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Posts posted by Atenea

  1. That's the thing I am used to do from other boards. There usually every RP is planned and the endig is clear and set before the RP even stared. For example you know to characters will become rivals before they even meet (inplay).

    I understand that it is done differently here . Didn't know that before. I want to apologize to everyone who may feel offended.

    Hope there are players still willing to play with me and will take everything as it comes.

    If there is any problem left. (I was asked if this Topic is isn't against the rules) Please tell me. I am playing RPGs for a long time now, I was game-master on some and so I know that there are users who, maybe unintentionally, get the whole board upset and against them and then kill the mood. I love RPGs and I definitely don't want to kill the mood here. So if it is necessary I will leave the board, but it would make me sad, because it is the only good SAO board and I would really love to play here. (I say this because one player already told me to leave)

    Is that so? Please direct said player to me and I will love to have a chat with the person. I give out an apology on behalf of the GM team. I understand what you mean as well as what was your intent for this topic. Again please accept my apologies and do not leave the site. Any problems or concerns you may have direct them to me or any other of the GM's.

    On another note, this topic is going to be lock. I will also like to remind those who commented on this topic to make fun of or poke fun at- this members request, that you were all once new members struggling to understand this site. Even if it is not the modality here, in other games RP's are pre-planned just as well as any type of relationships. For that matter even if the request might have seem strange to you that did not give you the right to be little or bully the member.

    Most of all, show respect! Because if you expect others to respect you, so shall you give other members the same treatment.

  2. With an OP topic, the number of players is unlimited.

    In regards to the RP etiquette, There is part in the tutorial as well as the RP tips topic.

    True, but it be nice to see something like that with its own thread. *Shrugs* Plus, we do need to clean the house on some topics *nods* Since most of them have been decided or led to nowhere.

  3. She was delighted to see that he was alive. Most of all, that he was willing to help. As her sword struck the beast once more thanks to the stranger's help, Eris let out a victorious laugh as she struck the boar a second time, watching as it HP bar tick down even more. Two boars had been alright then, but as more and more kept approaching Eris knew that she couldn't handle them all.

    Slicing the boar with another charge attack, that specific one pixelated away and Eris turned to the newcomer. A thankful smiled decorating her lips. If it hadn't been for the newcomer, she'd probably be dead by then just like other player.

    "My hero," She grunted out, before turning to face the new threats. Shaking her head at the other players question, Eris charged another attack before sprinting to meet one of the boars attacking from the side.

    "I don't think so," She called out in respond, before turning to evade the boars attack and striking it. Smiling in a predatory way, she was happy to see the ticking bar go down more than the other. With another slash that particular boar was gone, leaving her celebrating a small victory.

    "You take care of my back and I take care of yours?" She cried out at the newcomer, before rushing back to stay close to her. The female must have been a higher level, because such skill was something that she had never seen.

  4. Scavenging for items in the first floor had been a total failure for Eris. Most of the important resources had been picked off by the strongest players and what was left could hardly even get her more experience. That simple thought had her wondering if it was time to move on and leave the Town of Beginnings. Sheathing her sword the pink haired player had finally relented herself to the fate of going back to the Inn empty handed.

    On her way through the plains, her quick mind made calculations and something was not adding up. Just as she was sure that she had found the key to the element she was missing, the helpless scream woke her from her thoughts. Running as fast as she could, a certain part of her whisper that it could be a trap, but she couldn't ignore her curiosity let alone that almost animalistic part of her that wanted to defend.

    Catching sight of the scene, she unsheathe her sword and prepared a charge attack while her strong legs moved as quickly as they could. Swinging with all her might, she pierced one boar before doing a twirl and striking it with the edge of her blade to get their attention.

    "Prepare yourself to fight," She cried out to the fallen player, before she did another turn and sliced the air with her blade catching one of the charging boars in the neck. The other AI preparing to charge at her.

  5. tumblr_mzlgg4Rm8Y1saxdy4o3_500.gif


    » Real name: Khalan Rhaixa Mori

    » Age: 19 years old.

    » Gender: Female.

