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Status Updates posted by Ayumu

  1. Oh hey, a thing! I didn't know this was a thing - status updates, practically. Yay, I did a thing! XD Lol

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Ace9


      Oh a trio :) That's cool

      I'm gonna try to have my journal done by Saturday, so I'll go last in posting order


      And I may just come in later.

    3. Koumori


      Are you sure that you're not putting too much work in the journal? Mine took me like 10 minutes 

    4. Ayumu


      Done! http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/9693-pp-f1-a-mad-world-ayumu-koumori-ace-9/

      And yeah, journals are pretty simple. I think you can always change it later - just add what you need and get it approved.

  2. Much Cwismas, little post. :(

  3. To everyone I'm doing threads with, or about to start a thread with:

    I most likely won't be able to post anything until Thursday-ish due to finals. I've got a lot of studying to do, and I'm doubtful that I'll be able to make time to get on here and post. Thanks for understanding mah homies. :3 See all of you during Christmas break!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ayumu


      Lol I wouldn't go that far. Its just an Undertale reference - a video game with a rapidly growing fandom. XD

    3. Zelrius


      oh no, rapidly growing? That means it will be mainstream and therefore I has no interest, sorry.

    4. Ayumu


      Lol ikr. It's kind of sad really. :(

  4. The difference between me and normal people, part 1

    Listening to music:

    "Cuz I've got a blank space baaaaby, and I'll write your name! >:3"

    Normal people: Oh, I think I've heard this song before. Its that weird one by Taylor Swift. Huh.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ace9


      I listen to all types of music. Rock, Screamo, Pop, Country, Anime, And almost any other genre you can name besides rap and jazz.

    3. Ayumu


      Yeah, I usually listen to electronic or something. I'm not big pop fan, but if I ever hear Blank Space playing somewhere I always think of Death Note. XD

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      My very wide taste in music is best shown with my spotify favourites https://open.spotify.com/user/1124276933/playlist/1ziSkwTLn5P8B8uGFIXPHF

  5. I still have one more free order left at my shop to someone who hasn't already ordered. :3

  6. You know you're feeling quite dank when you visit this website...twice in one day.

    Help me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ssendom


      You know the feeling is Dank when you sat on it for 36 hours straight and forgot how to stand.

    3. Zelrius


      I really am attempted to post long posts, butI am failing horribly

    4. Ayumu


      Haha, the pain. I feel ya. XD

  7. I'm buried in so much Cwismas chocolate I can't even right now. Halp meh pls. XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ayumu


      Lol. Currently trying to eat a small hole in this pile of sugary amazingness in order to get free. XD

    3. Bright
    4. Helios


      Good luck Ayumu xD

  8. So uh...does it still count as a robin-hood when you split one of your arrow's nocks right down the middle with another arrow, but that arrow bounces out of said nock? O.o 

    Consistency on fleek today. First robin-hood ever. XD Would put a pic, but the file is too big.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Macradon


      I did that once as well, never did that again, ever.

    3. Zelrius


      Your turn in ALO fam

    4. Ayumu


      Ya @Zelrius, I just posted. :3 Some errands stole several hours of my time.

  9. Please forgive me for my possible stupidity, but I have a question (well, several questions actually). It regards combat and such.

    • How much damage does a simple, straight sword do when you have no combat experience or anything else special? I think its 1 from reading the tutorial, but I'd like to ask to make sure.
    • What does EN stand for? Energy? How do I work with this during combat?
    • Also, what does it mean when you subtract from whatever you're fighting with (a simple boar, for example) and you subtract from their MD? Is this due to another die function?

    Thank you for any answers, and again, forgive my ignorance. Still getting used to the mechanics of all this. ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ayumu


      I'm not sure how I missed this page before, but its helped a lot. Big thanks!

    3. Opal


      We are always here to help. :D No matter how big or small the questions are. 

    4. Seul


      1. Base damage is always 1 regardless of what you use. If you have ranks in the skill for the  weapon you're using then you deal +1 damage for each rank. So 1 Base + Rank One in OHSS would = 2 Damage on a normal attack.
      2. I think it's the abbreviation for energy. You use energy when you attempt an attack. So say you want to do a normal attack with your sword, that would require 1 energy. If you want to deal even more damage you can use sword arts but those cost more energy to use. Sword art energy = (# of hits x the power). So like a (2x1) sword art would require 2 energy to use. Energy can't fall below 0 and you regain a minimum of one each turn. If you miss it costs 2 energy regardless of the move you used.
      3. Mob Dice work like the Battle Dice. Just for the monster. So subtracting from it would be if you're applying your evasion stat or some other penalty. If you have 3 evasion due to your armor or something and the mob dice is an 8 you do 8-3 and get 5 which would turn a normal hit into a miss.
  10. So I just realized that I didn't give myself enough skill points from the quests I've done. Um....would it be bad to just go ahead and add those now? XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ayumu


      Okay, thanks. :3

    3. Zelrius


      Loser, Do more quests with me :P

    4. Ayumu


      *tapes paper L to forehead* okie. XD

  11. How would one start a profession? I looked at the complete profession guide, and it just talked about each profession in detail along with the die rolls. Do I have to create an SP thread and do some basic crafting or the like to get started?

    1. Opal


      You take a quest called Earning a Living.


      That should give you all you need to know about getting a Profession. :)

    2. Zelrius


      I need some SP, So if you wouldn't mind having me around, I am down to help.

    3. Ayumu


      Okay, sounds goods. I'll create a thread.

