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Posts posted by Atenea

  1. Too bad, Atenea, Hope you feel better soon!

    Finally today, I have been liberated from the pain so thankies Zel <3

    I really hate it when people point to their wrists when asking me for the time. Its like "Yeah I know where my watch is, wheres yers?"

    XD So true... lol

    Ugh, so my computer suffered a slip-send it to best buy for it to be fixed, got a call yesterday that I won't be seeing it until two weeks because the hard drive needs to be fixed -.-


  2. @Atenea: awww why nooot lol you know you want to be part of this ;)

    But I am liking this sausage fest! ;P

    @Atenea: I loved how Saul was so fickle from the beginning, but he eventually stood up to Walt near the end. Kudos to him! And Mike...Mike you will always be loved...You and your granddaughter! Also, you have to post! If you don't then this is just a huge sausage fest of pictures. You guys are great and all, but I think one girl should still be a part of the group!

    +1,000,000,000 <3 YES! YES TO EVERYTHING! Seee now I don't have too, because the sausage fest has been broken by Haine!

    You go, Haine! (lol) Who by the way is so cuteeee!

    I'm on my porch watching those damn kids on my lawn!

    LOL I just thought of you saying it like that character from courage the cowardly dog XD "Stupid Kids."











    0_0 •-•


    *hugs* SO SO CUTE <3

  3. I'm just going to throw in my two cents and say that the Griselda they saw in the cemetery was more like a "ghost" than a figment of their imagination. There are a few things that lead me to this conclusion. First, you stated that both Kirito and Asuna saw Griselda and that knocks the figment idea out of the running already. There is a possibility for synchronized hallucinations, but I doubt they took any form of drugs and also doubt that anyone drugged them prior to them reaching the cemetery. Secondly, I believe that although people die in the game, their data is still stored as information on a hard drive located in Kayaba Akihiko's lab. He states, after Kirito's victory, that there is a mainframe solely dedicated to SAO on the fifth-level basement of his corporate headquarters. With this in mind, you can see why it would be plausible for people's information, regardless of death, would be stored on something concrete.

    The overall idea stems from the belief that things you "delete" on the internet are still stored somewhere on some hard drive and it won't fully be deleted for a very long time; sometimes never at all unless someone were to destroy the hardware carrying the information. Now, we see near the end that Kirito comes back by force of will and beats death to deliver the final blow to Heathcliff, also known as Kayaba Akihiko. If it is possible for him, I don't see a reason why it wouldn't be possible for anyone else with a strong force of will to "return" to the living for a brief moment of time. It is said that people who are heavily wronged sometimes "linger" and roam this earth as "ghosts" or "spirits." Griselda was heavily wronged by people she fully trusted, and I believe that she stayed around and revealed herself when everything was settled. In essence, the whole light show she put on was her accepting her death and moving on like everyone else. Again, this is all just speculation and nothing can really be proven, unless the creator comes forward and outright says what happened!

    Kenji, I know that I might have mentioned this before to you, but I like how you think! This would make even more sense than the theory of her being a figment of their imagination, plus it would explain so much how they would recognize her since no one ever describe the way she look to them- just how she was as a player and person. Through the memories of the other guild members is how us the viewers get to see Griselda, so I really really love your theory and I second it!

  4. So, we all know what happens in the end of that episode? Good! We get to be introduce to that specific floor where the dead players are remembered, a cemetery of some sort. My question is after the whole case has been crack, what is your opinion concerning the appearance of Griselda at the end of the episode?

    Do you think she was an actual Ghost? Both Asuna and Kirito see her, so maybe not a figment of their imagination- since they never even met Griselda nor they knew how she looked like. Do you think that she might have been remembered by the system or just perhaps stayed in a limbo within it, causing her to appear to them?


  5. 'Gods protect me from stubborn men,' She quietly thought to herself, as his words made her aware of how cocky he could be. Rolling her eyes playfully, a small smirk adorned her lips while she studied his face quite closely. No fear was in his features, nor any worries wrinkled his handsome face. Not many male players had been bless with such a thing. Oh, how she had been witness to different young souls aging quite quickly and their eyes losing that sparkle of life.

    His still held that sparkle and she wouldn't deny that she felt attracted to that. She wanted to feel alive- to keep feeling as if she had chance to become stronger and wiser. A chance to grow old as she was expected to do in the outside world.

