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Posts posted by Sierra

  1. Sierra felt the touch of her hand now sliding along her own, fingers interlocking as she now slid across the ground till she was able to rest her own chin upon her wife's shoulder. "I never thought that this would really happen to me to be honest, but right now I think that I'm actually falling head over heels for you." She wrapped her arms around her and whispered into her ear, "I'm interested in the next big game you have planned huh."

  2. She nodded her head and looked down rather embarrassed by all of this before speaking up for herself, "I wanted to make sure that I could do it and I suppose I could play a violin with my singing. But I just really was testing myself and seeing if I could entertain a crowd is all. Besides I can't be blamed for my inability to read."

  3. As she was told this she stopped in her tracks and blinked now looking back a bit flustered as her hand rubbed the back of her head. "O-of course it is only one that was all just me testing you is all." She laughed hesitantly not having been able to read the quest made it hard to tell how many resources she needed or what she even had to do to get this all to work.

  4. Sierra smiled over and began to hum now seeing some material in front of her as she began to stroll forward to them and picking them up and storing them inside her inventory. "Welp that is one just another four I suppose." She grinned now looking over to Hakai and giving her a peck on the cheek, "Perhaps after this we should go back to the inn and enjoy ourselves for a job well done?"

    ID: 51260
    Loot: 20


  5. As she was released she slowly stood back up to her full height and nodded and gulped, "I-I don't think that I'm really all that much of angel ... Anyway I need materials lets head on out." She reached out gripping hakai's hand now as she strolled forward and out of the exit now as she had gotten what she wanted. She was no longer afraid of the stage. "Ok so I need to find some materials." She sighed now looking about slowly but not seeing anything to much.


    Loot: 1

  6. "I-I think I need to go find some stuff now," She whispered softly into Hakai's ear as she held on tight. "I need to go locate some materials and finish this off." Her voice wavering in be tween words. That was all to make sure I could be willing to sing in front of crowds, I suppose I still need a fair amount of practice." The words spoken however caused a smile to spread across her face. "Thank you hakai, are you willing to help me now?"

  7. As hakai approached she was to nerve wracked to try and stop it now being embraced and gulping as she leaned her head against her shoulder. "I-I think I'm going t-to pass out for a second here." She said feeling a bit light headed but not yet close enough to collapse thanks to that performance. "I-I'm sorry that I left you like that ... it was childish of me." She looked nuzzled into her neck more as she wrapped an arm about her lover attempting to keep herself standing.

  8. "You'll come back, when it's over .. no need to say good bye." She prolonged the final note of the song and nibbled her lip now as she bowed and watched as she heard the applause now feeling quite flustered as she bowed again and again. Till finally she began to wander back off the stage toward Hakai have forgetting she was on that side of her. She trembled still frantically as everything had been quite crazy.

  9. Sierra nibbled her lip and looked out toward the audience and then back off to the side now seeing hakai and slowly turned away as she now took a deep breath and prepared for the performance. She then began to hum along as the music began to hit the air her voice starting off with the music as she began to sing what seemed to be an American song.



  10. Sierra looked around as she now walked over to a small hall little stage where she had been told to meet to audition for her mission to become an entertainer, she sat their by the side regretting now that she hadn't told Hakai about her taking of this mission. She still was upset with her though, childish but she wanted Hakai to realize that she felt this competitive. Her limbs began to tremble now as she walked up and talked with the coordinator, "I really don't know if this is a good plan? Should I really be singing in front of a crowd I never have done this before." She sighed now looking back out not seeing anyone she recognized.

  11. Sierra looked back and sniffled a bit as she nodded toward her lover whom still hadn't decided to work things out for now, she instead decided that it was time for herself to go do a mission perhaps on her own now. She need to make a living as well and she hadn't searched for it yet so that would still be a factor. As Hakai wandered forward in search of a building Sierra broke off heading to a message board to locate where to accept the mission.

  12. Sierra whined and tried to hold on as she found herself suddenly back on the ground looking over at Hakai, "That is no fun, I think I deserve to have a piggy back once in a while hun." She sighed before looking over and strolling forward pass Hakai now picking up some material and laughing, "Ha, that is one for me an how many for you?" She stuck out her tongue playfully.


    ID: 51100

    Loot: 17

  13. As she heard this explanation she began to blush and get off no longer as confident as when she mistakenly walked into the store and laid down, "Oh, I assumed that well you were doing the Earning a Living mission and expected that maybe you were on your way to getting your own place?" She now nibbled her lip and stood their rather awkwardly as she smiled over at Hakai. "Perhaps you can help me fine my own occupation after this," She giggled sheepishly now looking about.

  14. Sierra hummed as she now walked along her normal callous side having since been quelled by the girl who she was married to, at least toward her. A smirk on her face now as she began to lap her neck enjoying the sensation. "I must admit I do enjoy you dear, anyway we need to start looking into this quest," she spoke rather clearly now enjoying the breeze I do believe that we need to find a few nymphs and get rid of them?

  15. Sierra followed Hakai till she approached a shop now being situated to stick outside of the shop, as they arrived she began to rock back and forth on her feet wondering what Hakai could have been planning. As she came bout she then felt a new coat equipped to her giving a bonus to her evasion. She smiled and laughed happily as she fashioned her latest wardrobe upgrade. "I-I can't believe you are doing all of this for me." She smiled now hugging tightly upon her wife.


    Col: 400

    2 SP to both

  16. As she watched she nodded rather amazed that the dark elf had fallen she looked back to her blade realizing that it was pointless to check whether or not she had nicked it as no blood appeared. She began to wonder before hearing Hakai now speak up telling her that they needed to fully complete the quest now by returning. "Right the," she once again placed the blade into it's scabbard and walked forward back out from the forest her arm slowly slipping around Hakai's waist. "Thanks so much for this blade honey," planting a kiss upon her cheek.


    Sierra mewed and now nuzzled into the girl till she heard the dark elf sneaking up on them she winced and hissed as the elf thrusted at them. She pulled out her own sword now and tried to stab forward and collapsing as she now realized she fell. "Darn it stupid witch." She grumbled now feeling bad that she wasn't enjoying it.


    Battle: 4

    Craft: 8

    Mob: 9

    ID: 50896

    <<Dark Elf>> HP: 4 (-3) (-8 (Bleed))  Damage per Attack: 9 <<Bleed>>

    Hakai: HP: 16/16 EN: 4/4

    Sierra: 20/20 EN: 5/5

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