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Posts posted by Atenea

  1. Moving from shop to shop, she had been looking for a specific teleportation Crystal. Sadly, she had no luck with that. Everything was super expensive and Lisbeth had little money for it. Letting out a sigh with her head bow down and looking at the floor, she tried not to worry about that and yet, her mind couldn't stop going over it. When the loud squeal interrupted the normal peace of the town, her turquoise went up and got wider before a huge smile spread her lips. Rosalia, or Roza as she liked to call her friend, was the one responsible for that terrible sound.

    Being taken into a surprised hug by the redhead, Lisbeth chuckled and returned it with as much warmth as she could. Though, her poor ears were still suffering from the ringing on the loud noise.

    "Roza! Uh... Roza!" She exclaimed even more surprised as she was dragged toward a male player and another female. Although, her friend kept talking on and on- Lisbeth worried for what was happening between the unknown male and his companion.

    A little confused by all of it, Lis could only just look at the hand and then at Roza. Her eyes squinting in curiosity, before taking the offered hand and nodding her head in greeting.

    "Before you kidnap me?" She teased the redhead, before shrugging her shoulders and dragging her gaze back to the weary female.

    "I've been searching for items to used. Trying to level up and join the ranks. No luck with that, though... So, what's going on here?" She tried to keep her voice cooled, though in the back of her mind some uncertainty was on it. Even if Roza had her gem green, this mysterious friend was a P-ker and she couldn't but feel weary.

    Safe towns were supposed to be safe, but seeing that the lady was alright under her condition. She decided to keep her thoughts to herself.

  2. The blade sliced through the air before connecting with the boar and making it disappeared into pixels. The amount of Col received for that was way too much little. but at least it was something. Sheathing back her sword and turning to look up at the sky, she mused to herself silently how much she missed a cloudy day. SAO rarely had those in the system and although bright days were fun, at least the cloudy days gave her a reason to stay inside.

    Beginning the path back to the safe town, her steps carried a little skip in them and all because of the practice she had done. Working hard toward gathering the enough amount to buy herself better equipment, Lisbeth still needed even more for the good quality ones.

    Not that she would let that stop her. The long walk seemed like a short one then and with still enough time before her next meal, she decided to go for a stroll around the safe town and envy those who were gathered with their own parties. Rolling her eyes at the stupid emotion that flooded her then, she turned around and dropped her pretty behind on the fountain bench.

    Crossing her legs and placing her chin a top one of her hands, the dark haired girl stared at all the others quietly.

    "I don't need that..." She muttered to herself loudly before pouting. Turning to look at the male not so far away from her, she frowned at him unconsciously.

    "That looks extremely uncomfortable..." She directed the words his way, before tugging down on her own skirt.

  3. Watching him mess with his hair as she talked made her suddenly realized that this would be the first time she was going questing with another player. Specifically, a cute one like himself. Not wanting to trip in the process of taking a good look at his features, she turned back to the path and continued forward. Giving him a polite nod at his words.

    "The pleasure is also mine." She replied, already settling into a much more social manner. A weird thing for her seeing as she rarely if ever was like that.

    "Merchant? How is that going for you? I'm still trying to decide what profession to choose... Although, I do need one soon." She sighed loudly in an overly dramatic way, before looking at him from the corner of her eye. Noticing that his gaze was on the map once more she waited for more instructions.

    "Awesome! With these materials, I could finally begin to build my armor.... Oh, it will be so cool!" She squeaked, unable to help herself as her eyes sparkle with excitement. She could finally, finally, go into quests all protected by some sweet armors and try to advance levels as quickly as she could to reach some of the most powerful players.

  4. She was used to the silence. The idea of not having to talk was peaceful and yet, sometimes the silence felt lonely. She didn't see her new acquaintance as a danger, but she didn't also know how to even start a conversation. Taking deep breaths in and then exhaling them, she concentrated on their expedition. More mats meant more Col. More Col meant more weapons and a chance to leveling up. As her mind raced with different ideas as to what to do, Lisbeth turned then to look at him.

    "Uh...Lisbeth." His question had taken her by surprise, not accustomed to talking to strangers she was happy for him to break the silence. Extending an arm in front of him just in case he would tripped, she waited to see if he was fine before following a question of her own.

    "What about you? Is this your first time looking for Mats?" She asked curiously, petting him on the shoulder in an absent manner.

  5. Lisbeth smiled waiting for his reply. She knew that he had possibly nodded yes and yet, she wanted to make sure he was actually saying. When his replied came swift she flashed an even bigger smile towards him.

    "Perfect! Must we wait for others to arrive by chance?" She looked around the plaza trying to se if there was anyone interested. Looking back at him once more, Lisbeth noticed the sign was gone and she shrugged her shoulders at that. Might as well be it them, since a bigger party would be an even more hassle to her... and him.

    Looking at his map, she stared up at him and nodded.

