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Posts posted by Atenea

  1. "The one who confused you for a violet haired man? For Garou? Oh right! I did confuse him with a girl a few months ago..." he said in embarassment while scratching the back of his head. "Oh... So you came to find a good blacksmith at a good price, that sounds just like me!" he told Lisbeth. "Just tell me what you need, bring me the materials and I'll make it for you, in fact, it could be anything, as long as you can afford it" said Shanok, he then went to his counter and waited for his customer to tell him her order.

    A chuckled came out of her lips once she had seen the poor boys embarrassment. Nodding her head in an affirmative, she looked around the shop once more as she heard his comment.

    "Good to know! I'm in need of various things, specifically some throwing picks. I'd like them to be dangerous and perhaps carry some sort of paralysis or toxicity? Do you think that could be done? Aside from that, I would also like them to deal some damage. Heavy. I know this can be quite the challenge seeing as Picks are rarely used for fighting but I want the as a last option if my sword fails. The ones I have are not made of any precious metal, but they do the job for hunting."

    Turning her turquoise eyes on the customer, she studied him silently while waiting for the smith to finish his order.

    Hearing the door of the shop ding once more, Lisbeth turned to look at the beginner before deciding to finish the order for Shanny.

    "I would also like a special dagger made and some battle gauntlets for an armor. I'll bring the materials for the picks if you have any requests? For the dagger and gauntlets, I can pay you in COL or more materials." She finished, before cocking her hip against the counter and turning to the arrival.

  2. I have two!

    One past tense and present tense. Garrrrhhhhh my bane! I'm trying to fix that, but as a ESL player sometimes I get nervous at my writing partners not liking my posts.

    The other one being POV. I've done all the POVs XD But still it's hard trying to find just the perfect one to make the posts more fluid. *shrugs*

    I do agree that it's hard putting yourself out there, specifically in a new forum! >:

  3. Might be later for this topic, but here are some things I do!

    Aside from listening to my own music, I usually go to 8tracks and search for playlists that have either to do with writing or with my fandom interests as well as classical music! Many of the playlist are build with awesome songs and usually whenever I find one that pulls the strings to my muse- the words begin to pour out!

    I also try to keep myself active with either doing some meditation or running, since it helps clear my mind and after a good session I am usually feeling great for writing.

    Aside from that! I get on tumblr for either seeking pictures or for practicing with prompts. The prompts can vary, but they are good way to develop ideas or just at least give you some inspiration! :D

  4. Lisbeth turned back and looked at the smith. He was young and seemed familiar to her. Scrunching her face in confusion she quickly pointed at him and let out a surprise gasp.

    "You? I know you! You're the one who confused for violet hair man." She said, before chuckling. Looking around at the store, she tried not to point out it's terrible condition.

    "I'm searching for a smith who does great work at good prices. I have an order to place, but first I'd need to gather mats." She quickly responded afterwards.

  5. Lisbeth was already sitting down and waiting on the friendly player to answer her questions. Thinking that perhaps he was lost in thought she turned to look at the two other players from before. She felt bad for listening in on them, but she didn't dare intrude on that tête-à-tête.

  6. "Mm?" She said loudly for him to hear, although she had barely catch what he was saying Lisbeth could have sworn he had said something. Perhaps, it was just her own imagination. Feeling a bit sassy towards him, she tried to contain the small burst of laughter that wanted to escape her.

    "And the men say women are terrible with directions..." She replied, before catching up with him and trying to keep up. This time she couldn't help but laugh just a little at his words. Nudging his bicep Lis then moved her right hand to point out all of the town buildings.

    "You should definitely run for town council. I bet they would appreciate that idea." She pointed out in a friendly taunt already relaxing in his presence. Watching him work with his sword before unsheathing it, Lis stared in awe at the piece and just a little bit did her envy grow. She wanted one just like that, equally beautiful and dangerous.

    "Who made it for you? It is! Very pretty and very well balanced" She asked staring at the clear steel. Looking up at him she flashed him a sincere happy smile then.

    "That would be great... I've been wanting to work on my own armor, but need to work on saving up COL. Plus, my own steel might be beginner at best and yet it still does the job! Once I'm rich, I will finally be able to buy myself a great sword like yours!" She said with a dreamy expression, not because she was flirting with him but because she already knew what she wanted as a weapon and liked to fantasize about it sometimes.