    » Height: 5 ' 6"


    Lisbeth came in contact with SAO throughout the beta testing phase. Along with hundreds of players, the umber haired girl became enamor with the idea of such a magnificent world. Aincrad was a castle in the sky made up of a hundred floors ready for the taking. She had tried to beat her way through them, but she barely passed the eighth floor before the game was sold to the public. That particular day would forever be burned into her memories.

    Trapped like cattle she had witness how Akihiko Kayaba had sentenced them all to death. The agonizing cries and whimpers of fear coming from different players forever haunting her memories. Even if betrayal cut deep, anger was what pushed her to stay alive and beat the game. Always ready to reap the harvest from battle, Khalan has begun an arduous campaign within herself to gain as much experience and col as she can.

    All to buy better equipment for battling the higher up bosses. Relenting herself to seek the alliance of a guild the young woman knows that her trials have just begun.


    Standing at five feet and six inches Khalan has a sylphlike figure. Tall and graceful, her body albeit willowy carries pronounce curves, that are made more noticeable by her wardrobe and armor.

    No longer able to hide her gender through a male persona Khalan has been force to show off her true physique. A trait that she most hates from the game, since she sees it as a critical hit to her fighting image.

    Most female players have won many favors by relying on their looks. Khalan is too uncomfortable with the idea of flirting her way through the game, that she prefers to rely more on her wits than physical characteristics. With silky hair that curls in the end and reaches the middle of her back- She has gain attention by her exotic appearance.

    Her hair is an umber color that seems to be unnatural but that blends quite nicely with her almond color skin. Her face carries soft seductive features that almost makes her look aristocratic, while her bright turquoise-green eyes are full of life and show off quite easily her feelings.

    Khalan has an appearance of someone worthy of trust- even if her blunt nature has made many doubt that.



    Before being stuck in the game, Khalan had a pretty normal life. Traveling through many parts of the world along with her parents. she was born in the "Land of the Rising Sun," before moving away at an early age and being raised in Castille and León, Spain. During the time she was faraway from her homeland, Khalan and her younger sister were brought up to appreciate different languages and cultures. Most of all, they were brought up to appreciate fantastical stories as well as imagination.

    Once her parents had enough of moving from place to place; her family decided to go back to Japan to settle back into their roots. The eldest daughter of an interracial marriage, she found herself immersed into video games and MMORP games from the age of sixteen. Unlike her baby sister, who had never been enthusiastic about technology that much, Khalan made sure to keep herself updated as a way to make new friends and continue to practice the different idioms she had grown up with.

    Three years later after the debut of SAO, she was no longer a young girl, but a college student with hopes of becoming a translator. That plan changed the moment she logged in and from then on, has lost purpose as she tries to level up and escape the horror of it all. With a wish to fight in the front lines and ultimately get to the last level, Khalan knows what she is risking and is willing to pay the price for it.

    Death might have been a scary thought in the outside world, but she rather die valiantly rather than wait like a coward for someone to clear the game. All for the chance to once more be reunited with her family.

    Not one to share many details concerning her life in the outside, those who have made her acquaintance can hear a distinct exotic accent in her tone that is not the same as native speakers.

    »The Virtues:

    tumblr_mw2hwif7ed1svfppko9_250.gifIndependence. Confident self-reliance. Khalan has always shown courage to see reality with her very own eyes and not through the eyes of others. She dares to be true to her self.

    To make decisions without the undue influence from others. She enjoys intimacy without enmeshment, while not depending on another to define her value or lose herself to love.

    She tends to honor the boundaries that protect the integrity and dignity of the people surrounding her life. She also tends to stand her own ground defending her independence. Trusting her own decisions, she commits fully to any goal she sets and doesn't create unrealistic expectations when doing so.


    A characteristic that hasn't come easy to her, Khalan has learned to cherish the ability of withstanding any adversity and hardship through positive thinking.

    Practicing perseverance since an early age, the young woman has develop patience when obstacles arise as well as she has open her mind to the lessons such obstacles would bring. She doesn't give up easily or feel hopeless when she has failed. Instead, she is one to admit defeat gracefully yet has become more willing to come out victorious in the second run.

    When she builds friendship bonds those are meant to last forever. As well as she gains strength through adversity and confidence by never giving up.