    "I'm fine with it! Then what are we waiting for!"

    She started walking toward the exit, before turning back at the boyo and smiling, before calling him with her hand.

    "Come on!"

  6. Although, that is one HELL of nice thought. You have to admit that Holland might have a chance to take the Cup. Germany is strong this WC, so I can't wait to see if they actually do make it to the finals.

    As for Brazil... I hope the whole Neymar thing doesn't affect them much and Argentine... Meh. Maybe they won't flake out in the semi-finals.

  7. Lisbeth came out of the tavern. Her belly full and not rumbling anymore. Though SAO offered a variety of meals to her they tasted the same. A terrible fact if you were stuck in a game for what seem to be an endless time. Stretching up and reaching her hand up to the sky, she wondered what to do that day. After taking the Dragon quest, she still had not used her new armor and that made her sad.

    Dropping her shoulders in a sigh, the black hair girl walked slowly through the town plaza and mused silently to herself. Sooner or later, she needed to decide whether to actually get a profession or worked in getting mats for other shops. Raking her fingers through her long hair, she looked up and her eyes met the strangers sign.

    Stopping on her tracks, her mind quickly work out what he was asking and so before anyone else could get into that party, Lisbeth hurried to it.

    "Hello? Excuse me! Is there still room for this party?" She asked politely, though her eyes shined with the possibility of actually joining finally a party and getting some mats on her hands.

  8. Epilogue

    "There it is." The smith replied, after taking the materials and working specifically on her order. The armor came out just as she had imagined. Keeping the design of the Dragons, yet fully covering her and well fitted to her body. Feeling a blush rise through her face, Lisbeth took it happily and hugged it to herself.

    FINALLY! She had part of her armor and it was unique! Nodding her head in appreciation at both of the NPC's, she left the shop and stowed away the battle garment.

  9. With one last roar the young red dragon stopped and it destroyed itself in pixels. Dropping her sword to the ground, Lisbeth looked around and sighed. Sitting down on the lonely cave, she decided it was time for her to leave and with a swift motion got up. Taking her sword in hand and walking slowly towards the entrance, she couldn't wait to deliver both of her prizes to the surly smith.


  10. The attack was weak and it was something that she could fend off. Doing a twirl, she delivered what she hope to be one last blow and with it came a battle cry. Of course, if anyone would have heard it they would have thought other wise. Letting out a huff, the girl took two steps back and hoped for the end of the battle.

    "Come on... Come one..." She muttered to herself.

  11. Throwing her fists up in the air, Lisbeth let out a playful laughter and did an excited jump. Finally! Finally, she was gonna get the last mats she needed for her armor. Seeing the Dragons hp drop again, Lis knew that it was now or never, letting it come straighter towards her she waited for the attack and prepared one of her own.

    Young Red Dragon

    1 -> 1/4

  12. Once more the HP dropped. Lis took a step back and began to sized up the monster once more. Letting out an annoyed huff, she quickly did a run for it before moving her sword into a slicing action at the young dragon, before sliding under it and away from it. Quickly getting up, she waited to see if any damage was done.

  13. The monster's attack failed. Giving out a silent prayer to whoever was listening at that moment, Lis pushed the beast back and she began to get some distance from it. The monster was too close and although, she had only fought two- the thought of being surprised by another mob kept her on her heels. Putting herself at risk once more, she went for another swing this time using the powerful strike and hoping some damage would come from it. She didn't know how long her luck would turn out.

  14. The monsters HP went down to 3 and Lisbeth lifted up her upper lip in a snarl. Doing another turn she swung her sword and the monster moved once more towards her. Aiming for it's jaw the strike missed, but she didn't stop. She swung once more as the monster went in for a bite and once she had dodge that move. Quickly the beast went for a headbutt, taking a step back she used her sword for blocking the attack.

    Young Red Dragon:

    1 -> 3/4

    2 -> 0/4

  15. The Dragon did no harm to her and for that she was grateful. Once more she took the defensive stand and began to swing her sword left and right, not caring if blows landed or not- she wanted to create as much damage as she could or at least keep the AI monster at bay.

    Lisbeth cry out every time her sword did a strike and she didn't stop.


    Young Red Dragons

    1 -> 4/4

    2 -> 0/4

    Lisbeth HP -> 9/13

  16. The young Dragon roared one last time, before it disintegrated. Leaving behind one of the two materials she needed along with a specific amount of COL. Lisbeth decided to ignore that for a moment and concentrated on the other one. Squinting her eyes in anger, she remembered this one still had all of it's HP.

    The last dragon roared and it charged towards her, she did the same preparing her blade for a blow.

  17. Letting out a triumphant laugh, Lisbeth smirk and used that opportunity to swing various times at the beast. She didn't wait to see if she hit it or not, she just wanted it dead. Swinging her blade as fast as she could, she made sure to use all her strength on the blow. One dragon dead, meant one burden less.

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