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Status Updates posted by Nixon

  1. I want to challenge you to a drinking contest and see whose character would last longer

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Antofer


      oooooh good idea Macradon

    3. Macradon


      And if one gets all 10 above the other, guess who gets knocked out xD

    4. Erm
  2. Anyone up for a thread?

    1. Domarus


      Heh heh.  I'm always willing

    2. Hydra


      Yup same here ^^

    3. Dominion


      That would be a YES!

  3. Aincrads One and Only Psychologist Clinic is now Open  for Business. If you would like to do a thread that is an appointment with a psychologist please post here.


    1. Opal


      Are you a real Psychiatrist or just pretending to be one? I smell a scandal, ironic name there, Kid. 

    2. Nixon


      As stated on the page, I am not a trained psychologist. I am very interested in the subject and by the time my college career is over I will most likely have an associates in psychological science though that is yet to be seen.

      Also there is a large difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist. I never claimed to be a psychiatrist seeing as I have no medical degree at all and cannot prescribe medicine. I also never even claimed to be a psychologist in the real world. 

    3. Opal


      So...make believe! :D

  4. I need friends :(

    1. Macradon


      You've got a friend in me! :D

    2. Sinful
  5. Hello everyone, I am finally able to respond. Long story short, too much to do no time to do it. However now that my Real life is out of the way I can finally think enough to relax.... hopefully... Anyways @Wolfie and @Nixon will hopefully be caught up by the end of today.

    1. Baldur


      Welcome back :)

    2. Sey


      Welcome back, fam!

  6. That feeling you get when you have a ton of threads going but Everyone posts at the same time, so when you finally catch up you have this empty void of not being able to do anything. Couple that with the fact that I have no life and there you go.

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      I feel the same. And I am here at work.

  7. waiting for someone to start a thread *Cough* KazuAnaka *Cough*

    1. KazuAnaka


      *cough cough* It's right *cough* here *cough*


  8. Anyone up for a thread?

  9. For anyone who wants to make some friends i have started an open party area located Here! I cant wait to start my Journey 

  10. sorry to everyone waiting for me on various threads. I had a busy couple of days and will be catching back up today

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