  12. *cough cough* Oh no...I'm feeling rather sick. Could it be...the dreaded plague?

    Why yes, yes of course.


    1. Hikoru



    2. Zelrius


      We must band together, my fellow infectees, And defeat this Santa Clothes Rebellion. UNITE!

    3. Ayumu


      *coughs snowflakes to spread cwismas germs*

  13. To commemorate opening my blacksmith shop today, the first five to order get their weapon free! Come get free stuff here. Also, even when this is over, I have discount prices for a month. :)

    1. Teselmar


      Super generous of you. =)

    2. Ayumu


      Aww. :3 You're welcome! I'll attempt the craft tomorrow, since I already did my two for today.

  14. How much SP does one skill cost? I reviewed the tutorial again, and from what I understand its 10. I could be wrong though, so I thought I'd put this stupid question out here and ask. XD

    1. Opal


      The cost of moving up each Skill Ranks increases, with a lower initial cost to allow for easy investment but a higher cost to max out a skill.

      Form Rank 0 -> 1 = 5

      From Rank 1 -> 2 = 8

      From Rank 2 -> 3 = 10

      From Rank 3 -> 4 = 12

      From Rank 4 -> 5 = 15

      It takes a player a total of 50 skill points to go from rank 0 (unskilled) to rank 5 (Grandmaster).

    2. Ayumu


      Lol thanks. :3

  15. Dear lordy gosh darn holy moly heebee jeebees god in heaven 

    Its been two years. Or maybe three. What the diddly darn heck.

    First of all, I just want to apologize to everyone I was doing threads with and making weapons for in my smithy. It was totally and beyond rude of me to just drop all of that without saying a word to any of you. Secondly, if you want to catch up and know exactly why I left, just pm me.

    All I can say is - I don't know if I'll be able to rp. I'm going to be a senior in college next semester...and holay guacamolay I am terrified and terrifyingly caught up in my career plans. I missed this forum though, and for some reason that I can't explain, I've been thinking about it lately. So I'm kinda sorta back? I guess. I'll just play it by ear.

    Hello again SAO-RPG community! Please don't murder me for disappearing for so long (unless you're a pker I guess cuz that's just the kind of thug life you live lol).

    1. Hestia


      Welcome back to the community  Ayumu. Hope you enjoy your stay back, and i hope that you have the best of luck with the end of your college life soon coming up.

    2. Ayumu


      Thanks a bunches. I'm looking forward to it.

  16. How do you know if you're bored? Well, if you're photo-shopping Donald Trump to look like a duck, then that might be a clue.


    Donald Duck

  17. After a long and perilous journey, I have finally reached the end of my tiring, semester-long quest. Brandishing my weapons Study Guide and Pre-Acquired Knowledge, I have fought my way to the very end, barely making it alive. I shall now tell you my tale of tragedy and tribulation, as I conquered the three great beasts: the Finals.

    I started my quest upon the worn out road, winding down through the land of College, down the hill of December, and leading the unavoidable darkness that laid ahead of me. At first my journey was peaceful enough, until I happened upon the overbearing beast that calls itself Procrastination. It possessed many powerful attacks, such as Youtube, Netflix, Social Media. Along with all of this, the monster constantly reminded me of all of you, my brethren, and how I was leaving you all temporarily behind for this perilous quest. There were many times that I was tempted to succumb to this beast's attacks, but after great effort, I eventually slayed Procrastination.

    I trudged on for many miles, eventually reaching the dark forest. It was here I met the deadly twins: Doubt and Stress. Their power was even stronger then Procrastination's, which worried me. How strong were the three Finals beasts going to be? These two made me quite sluggish in my attacks, and worse, damaged my determination. Right at the moment I thought I had finally conquered them, the twins unleashed their deadly pet - Brain Fart. Brain Fart was a huge, horrible canine like creature. While fighting it, my mind went blank, unable to think clearly. I had been saving a special potion for a last result, but now was the time to use it in order to defeat this thing. Uncapping my Coffee potion, I drank all of the liquid, and soon felt the fog lifting from my mind. Killing the twin's pet, I proceeded to finish them off as well.

    It was finally time. I had been honing my skills and weapons, and was now ready to take on the last challenges of my journey. Reaching the cave where these abominations dwelt, I faced them. The first Finals beats was known as Biology, the second History, and the third Math. These terrible and hated creatures were well known for terrozing students of College ruthlessly. They were too powerful to take on all at once, so I started with Biology. It's attacks were more complicated than strong. Hours passed until my weapon Pre-Acquired Knowledge drove through the Final's stomach. With an ear splitting howl, it perished, allowing me to move onto History. This Finals beast wasn't as strong as I thought it would be. While it did require me to have a good memory and remember all of my attack strategies I had gained in the past months, my weapon Study Guide proved to be a powerful force. It did not take me as long to finish off this monster, leaving me only with Math. This one was the leader of the group, being the largest and most poweful. As I swung at it with Study Guide, it knocked away this blade, sending it flying out of my hand. This only left me with Pre-Acquired Knowledge, which I intended to mercilessly use against this beast. Math's attacks were devastatingly strong, almost killing me. It was a struggle that left my life in the balance...but, at the very last moment...I found the weak spot of the beast. Loosing a mighty roar, it fell to the ground, causing the earth to shake. I stood there, breathless, finding it hard to believe that my journey was finally done....


    Soooo, in short, finals are done and I'm back to post. :)

  18. Happy New Yeeeeears! :3 Yaye Spring semest...wait...oh. :| Oh well, new years is happy anyways! XD

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