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  1. I really want to be a blacksmith but there is already a lot of blacksmiths..... Is there any profession in need at the moment????


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    2. CaptainUndead


      Or you can be either a tailor or an Artisan. Not many good tailors and artisan are active ATM, and those who are active have the tendency of making skyrocket prices.

    3. Macradon


      Us Blacksmiths have a shared customer service, so ... you could always become a blacksmith, just to craft your own items ... that was the only reason I took the profession. But it later turned out to be a good profession to make a living of.

    4. Baldur


      The problem with blacksmiths and tailors is that everyone can only have so many useful items, and then no one needs them anymore. It's very rare that you actually need to buy an item. Players will typically buy their first set, and then soon thereafter they'll have enough mats to buy a full set of perfects, and then bam. You don't need any new items until you hit level 25.

      With consumables like cooking, music, and alchemy, those items are used up. You will always need more, even if they almost only ever get used on raids.

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