    By being friends with anyone- she has always offered her honesty. Truthful, sincere, open and genuine. Khalan is content with being herself. She tends to view herself and others through unclouded eyes. Never feeling the need to exaggerate to impress others, she has always refuse to lie, cheat or take what is not hers. Whatever she has reap in battle is because of her fighting and not cheating. She is also one to keep her promises.

    If she recognizes even a hint of illusion and self-deceptions coming from anyone, she makes sure to cut them out and let them go- she is not one to play the game of keeping enemies close, specially in a game where death can be easy to acquire. Mature enough to admit her mistakes as well as make peace, her stance will never waver in strength of character or worthiness.


    »The Flaws:


    Even if Khalan can be honest with everyone sometimes she comes off as blunt. Her advice might be brusque and not sugar coated. She is characterized by being direct when it comes to speaking her mind or opinion. She does not tend to be dance around evasiveness or subtlety. Khalan is one to be judge as open and transparent, what you is what you get with her. She won't make promises she can't keep and she tends to say what she really means. A trait that not many would feel comfortable with.


    Confidence is a sword with a double pointy end. Often times she comes off as too forward and even audacious, when it comes to battle or discussion. She is not one to shy away from lewd conversations or call out remarks that most female players would never even think; if her buttons are push in the wrong way you better be ready to butt heads with her and exchange words.


    Even if she can be blunt, there are times where Khalan finds herself tongue-tied. Her mind might be racing with words or smart-ass remarks, yet nothing will come out of her lips.This usually has happen when she has been rendered speechless or confused in expression by someones words or opinion. Even if she tries to be open-minded at often times she is astonished or embarrassed by someones foolish nature or crude behavior.

    NAK0vkR.png»The Skills:






    »Sprint|Level 1|(2 skill points)







    Weapon skills :

    »Two-Handed Battle Axe (6 skill points)

    »The Inventory:


    »Armor (Dragon Bone Cuirass + Reduces 1 damage on next attack when you roll an 8, 9, 10 on battle dice)


  6. The hit was inevitable and as she skirted by him, her HP bar went down to a six. Her pants grew louder and it was harder now to keep up. She was tired. She wanted a break. Her legs shook and her knees gave, making her fall on them. She had her back to him, but her hearing was very clear and she could listen to the growling of the wolf.

    She had tried to hit him, but she didn't even know if she had made contact. Minerva just wanted to rest. The wolf had been quick and she could see red, like a flame coming out of her body signaling the scratch. Yet, even as weak as she was- she felt no fear.

  7. Her body shivered at the insertion of another poison pick. She twitch absentmindedly as her eyes moved to the cursor and she reached for one of the picks to take it out. Panting lightly, her eyes moved to the cursor the flash of poison there and with it so did the HP bar. It was bad, but she wasn't about to begged him to stop and she was going to finish what she started.

    Using the axe to right her stance, by now she was sagging with strain and she tried to gather all her strength for the next attack.

    "I won't let you...Win..." She muttered, before letting out a battle cry and running as best as she could to swing a hit at him. Dodging his blade, she hoped hers struck.

  8. Seeing the familiar come closer, her footing gave for a moment and she was pushed back by the hit she was trying to block. Evading back, she tried to use her battle healing skill to keep her HP up, while raising her knee and stretching her leg to kick the familiar back.

    Her heart raising as she swung the axe once more in another charge attack at Zelrius.

  9. Atenea kept her gaze focus on the Player Killer, yet her eyes moved toward the familiar. She hated familiars, because they were such a pain in her behind. Brought more power and attacks to beast tamers. Gritting her teeth, a smirk came upon her lips as she watched that HP dropped.

    Atenea dodges his hit, trying to use her axe as a shield while using her strength to push Zelrius back. Her skin crawled at the thought of the blade taking her life.

  10. The scream was blood curdling and full of fear. When the glinting blade of the axe pierced the wolf, Atenea turned her head towards the direction it was coming from and lifted her upper lip in a silent snarl. There was only one thing that would create such fear. Putting the axe behind her back the female ran as quickly as she could toward the spot. It didn't take her long to reach the specific place and catch the sight of the murder.

    Taking out a throwing pick, she charged it with an attack before letting it go. The sharp needle aimed at Zelrius back, before her hands quickly took out her battle axe.

    "I'll make you pay for that!" She screamed angrily, while tears came down her cheeks at the poor life that was lost.

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