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  1. If you attack someone with 4 evasion, and you have paralyze (the 8-10 one) even if you dont hit them do they still get paralyzed? Because it says on a natural roll of 8-10.

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    2. Ebony


      I was asking because the shield im waiting on has some paralyze on it. :D Thank you again.

      (Let me know if you need any other artisan crafts btw ;)  )

    3. Jomei


      I'll keep that in mind, despite having my full on equipment already. xD

    4. Ebony


      Trust me, I know how helpful it can be to have some extra equipment for different situations. For example, mat/col hunting, a loot die enhancement, or a col multiplier one can allow you to get a ton more loot. Or maybe your fighting that boss with all the evasion and you need some accuracy. Or an overhealth. :D Sometimes your current equipment doesnt have the enhancements you need, and buying a ton of vouchers just costs too much.

      Your argument has been made invalid. ;)

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