    "Oh, well aren't you humble." She tease, before letting out an unlady like snort. Turning her face to the other side, a playful smile stretching her lips, she quickly pounced on him and tried to disarm him- trying to see if she could surprise him. Letting out a husky laugh, she went quick to grab his arms while trying to be nimble in the process.

    "Scared of me?" She accused in a playful light, letting him know she had catch his rake glance through her figure.

  6. @ Kenji- Just hit me in the feelings DX (lol)

    Another Sad Moment of SAO was in ALO <3 When Kirito tries to defeat the "first level" of the World Tree and as much as he tries, he can't beat them all x.x Just breaks my heart, because you see him so so close to getting Asuna out and yet, not even that close :''/

  7. It looks like he is secretly undercover and ready to take someone down ;)

    @Atenea, your turn ;) many comments and no selfie. Hahaha >:)

    Ha! Hahahahaha! >=P NO! ^_________^ Actually, he looks like a lawyer lol All the charisma and the nice tux!

    @Atenea: Awh thanks! But Shark has a point. Time for you to show us your face!

    @Shark: The theme for my club's photo-shoot was Breaking Bad, so I wanted to dress up like Saul Goodman! But let's be real: Mike Ehrmantraut is the best character on that show!

    *Gives Kenji all the brownie points.* LOVE that you chose Saul! He is one of my favorite characters in that series, as for Mike... F^ YES! :'D I really hope that in the new series we get to see more him or I shall be pissed -_- <3

    As for my picture, whyyyyyyyy? I don't want to ruin this runway of hawt male members! :lol: :twisted: I ENJOY this thread just the way it is! ;) 8-) Keep 'em coming boys!

  8. "Hm..." The girl softly hummed, before nodding her head and silently observing him. Not saying very much Atenea, quickly made a silent judgement of the handsome stranger before her lips curled in a smiled at his question. Lost? She had never been lost in the first place, not when she had scoured the floor too many times for items or possible quests.

    Unable to keep the chuckle down, it erupted from her in a soft noise and both of her hands went up to hide her lips. This time she was the one blushing. Clearing her throat, she bowed in a respectful manner before opening her menu and taking out her dinner. She had paid for two sandwiches, but she only needed one- throwing the other one at the boy, she quickly called out to him.

    "Think fast," Smiling in friendliness she took a bite of her own and chewed it, while shaking her head. Once that bite was gulped down, she sighed. "I'm not lost, just wandering about... Searching for items or possible quests. How about you, Stranger?"

  9. The dagger swirled up in the air and lanted hilt first on her palm, a wide smile spreading full delicate lips as delicate fingers closed around the golden based and tighten their grip in a strong hold. Atenea charged her hit, before slicing the air with her attack. The red light dissipating as she did so and with it, showing the girl that practice did help her fighting tecnique.

    Beginning a deadly dance of swipe and doge, she almost looked like an elegant dancer keeping the rhythm to a silent song, that only she knew melody to. The young woman felt her body moved with elegant grace, that could not be match in the real world- something she wished she could take back with her once this hell was done. Such agility and such speed could help her so much in ballet.

    Finishing one strike with a high kick, she stopped to take a breather and to relaxed herself as best as she could. That when she noticed the stranger looking at her. Shielding her eyes from the sunlight the hand that was holding her dagger moved in a friendly wave, while loose black hair switch with the breeze.

  10. A hooded black figure exited out from the forested area. Staring through the shade of the dark cloak, the mysterious quickly tore the hood off and stared apologetically at the prepared swordsman. Green-hazel eyes glittered with approval, while an apologetic smiled spread on delicate full lips. The girl wasn't sure how old he was, but she'd judge him to be close to her own age. Raising her hands in a sign of mock defeat, she shrugged her shoulders before putting her own sword away.

    "Sorry about that..." She trailed off, her accent quite noticeable as she moved her gaze from his face and towards the empty spot where his meal had shattered. "I hope that was not the only thing you had." She murmured quietly, as if she was taming a beast.

  11. Floor six. She had just acquired the fifth level and still reeling from happiness, insanity drove her to enter the Jungle like floor, traveling it had been an experience so far. The monsters were hard to fight, yet there she stood in the tavern- still alive and surviving. Drinking down the contents of her glass, Atenea looked around and kept to herself, this way and that friends sat down with other friends. The line to the quest taking was bigger than ever and the player that kept it so, still had not made his decision as he continued to stare at the open windows.