    To her, weapons were better than boys inside the game.

  7. The innocent smile quiver a bit as she almost broke her bluff. Nova was a pretty big familiar, but Lisbeth only hope she didn't attack her because of the little stunt she was about to pull. As he assured her that he didn't think she was weak, Lis took the pick then and kept it under his chin close to his throat.

    "That's good to know, because I'm not." She said in a husky tone, before letting him go and chuckling. This one was immune to flirting and she admired that about him as well. Any other player would have turned creepy then, but he was as cool as the breeze fluttering her own skirt and perhaps, a bit innocent in her own opinion.

    Turning to Nova, she let out a snort and followed after the pair, hiding the pick back where it belonged and ruffling the material of her skirt. Looking at the passing parties she was finally happy at having someone to spend the day with and not get bored.

    "They all are... Am I to think your sense of direction is off?" She teased as both of them ended following the big cat out of the town.

    "So, what steel do you carry? By what I read seems rare." She mused aloud for him to hear.

  8. So... I have been trying to think of a possible profession I could do and I'm either considering Artisan or Cooking. As we all know there are a lot of great artisans with amazing shops, but maybe I haven't found a 'Cook' with a shop >.> So... Could it be possible I could pursue this profession and establish one? What about making food/drink items that can be rare and possibly even help out with HP when eaten?

    I know this sounds extremely silly, but I am being serious. Please, don't judge me XD

  9. The familiar cling should have alerted the shop's owner of her arrival, but Lisbeth still made enough sound so the player knew she was there. The shop was cold in the inside, perhaps even more cold than the outside. Letting out a shivering breath she reminded herself that she preferred the cold than any hot floor. Looking around the shop, she stopped in front of the shield and admired it's work. About to press her hand in front of it, Lis wondered what exactly did it do aside from being pretty.

  10. She waited for him to answered and for moment with his gaze upon her, Lis wondered if he would reject her request. She wouldn't blame him if she did, after all a stranger player approaching one for simple demand could sometimes lead to a trap. Turning her head to the coffee's shop newest arrival, she was happy to see that there were others just like her willing to not be a lone and rather spent the time meeting someone new.

    Turning back to the male player, she flashed him a happy smile before she took her seat and nodded towards him in thanks. Trying to catch the attention of the NPC, she decided to break the silence and try her hand at small talk.

    "The names Lisbeth, most just call me Lis. So, what ya having there? Is it any good?" She asked, perhaps too quickly and gave him a sheepish look.

  11. Once the invite was accepted and she had him on her friends list. Lisbeth stared at his stats and almost whistled aloud. He was soon going to reach the eight level and he seemed pretty pack with good armor and metal. Closing the small screen and watching him get up so swiftly, she wondered if his agility and flexibility were high or if that was just part of who he was. Compared to him she felt like a total noob and a little bit of respect as well as envy developed inside of her.

    Rolling her eyes at his words, Lisbeth wondered if he actually considered her to be weak. Crossing her arms while still keeping the relax pose she had before, she waited for him to figure out which exit they were going to take. She took calm steps toward him and rounded his muscled figure to block his path. Placing her hands behind her back, she took out one of the small throwing picks she kept hidden in her skirt. A necessity and of course, a precaution.

    "Pretty kitty," She replied as he introduce the white lion. The beast was a beauty and along with him, they both made a great team. Taking one step and then another, she stood on her tip toes and smiled innocently. Her eyes light mirth as her right hand hand went to his neck and upward to caress his cheek.

    "Do you think I'm weak? Do you not trust me to guard your back?" She asked with a tone of worry, although the feeling was an act. Caressing the soft skin, while her big turquoise eyes stared into his red ones.

  12. A dark hair brow shot up at his words. Not one to trust easily or believe in words, Lisbeth couldn't help but be surprised that he'd even acknowledge her uneasiness toward him. Honesty had always been something that she had valued and this male player had lot's of it. Shrugging her shoulders and giving him a curt nod, she finally decided to take his hand with her own in greeting.

    "You got that right..." She replied, before a smirk took over her lips. Letting out a chuckle at the comment that was clearly directed at Roza, Lis only shook his hand once before letting it go and although she appreciated his honesty, she didn't share any clues toward her own origins.

