blonde hair player appeared doing a 360 and throwing her way an axe. Lisbeth had never used one of those, though she wanted too and given the chance to do so and save her own life- she took it. Jumping up in air she catch it swiftly with both of her hands. As she landed she watched in awe as the stranger landed a very critical hit.

    Remembering what she was supposed to do, she swiftly went after the same monster from the front, the axe's blade cutting through the air so it could strike the beast before she could advance on the other one.

    "Thanks!" She called out, before a grunt escaped her as she moved past the beast and towards the second minotaur. Moving her body as far away from the close monster to avoid a hit.

  9. I want to believe it as a ghost, because who's to say a game of death can't become haunted? Objects all around us are "haunted", and followed by ghosts, wouldn't you think a game of 4,000+ deaths would have some ghosts lingering around it? Also, Kayaba performed a technique himself, imprinting his consciousness into the game, even taking it with Kirito when he entered ALO, so I don't see how her data, or spirit, or whatever caused her to stay wouldn't be a viable outcome.

    Late! Very late for this, but actually another good point and a perfect example. Although supposedly he had transferred his being into the game, perhaps with all those who died it happened the same? =O

    I think that SAO recorded the image of each player and depending on certain circumstances and on certain ocassions and certain places it displays a mermory like thing

    Definitely something like this!

  10. May I ask what the GM's will be looking for in the history section and what I will need to avoid?

    ^-- The history can be very brief. From what did your character do before the game or how his life was- his background, etc. You should also talk more about the characters personality or way of behaving, give reasons to explain the traits that later on you are going to use for flaws and virtues.

  11. So if I were to say that my character was a game tester and was one of the few closed beta testers of SAO, would something like that be accepted?

    I believe you can use that plot line, but you can't give your character any special abilities or qualities because of it. When SAO was launch although most Beta Testers had enough knowledge of how the game worked, when it came to items or the like- they weren't that superior and if I remember correctly they started with the same item packs as the beginners.

    So, technically yes you can say your character was a Beta Tester, but if you'd like to add more into that plot-line you should ask a GM for permission if you want to go with something more concerning the BT phase. ^_^

  12. Heya KazuArrowsoki!

    First off, welcome to SAO!

    Now, for your character to be approved take a look at this link. Not only will you find in there the necessary application for developing the character's journal, but also some knowledge about what the GMs want to see in said journal.

    I advise you to focus more in this section:


    » Username:

    » Real name:

    » Age:

    » Gender:

    » Height:

    » About: History/personality

    » Virtues:




    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html




    Since that will be the clear description of how your character is going to act inside the game as well as give a bit more insight on how the game will affect him/her. For virtues or flaws, try to make them as cleared as possible and make sure to point how the positive and negative things of these. Don't do one liners, since that won't be enough for you or the GMs or any player to get a good and clear mental representation of your character.

    Once you filled up all of that information and your journal gets approved by one of our beloved GMs, then you can move on to the skills and item limits as well as professions. In the tutorial section of the site you'll find most of those details. If you need anymore assistance swing by the support and feedback area to inquire on your doubts.

    Hope this helps and happy gaming! ^_^

  13. I like this idea, not much is imputted into the profession, my thought would be to add a list of recipies to let the players see what they could make, as well as the effects each ithem can do, as well as a unique recipe list. I for one was a cook in FF14 A Realm Reborn, and i made dishes that kicked a**, and the ingredients were relativily easy to aquire to.

    Another thing, the ingredients locations, now as such with mats, you control what enemies drop what like floor 4, the ice wonderland floor. A buddy of mine Grim, he always says someting like Ice Sprites or Ice Wyrms are on that floor due to it being a snowy ice filled place. Shouldn't that also effect the ingredients found. LIke for example.

    *Enter floor 5*

    *Walk 30 miles into the floor (Pages 5)*

    *Discover a patch of well preserved green grass at Oasis.*

    *Discovered Desert Yam* (If loot die is 20)

    Something along the lines of that, it would be nice to if there was a list of items and locations to find them such as this,


    Desert Yam: Floor 5 (Pages; 5) (Loot die roll: 20)

    Ice Apple: Floor 4 (Pages 3) (Loot Die 17)

    A thing like that, somethign that makes it easier for us all to look for, instead of people going int blind and just doing who ha knows what in the topics. All im saying, it would be nice to have a little more comfort in finding mats or Ingredients in topics. Just my .02 cents.


