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Status Updates posted by CaptainUndead

  1. Alright, let's get to business. Throw back a few days, I addressed about a topic of people joining an OP, and place down one thread, then leave, expecting full rewards. Thanks to @Lessa, she has pointed out a hole in my solution: Some OP ended too fast before some people have a chance to post anything. Honestly, that's something I have not an answer to solve. Sure you can add post rotations but that's just gonna get things more awkward since people joining left and right. And you can't ask people to slow down too, since they are clearly having fun if they are posting that fast.

    (see more below.)

    1. CaptainUndead


      I have come up with an Idea. It may sound contradicting to the words I said, but hear me out first, and feel free to criticize.
      What I was thinking off, is that for those who have no intentions to leave early, but was caught in the middle with no time to spare and the OP closing fast. I re-declare my claim. As for those who place down a post then leave the thread early, they should be the ones who should not get the reward. For those who intended to stay, but simply ran out of time, I would say that they should still be qualified to claim their reward. It's not their fault for the OP ending soon, and you can't blame them for not having time. Hell, the only reason I don't join OP mainly is the fact that I can't get my line down without having another post of action for people to finally notice me. I have that many times in my RPing time, and it's not a pleasant experience. So there. I came to the solution that the people who was block out still able to receive their reward. (Note that I am completely aware of the fact that some people who just place down a thread, didn't state they are leaving and just wait until the thread close is plausible, and am thinking of a way to deal with those cheeky buggers)

    2. Oikawa


      Due note that the starter of the thread has the option to omit those from gaining any thread rewards. So if you were to start an OP and felt that someone was just joining to gain extra SP and not actually contribute to the point of the thread, you are within right to omit them from thread rewards. Should it be an issue please do not hesitate to ask someone on staff. But that rule is in place for situations like the ones you are concerned about.

  2. currently free for a RP or two. Anyone interested joining

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CaptainUndead


      Alright. I'll make two separate thread for each of you then. Since Nixon just join I say it's a little awkward for him to be on 6th floor or above.

    3. Nixon


      i'm just interested in meeting new people and making friends, so do whatever you see fit

    4. Seul


      Works for me.

  3. currently free for a RP.

    1. Shizuka


      Hit me up. Gotta go to school though. So maybe a quest? Send me a link if u started the thread.

  4. For those who's either in a thread with me, or have ordered Materials from my service shop, I'm afraid that I have some grave news for you all.

    Im officially announce that I will reside this character from now onward. There have been issues with where I'm taking my character to at the moment, as well as some other issues with real life problems that I would rather not talk about. 

    With that, I might make my return someday, with a new name, but that shouldn't be too far into the future. Until I made my return, I say my farewell. 

    (Also I give my 25 mat in storage to Zandra, since she's the first in line.)

    1. Calrex


      Aw man sorry to hear that dude. In any case best of luck and hope to see you back on here soon! 

  5. I, Tobi Nakahara, hereby challenge you, Zelrius, to an all-out duel for your Unique ability: Duel Wielding. 

  6. Looking for a partner to help me speed up with the progress of a quest I just remember I haven't done. You don't need to do anything, just stand by and watch. Free SP opportunity for low LV player 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. evac


      Thx Opal I'll pm ya later!

    3. Opal


      :) I'll be more than happy to lend a hand. 

    4. evac


      Is it posted yet?


      Sorry about that, my phone does this retarded thing.

  7. Looking for a Roleplay partner for hunting expedition.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rag


      I can do floor 1 but I hope you know I won't be much help. But if you don't mind that I can come.

    3. Seul


      I could tag along too- Though the loot requirements for getting loot would have to be a little higher since I'm level 12. :T

    4. CaptainUndead


      Yeah, sorry Seul, but my purpose is acquiring some loots and get to level 5. 

  8. Looking for someone to team up with for the <<Long live the Queen>> quest.

    1. Seul


      I volunteer as tribute-

    2. CaptainUndead


      Well, that was quicker than expected. 

      Very well. Seul will be my partner for the quest.

  9. Seeking for someone with reasonable unarmed damage to help me punch a rock

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Calrex


      Heh Capt takes the first hit, then we come in :P

    3. Grave


      *Cal and Grave fly in on a unicorn and divekick the boulder into thousands of tiny pieces*

    4. CaptainUndead


      Manta decided to lend me her gloves. So I suppose I can do it by myself now. Thanks for volunteering though.

  10. There need to be a rule that state for every OP, if someone wanted the SP they have to make at least 3 post of more in that thread. You can't just walk into an OP, place down some words in a sentence then leave and get the reward with no effort.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. CaptainUndead


      Ah, that's where you are wrong, Kazu. You see, I never once stated that I had I fact insulted you. I never point out specific names, nor have I ever mentioned you in my statements. You was the one who took my words and got all personal about it.

      Also... Seul, I'm not going to get into my character to reply to that one. Because that's gonna start another argument... =P . Don't want another of that in my life.

    3. Lessa


      Alright, as you already know this status (and the associated comments) have annoyed me to no end. So I'm going to post my thoughts.

      Captain, I'm disappointed that you didn't address my comment regarding pacing. OPs are often incredibly fast paced, and many are closed within a day or two. For those of us who cannot post multiple times a day, that is a problem. You've made it clear yourself that you don't have time to argue with us, which suggests that you also have work to do off-site, so maybe you can sympathize with this. If you think a hard rule about OP post limits should be put into place, how do you think this should be addressed? Would you also suggest implementing a minimum time limit that a thread should remain open, in order to allow for multiple posts in an OP? Or simply discourage once-a-day posters from participating in OPs?

      Second, I'm curious what you consider to be the definition of hard work. Is a person lazy if they do not make multiple posts in a thread? Or post more than once in a day? What about skill in writing, or word count? I'd like to point out that in many cases, the single post in an OP can be as long as the sum of three shorter posts made by other players. Does that mean that the former is lazier than the latter? While skill is not as quantifiable, I won't focus on that, but it is something to keep in mind.

      I would just encourage you to think twice before calling people lazy, or referring to people whose tactics you do not agree with as "leeches and parasites." It is all very silly, and when really considered, very insulting to a large portion of our memberbase.

    4. Kazukaro


      Yeah! Let's all work hard and beat this game together! We're going to prove that it isn't impossible to beat this death game!

  11. To whoever hear this. This is an Emergency. To whomever wanted to help, here's the link. Pls, don't flood the thread, only one is enough. 


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Koumori
    3. Amira


      Yeah, I don't remember him saying that.

    4. Koumori


      No no no I got a notification with that comment and it's not there anymore 

  12. Who want to do some material farming?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coddexx


      I'm up for it I need some myself. 

    3. CaptainUndead


      sorry. Lelouch already take it


    4. Coddexx


      Oh :/ okay.  If your interested in doing a thread later just pm me I'm always up for something 

  13. Have no clue how to start "Earning a living" quest. Anyone up for being my mentor? I'm signing up as a cook.

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