    "Sickness? Well, that is not good does she need a place to rest?" She changed the subject quickly, wanting to derail the conversation and focusing more on the Lady.

  13. A soft smile came upon her lips. One of understanding at his words and she let go of his hand, before he thought she might be creepy. Standing up to get a better good look at him and asses him completely, Lisbeth noticed he was a bit more taller than her. Well, almost every male player in the game was taller than her, so that wasn't something new.

    "I can definitely understand that... Finding friend is hard, specially when you are used to be alone." She said softly, before a chuckle erupted from her. The fact that he had taking her words and associated with them without making into any rude remark made her like him even more so.

    "I usually fight Solo. I find it to be more easier, plus most of my friends in the game either belong to very active guilds or they prefer the safety given inside the towns." She commented, before moving slowly around him as she studied him closer. Here and there her eyes travelled. He definitely was no beginner and although, she couldn't see his level she'd bet COL that he was a higher one. When she was satisfied with her own observations, she finally moved her hand for her cursor to appear and sent an invite to him.

    "Well, I have nothing to do and I do need the experience of questing. I'd be delighted to be part of your party if just for this one day." She replied with a mischievous grin, her turquoise eyes lighting up with merry.

  14. Going down the steps of the gate of the floor eight, Lisbeth looked around and smiled. This was a new place she had never been too. With her heart pounding in excitement, she took out her own blade and began to explored the lands. Thirty minutes later, she found herself in a terrible mess and wondered silently what the frigg had she been thinking.

    Blocking an attack from a coming minotaur, she kept holding on to her beginners blade until the monster finally broke it and dealing her with what felt as a critical attack, Lis flew backwards and hit herself against a hard branch. Gasping for air even if she did not needed, she watched in horror as her blade disintegrated into pixels.

    Looking back at the red-eye monster, she had no place to run and nothing to defend herself with. Another minotaur appeared and she knew then that she was very, very dead.

    Minotaurs ->

    1 -> 15/16 hp

    2 -> 16/16

  15. When the portal finally left her at the gate of the First floor in Aincrad, turquoise colored eyes moved through the group of players trying to find any familiar faces. None were to be found. A sense of sadness developed inside of Khalan as she began her way through the many paths of NPC vendors and moving players. She was no longer the beginner she had been when the tragedy of SAO struck in the first day of release. Truth be told, she rarely remembered all the details of that day as the time passed. Yet the faces she had encountered then still lingered in her memory as clear as crystal.

    Most of the friends she had made were still living and working for the front lines, but then there were some who could no longer continue to bear the suffering of the game. The waiting and hoping of finally leaving the nightmare. Once she had cried for them and yet, whenever she heard of another friend falling to his or her demise, Khalan didn't cry no more. In fact, deep inside she felt envy for them- even if that was such a terrible thing to feel.

    Noticing that many things had changed, she quickly began to build up her own arsenal of possessions and once she was finish, she decided to try out the new cafe so many talked about. Entering the small shop, the dark hair girl looked around and tried to keep her head bow as she moved through the busy tables to find a spot. A chair was available, but this was on the table of an unknown player.

    Debating whether she should leave or not, she decided on finally approach the stranger and ask him for the seat. Clearing her throat, she tried to flashed a friendly smile before pointing at the empty chair.

    "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" She said politely, though her eyes were weary.

  16. A raven eyebrow went up at the sudden words of the stranger. Looking down at his offered hand, she shrugged her shoulders and stared at it. At least someone understood the loneliness that came with being a single player. Letting out an annoyed puff, she looked around the plaza before letting go of the strong hand.

    "Well, that's what happens when you don't trust easily or shy." She replied without looking at him.

    Suddenly hearing steps, Lisbeth widened her eyes at how fast he had moved and she couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh. Sensing no danger from him and only interest, she relaxed just a bit while still being on her guard.

    "Pleasure to meet you. The name is Lisbeth or Lis. So, lonely player with no party, named Eléssar what brings you to Floor 3?" She asked, taking the offered with a strong grip and shaking it. Hell... He might be taller than her and frankly intimidating, but she wanted to let him know she could hold up her end if he did anything funny.

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