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  1. I'm just curious about what others think of the sword arts system, in relation to my own thoughts.

    I just feel like many of the weapon options are dumbed down versions of other weapons. Take the Rapier and Dagger for example. Just looking at the rapier, its larger, with better range, and due to it's size it should have more power behind it than a tiny dagger.

    Lets ignore that last point though, as this is a videogame and it might not work exactly the same as they do in real life. Dagger gets a 4x4, or the equivalent of a 16x1, whereas Rapier gets a 13x1. What's the difference? Not much really. Rapier just gets a few rank 2 stuns and the possibility of getting a 5x1 AOE if you invest 13 points into Martial arts. However, dagger gets a 6x1 stun move with martial arts. So, like I said, incredibly similar. Still, dagger ends up on top somehow with a 4x4. (Or 4 stabs/slices that hit with 4 times the normal force). It just doesnt make sense to me.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Seul


      If there is a major change people should be allowed to a one time chance to change weapons if they want to- :I

    3. Ebony


      Thats usually how it works.

    4. Seul


      Oh, alright.

      But while we're complaining about things, where are the throwing picks?!

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