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Posts posted by Atenea

  1. Well, being the first episode I do have to agree I got hook on it from the start. I actually enjoy how we all got introduce to some future characters through foreshadowing, specifically the female characters in particular. Plus, how quickly that punch of terror is dealt by Akihiko Kayaba and his scary GM avatar (can't help but think the red liquid he forms himself from is blood or a symbolism to the blood spilled or about to be spill). Though, it broke my heart to see Kirito lose all admiration for his idol the moment he learns how the game is going to be played.

    What were your favorite scenes from the episode? What symbols did you caught in the beginning that might have come out in the other episodes?

  2. Humahna Humahna? or should it be Hubba Hubba? Either way, handsome faces hiding around here!

    Okay, question time.

    1) Erron, what were you looking there? You seem so pensive and philosophical!

    2) Sharky put some sunblock! You'll get burn!

    3) Asen and Zel, cutie pies!

    4)Ryu is that by any chance Toledo? The architecture seems super familiar to the one found around that area!

  3. You should make a sword that is red. Red is a color many people enjoy! It is the color of a heart which represents love! It is also the color of bloodshed and war! Red is such an unbelievably appealing color! In conclusion you should make a red sword because red is great.


    Sounded oddly poetic, Nex. XD You should make a sword out of each color of the rainbow =O and present it to different people, giving said swords different powers to attack with.

  4. Turning to look at the blue hair girl and pink colored one, her green eyes glinted with happiness at seeing such purity in such a deadly game, with a genuine smile spreading her lips-she shrugged her shoulders and turned back to the path. It would be only for one day, she reminded herself and then she'd go back to leveling as well as letting them back to the safe town.

    "No, you won't find such a thing on this level. There are only Inn's, but I have no problem paying for you or your friend, Nature Princess. Besides, if I gather you some ingredients you could feed me as payment? Would that be okay?" She called out, stretching her arms up as she felt the muscles in her back loosened.

    "Too late. I am already worrying," She replied, letting out a friendly laugh at her words, before turning to Haine. Hearing the girl say a greeting seemed like she had uncover a mysterious unique object. One to be treasure. That made her feel a pang for home. The invisible hand gripped her heart and made her feel a bit weak, as she remember what was waiting on the other side. Gulping back tears silently, she turned her gaze toward where Haine was watching and wonder why those blue eyes stared at the small fluffy stuffed rabbit.

  5. A dark hair brow went up as he made his introduction. Awareness gleaming in her eyes as she remember where exactly she had seen such colors being worn before. Meeting his gaze with her own, the smile never faltered before she shrugged her shoulders and acted as if she had no clue on what guild he was specifically talking about. Girls were mysterious beings like that, though Atenea rarely let herself succumb into such games but this one male was interesting. Very handsome too.

    "Oh? Never heard of them, but good to know. I'm Atenea, nice to meet you." The words came out in a very husky tone, while the smiled turned into a smirk. A hint for him to guess that she was playing concerning his guild.

    "Lovely day isn't it? What level are you?" Curiosity flooded her as she tried to keep the act of uninterested girl, though she bet he was one of the highest level members. The air of importance that he carried with himself said so.

  6. Moving her fingers in a delicate fluttering to greet her two new friends, Atenea's smile for once was sincere and full of happiness. Looking at Dusk, she elbowed him in a friendly gesture before letting out a chuckle at Dellis words. She didn't dare to express her worries then and so, she ignored such worries. She trusted them, that had to be enough to survive.

    "Well, that is good to know, Del. I was worried I might be keeping you two waiting," Letting out a playful gasp of indignation at Dusk's words just then, she took the other healing crystal from Dellis and stuck her tongue out at Dusk, before letting out a chuckle.

    "I'll bet you a dinner that you'll be the first to need it." She replied, winking at Dellis before keeping the crystal on her body instead of hiding it on her HUD. No good would it do her hidden there, even if she was sure of her own skills-which had better during the last days, she was not going to gamble her life or that of her friends.

