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About Creius

  • Birthday April 21

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    Solo Player

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  1. I resigned myself to solo EaL a whole bunch of times for mats and am currently pounding out posts as fast as I can. I got curious how fast I typed so I went over to a typing test and did it. I was wondering what everyone else usually scores. I know speed is not everything, but it is definitely something to brag about maybe xD I was scoring between 70 to 80 WPM with 350 to 400 CPM. Here's the site I just used if you're curious and don't know


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    2. Rain


      how are you getting 15k from that quest? ._.

    3. Creius





      1. (Hero route) - 15,000 Col & 2 SP.
      2. (Killer route) - 15,000 Col & 2 SP & Cassin's Golden Ring [Tier 1, Unique Trinket]: '+2 Loot Die, +1 Sneak and Hide Skill Rank.'
      • Cassin's Golden Ring is given only to those that kill him and earn the orange cursor, he has no actual stats so if a group of player should attack and kill him via RP, the whole party would turn orange and be rewarded with the ring. Those who leave the party and don't attack Cassin received neither the ring or gain the orange PK cursor, even if they take part on the Killer route. The item cannot be traded as it's a unique quest reward.
      • The completion of this quest will be a prerequisite for continuing the series.

      I plan on soloing it in... Maybe 48 hours depending on how fast I can start pumping out threads for mats/SP. And unless I am reading that wrong, it says 15,000 Col as well as all the loot drops I could potentially get from the thieves (I think they're lootable, haven't read that deeply into it. Just checked the stats to see at what point they were killable for me)

    4. Rain


      ._. damn... i want to do it already.... 

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