    Also adding into this as well perhaps a roster for monsters in all of the floors? I love that we can use our imaginations but when it comes to Mats this could also be helpful that way we could also hunt down the general beasts and possibly even wild life without worrying if what we have imagine might not be exactly what goes along with the floors description? If this exists forgive me, because I haven't seen it but it would be extremely beneficial for the cooking profession (Like that rabbit kirito found?) you could totally play easter eggs on the players with such things ^_^

  14. In many MMO's I play food and drink items can replenish HP, add additional temporary HP, and other effects. Alchemy can do some pretty cool things, but we haven't really seen anything that would add HP for a topic. In addition, and since I am in basically the person in charge of items; I would even go so far as to say that Cooking/Food Items would provide full topic long resistance to poison, etc if a rare enough item were ingested before the fight. If only because I like it when our professions can each do something the others can't.

    I feel that while Alchemy has some good healing/antidote options; it also has poison, bombs, etc. So Food/Drink Items will have superior healing/antidote/bolstering effects. Not only does it heal better and provide better debuff resistances, it also can improve your stats for a coming battlefield; whether that be a specific skill or even a temporary increase to your HP.

    Oh, Saix.... WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME? WHY? YOU ARE THE BEST <3 I was worried you wouldn't understand what I meant, but I am so happy you do. <3



    Okay another quick question! Now, that you have answered that!

    As an alchemist yourself, do you think it might be possible to see a more larger list of items that one can make without following just the crystal list? Perhaps, trackers of some sort? Um... Digital maps or stores of digital images in a crystal sort of document that could light up with information and not just screen-shots?

    ALSO, ALSO! If we could totally do something like the cooking profession and enhance it more! Could we perhaps also do quest for it and rare items? yes? YES? YES? PLEASE SAY YES? PLEASE? <3

  15. This is a very interesting concept and I have to admit that I dig it, but now I have to pitch in with a curious fact. Perhaps, maybe it was the way it was sub in Episode 4, but Kirito explained to Cicila in one of their chats that the reason some Orange players had a Green gem was because of an illusion trick or something that made the system disguise the gem as a normal player.

    That's why the Laughing Coffin was so secretive and dangerous >.> No one knew who the members of the guild were because their identities were kept secret with this little trick. That's why no one actually thought Kuradeel was a traitor inside the K. O.B guild. An even then Kirito didn't even know he was an orange player. >.>

    So...I'm either confused or I missed something or the sub was wrong <.<

  16. Stopping when he did she looked around to make sure they weren't being followed and gave him a pat on the shoulder. A smile of understanding decorating her lips and she herself sighed along with him. She needed a profession sooner or later, even with gathering and selling mats or fighting beasts for them to drop loot the COL wasn't enough.

    "Hey, at least you have a profession. I haven't even made up my mind on what I want, though Alchemy has always appealed to me." She replied to him and looked back at the dungeons entryway. Opening her screen, she began to take out her own new armor and wore it with pride. Then she began to adjust her sword for a better reach, while still listening to him.

    "Aye... That's very true, but I can't wait for us to be over with it and full of COL, Mats and even a chest. Huh?" She said in a teasing tone. Looking up to meet his gaze Lis realized how serious his happy expression had turned. Noticing that a warning might be forthcoming she waited for it and once his words reached her ears, she rolled her eyes in a stubborn matter.

    "Alright... I won't play the hero." She sighed, before continuing on. "But come on... I can defend myself and protect your back, you know?" She commented with a bit of irritation, yet she understood what he meant. Safety was always first.

    "Taking out her sword, she gripped the handle with her right hand and followed after him. Thankfully, he had good reflexes because if not for his shield and his moves, he would have been hurt or dead. Letting out a shuddering sigh, she gulped loudly.

    "Are you alright?" She asked him, before cursing under her breath. That had been quite the scared.

  17. You could also be a performer, they can create what is called monster grenades, these little beauties can distract enemies so that you may attack them. But that is my opion, im doing it so I can have my Orcarina.

    That also sounds very cool! =O :shock:

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