    Nodding her head as Dellis began to give the information concerning floor five, she took out her dagger and placed it on her hip before moving on to adjust her shield. Turning to look at Dellis hand, her eyes widened at the thought of being the one in charge of directions, letting out a nervous laugh the girl quickly took the map and analyzed it.

    There was always a first time for anything, hopefully this first time ended well or they'd truly would end in the North Pole- not by Dellis fault, but because of hers.

    "Ha! I shall try my best then," She said jokingly, though she gulped back her fear of letting them down. "Good to know. I think we are all at a greater advantage for the guardian and the monsters as for the Unknown...We shall see." Following after them, Atenea began to memorize the map while keeping most of her attention on the conversation.

    She had never been keen on surprises, yet if it came to Dellis she didn't doubt for a second that it would be one of a good nature. Smirking at the Blacksmith's words, she looked up to meet his face and began to plan out what kind of weapon she wanted for him to built.

    "Well, before we begin any conversation concerning the Unknown... The maps states that a mile from where we are standing the temple should be found. Be very observant concerning staircases or protruding objects that is gonna be our hint to see if we are close." She called out, before continuing on to study the map her brow furrowing as she kept track of where she walked.

  7. Opening one eyelid, Atenea smiled a bit drowsy to act worried or even surprised. Turning to lay on the side, the sleepy smile spread as she caught a better glance on this new stranger.

    "Hi. All good and yourself?" The words came out in a bare whisper. Those colors he wore, she had seen before but she didn't remember where. She didn't care-for once she wanted just to forget where she was even for a bit.

  8. Falling down on her back, she ran her hands down the green grass while a dreamy smile played across her lips. Half-closing her eyes she stared up at the digital sun and sigh, finally finding some sort of peace in this hell of a game. Unlike the days before, where she spent most of them fighting and leveling up the floors to gain more experience as well as Col, Atenea found herself simply enjoying a lazy day.

    Her long dark hair moved with the breeze, the skirts of her green dress dance up her legs while she tried to pull them down as best as she could. Losing said fight, she stretch in the ground and closed her eyes. Not noticing as sleep took her swiftly.

    Minerva did not notice that off in the distance, some stranger was approaching.

  9. "Oh..." Atenea nodded at Haine, before bringing her hand back to her side. Turning her gaze to the other girl, her eyes widened in surprise at hearing her words. No weapons? Green hazel eyes switch from one smiling face to another. To her either both of her new acquaintances were lucky or reckless at traveling the floors without any protection.

    "Really?" She asked in disbelief, before becoming even more surprise at Kanoko's words. Staying together for a night? They had just met? The poor older girl didn't know what to say, let alone how to even say no. Letting out a sigh, while turning her head to look back at the vastness of the valley, she opened her HUD and noticed that she had enough COL to buy all three of them rooms. She really didn't think that these two had made any money fighting, not yet of course.

    "I guess that is a good idea...Do you have any money to stay somewhere?" Atenea smiled, her eyes going to the stuffed animal and remembering that she had one almost like it back home. Home... A bittersweet feeling filled her up at the thought of it, pushing it aside she began to move towards the closest safe town she knew of.

    "He is very cute." She called out, not turning to see if Kanoko and Haine where following. "How old are the both of you? Why aren't you two in a safe town? The floors are very dangerous y'know!"

    She had always been an only child, never bless with any younger siblings-yet, just then her voice was stern like one of an older sister trying to give a lesson to two younger siblings.

  10. As normal went inside the game that specific day seemed to be a bit relax. Floor five had barely anything to offer her then concerning monsters, as finally defeated another wolf and won experience as well as Col from it, Atenea turned to watch the vast lands of floor five. Closing her eyes, Atenea raised her head up to the warm light of the sun. Catching the sounds of someone approaching, she got out her dagger and positioned herself to fight.