    Sliding the empty jar back to the NPC barman, she straighten to listen in quietly on what exactly he was saying, her eyes shining with curiosity and before she could call out her acceptance of the Quest- he was gone. Gulping loudly the girl paid off the Col debt, before quickly following after the other male player and perhaps questioning her sanity once more. She had always been one to play for the rules and she still did, yet every floor meant that she had to bend her nature to survive.

    The sixth floor was no different. Accepting the Quest the other member was after, she sent out a party invitation before letting out a loud whistle.

    "Hey! You..." She called out, finally reaching him and catching him by the back of his shirt. "I'll join you. If you'll have me..." She mumbled shyly, hoping for a 'yes' from his part.

  12. "Hey, I already invited you to a dinner! You almost let me go broke, Dusk." She joked, her eyes never straying from the map. Atenea didn't noticed Dellis gaze on her, too focus and too occupied on remembering the map. She wanted to impress her friend. She also wanted to protect them as best as she could.

    Looking up at Dellis words, a soft giggle burst out of her and a dreamy look came upon her eyes. Commander, now that was something she would like to be some day.

    "Now I like that title..." She responded teasingly, before hiding the map in one of her pockets. Her astute mind flashing the images of it over and over. Listening to the story had her brow furrowing with worried, but the Unknown was the least of her concerns at the moment. Dunes had never being safe places, not even in the real world and although the heat was barely felt, the conditions could worsen quickly inside the game. A trick perfected by the Game Master- a dangerous one at that. Catching Dusk's question, she pushed away said concern and remembered quite easily then the map's structure.

    "Actually, there is! If I am correct, by time calculation the next stop would ten minutes away- though it is the closest one to the Temple... The other are far off to the east and west, about twenty minutes or so. I hope that one is working, we would need shelter if the climate changes. My father always told me horror stories about sand storms..." She trailed off, quickly growing quiet as she slipped a private detail of her home life. Shaking her head Atenea kept her sight ready for anything that could be on the loose or in hiding.

  13. The dark haired man smirks again and extends his hand in a friendly gesture "My name's Twilightdusk, you can just call me Dusk if you want." His own brown eyes meet her green ones as they turn to start walking back towards town, his dark blue coat trailing behind the rest of his body a bit. He also took notice of the other man in the area, but didn't pay him much mind.

    "Sorry to have dampened your celebration, but I did say you looked good out there didn't I?" He stretches his arms up above him as they walk. "In any case, I can certainly look forward to having a nice drink, and some nice company for a change as well."

    Atenea took his hand with her own, giving it a friendly squeeze as she moved along with him, trying to keep up with his pace. Green hazel eyes glittering with spark and intelligence, as she finally settled her reeling body into a more calmer state.

    "Dusk; cool name. I'm Atenea, but you can call me what you like... As long as it is nice, though. Most call me Ate around here," She nodded in greeting, before letting go of his hand and rolling her shoulders. Putting the dagger away around her back, she let out a hearty laugh.

    "I know. That, my good knight, is why you shall get a drink and possibly a dinner- I am starving to be honest." She confess, turning back to the road as she tried to hide her flush face. Somethings shouldn't be told to strangers, specifically ones you had just met.

    "Very true," She commented in a tired voice, feeling at ease at finally finding someone who missed the same things she did.

  14. Biting back the laugh that wanted to burst out from her, the brunette looked away and tried to keep a straight face, but she failed miserable at doing so. Moving her green-hazel eyes back to his, Atenea grin in a playful manner before sitting up, this time she was looking down at him and she let her gaze travel as freely down his body as his eyes had done hers.

    "You caught me," She murmured, flipping her dark loose hair back to keep the breeze from blowing it around her face. Her gaze widening as it settled on her that he was an upper level. Zauis had been the only other player she had met with such stats, yet this was the famous Shark-leader of the Knights of Christ and feared fighter, if the rumors were true.

    Clearing her throat, she blushed in embarrassment at spacing out for a moment in front of him.

    "It is..." She quickly commented concerning the day, letting out a peaceful sigh, "Why are you alone? Shouldn't you be protected by escorts?" Her eyes sharpened, before her head turned to look around, while her own body tighten at the thought of being watch-yet, there was no one but them in the area.

  15. Oh goodness, this is hard... Specifically because so many sad moments ; o ; I have to say Sacchi dying and Yui dying were the most terrible, but they get beaten by Asuna giving her life to save Kirito x.x

    I also teared up when the game was finally won and you see the pixels flying from the sky as everyone watches them and I...The ninja cutting onions came in then and I was crying XD

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