    "Who's there?" She called out, noticing one girl while another came closer. Looking confused, she smiled and put the dagger away. Rubbing the back of her neck and offering an embarrassed but sweet smile, she bowed her head in respect and greeting.

    "Sorry... Hello! The name is Atenea. Please to meet you, Princess of Nature." Moving her gaze to the other girl, she offered her hand. "How about you? Any name?"

  11. Letting out a triumphant laugh, she threw right hand up in the air overjoyed by the kill. Her fourth boar in the day had come in handy with the experience and the modest Col, both of which she would used to get more items and perhaps, even a better weapon. Closing her head up display, she turned to the approaching man with a welcoming smile.

    Putting her dagger away, she raised a raven dark hair brow at his comment, the smile never faltering as her hazel green eyes met his. Offering her hand when he was close, she let out a warm chuckle.

    "You sure know how to rain in a girls parade, huh? The name is Atenea. How about yourself strange knight?" She asked him, before turning to catch sight of another player being close by. She did not notice the traveling gaze of the newcomer and really did not care, as she stretched her body. The green and silver breast plate covering her chest straining against her upper body.

    "Mm, well are you free for that drink? I do keep my word. Plus, I need some sustenance." She commented as she began to make her way towards the road that let to the nearest safe town.

  12. She had gather as many materials as she could, but the feeling of being unprepared still haunted her and that scared her. She trusted Dellis. She trusted Dusk. Yet, this little trip seemed even more dangerous than any of the others she had done on her own. This trip could either be a great opportunity for loot or a disaster in the making. Moving her shoulders to relief some of her tension, Atenea sigh and directed her gaze toward the window, the beautiful view that could be seen from the Inn was lost to her wandering mind.

    The beeping sound of a new message brought her back to what seem to be her reality. Closing the message as well as her HUD, she picked up the crystal carefully and banish with a simple command her belongings. Going out of her room, she made her way toward the outside, here and there waving at familiar faces- before keeping to herself. This specific town was full to the point of crowded, but nothing could be done of it- not many were willing to gamble their lives and move on.

    To them only foolish people would do so, a funny though in her opinion seeing as she didn't consider herself neither reckless nor foolish. Reaching a very solitary area, far away from anyone following her just in case- she raised her crystal up in the air and bellowed the command.

    "TEIN! Zardien!"

    The whole moving from one place to another was fast, but when she reached her destination Minerva could swear that a bit of dizziness flooded her. Shaking her head, her eyes widened as she looked around. She had never seen something like it, although she had heard of the stories of real life places filled with sands. Hot deserts full of dangerous beasts, or so her traveling father always told his stories like so. Catching sight of the men, she moved quickly towards them.

    "Hello, boys! Sorry to be late! Are we ready and prepared?" She asked them, looking around and wondering if her armor as well as her sword would be enough for this level.

  13. Hiya Caramel!

    Welcome to the board! I definitely agree with Zeke that you will find no problem on making friends here! <3 As for roleplaying do not feel daunted by it! Immersed yourself and learn from your mistakes as victories! ^_^ I hope I get to play my girl with your upcoming character!

    I also love, Griselda! ;D

    Hoping you are safe and sound!

    <3 Ate!

  14. I'm curious what do you have in mind.

    Well, seeing as the site could be held accountable if there was any hint of a minor in a sexual situation (since most-if not all servers tend to frown upon such a thing and tend to take harsh punishments toward forums with such content) there should be a strict process through which a player interested in playing such content needs to go through. We all know that systems can be fool, but perhaps badges could be created and those forums could be hidden from younger users sights if need be (like others have already mentioned).

    A specific site I am a member of has a strict application process for the adult forums. That could be an answer? Perhaps a bit tedious, seeing as the Admins would need to make sure that those who they are giving access are actually able to proof that they have the necessary age requirements to join such a thing?

    Or it could be made fade to black? Not necessarily descriptive, but players can try to flirt and tease, while keeping the tone light and still marking said threads as Mature or PG 13. If a thread where to break such a rule, immediately it gets close and taken down?

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