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Posts posted by Sierra

  1. Sierra merely stood their as she began to wipe of her face with her one hand till she suddenly felt herself being squished into a hug with Hakai. She groaned and blushed, "Come on Hakai t-this is embarrassing." She mewled biting her own lip now as she then felt herself being put down again. At that notion she then watched as she felt herself be equipped a new sword and blinked rather shocked by this now. "Oh? So, if I were to use it on you ..." She grinned evilly looking at her wife. I could leave you helpless for a bit." She winked only wishing that she had an idea of where to find the rope in her inventory. "You think that you can handle it?" She asked as she now bent over realizing their had been more materials where sh had collapsed.

    ID: 50869

    Loot: 15 Mats 1!

  2. As she lied their in the dirt she grimaced her mouth getting a face full of dirt and something else, she coughed up the dirt and a bit of ore that she had managed to get wedged in her mouth. She whined and looked over offering the ore she had gotten to Hakai it was now all covered in her saliva as she slowly walked over and coughed out dirt from her mouth.

    ID: 50839

    Loot: 20 Mat +1

    Total Mat: 4

  3. As she strolled forward she began to look about her feet now causing her to trip over themselves as she screeched like a wounded pterodactyl. Her face slamming directly into what felt to be a gopher whole as she whined. "Ow," she instinctively grumbled as she laid their collapsed on the ground her face now being smothered by dirt as she had landed on her arm making it hard for her to push herself up right away. 

    ID: 50836

    Loot: 1

  4. Sierra nodded and sighed looking about now and bit her lip grumbling, "W-wait what is that hakai?" She stopped and sighed as she realized this wasn't at all successful. Never mind you are right this place is clean out. Well then let see if their seems to be a lot of noise though over their." She nibbled her lip before now kissing up Hakai's neck. "What do you think?"

    ID 50812

    Loot: 12

  5. Sierra nodded rather flustered and began to lead the way now as she had sorta embarrassed herself, "Where exactly is this mission suppose to be taking place?" She asked now peering over as she eyed the ground still trying to seek out material without any luck, "I guess my luck is finally running out or maybe I'm just becoming blind now if that is possible." She joked.


    ID: 50691

    Loot: 13

  6. Sierra blushed feeling awkward as her eyes must have been playing tricks on her as she managed to miss some that was right before their eyes. As she bent over for it Sierra's eyes gravitated to the rear of her lover half entranced now as she shook herself free trying to look around again as she was feeling overly flustered. Was this what it felt like to be in love constantly peeking back at her wife hoping that she didn't get found out, "S-so bulbous ..." She stopped realizing that they were suppose to be looking for materials.

    ID: 50678

    Loot: 7

  7. As she peeled away like an outer layer of an onion she sighed feeling the cold embrace of how it felt to not be pressed against another individual. Her own body now growing quite attached to Hakai's as she slowly slunk back in p lacing her hand about her hip now as she blushed, "I'm sure we'll make quick work of this job as we do all of the rest of them." She nuzzled said her arm now collapsing back down to her side and wandering forward through the level, "Come on silly at this rate you won't be finding anything," Her hand now slid up over her eyes as she peeked around not seeing any useful materials ... "Huh."

    ID: 50676

    Loot: 5

  8. Sierra looked back to the teleport podium smiling as she saw the girl now standing their looking upon her like a prize she had won, "H-hello babe." A gentle smile now passing over her features as she wandered forward and held her hand out to then feel her slide around and embrace her back. She gasped and looked down a bit embarrassed as Hakai was still wore all the power in the relationship. Her own head now leaning back over her shoulder as she planted a kiss upon her neck before asking, "Shouldn't we be heading off now for the mission?"

  9. "Thank you mister," she stated calmly now watching as he led the way into the place which armor was being sold, honestly she was working out the plans of being a healer at the moment and she had little skills to do so on her own. Least of all her appearance that didn't help with the helpless vibe. "It's a beautiful creature, would you mind if I pet it, or does he mind?" she questioned now peering over it as she saw them walking up into the building as she sighed and looked around uncertain of what she should really be going after. "What would you suggest?"

  10. Sierra sat their upon the third floor by the gate now looking over as she check her skills still a bit confused why on earth Hakai was asking her to go down the healing tree. She noticed most recently the girl had been equipped with knew gauntlets and wondered if she was somehow being suckered into the roll as support. She frowned but then realized as her hand slid over to rest upon the other side feeling the missing arm and sighing a bit sad that perhaps it was the cause of this skill set. "Perhaps I should just ask her why she was leading me this way."

  11. Sierra gulped and looked away, "B-but y-you said all of that was a dream, I-I thought ..." She wasn't good with this lovey dovey stuff at all and couldn't show her real self as she now squealed a bit startled. "O-Oh god b-but you did," She blushed profusely and hid her face shaking her head now as she pointed out now seeing more materials. "W-we should get out now w-we found enough," her hand now reaching down to pick another piece and placing it in their inventory.

    ID: 50642

    Loot: 15 Success!

    Total Mats: 5

    Sierra & Hakai

    1 SP  for each

    400 col total

  12. Sierra now giggled seeing that Hakkai had found the other one she noticed as she now looked around, her eyes gleamed eagerly as she now sprinted away from her love. "I found more," she blinked now looking back as she though. "Perhaps you will have to owe me a fair amount for all these mats I have been locating for the two of us," She smirked giving her a wink before kneeling down and scooping more materials up from the ground and collapsing upon her back as she didn't manage to pull it out entirely on her own. "Gahh this one is really wedged in here, C-can I get some help." She grumbled fighting with the earth.

    ID: 50634

    Loot: 16 Mats!

    Total Mats: 3

  13. Sierra came sprinting through the snow as her own breath was beginning to escape her as she had always been quite late to joining in on parties especially recently since Hakai forgot to inform her where they were meeting up. She thought it was the third or second floor, but no of course they took a mission upon the snowy floor which she had once been upon and disliked as she always attempts to find wood to start a fire. "P-pardon, me for being late," she panted as she now began to slowly trudged through the snow looking over to Hakai as her own hand rested upon her blade as she greeted them with a rather intrigued expression upon her face, "Where you planning on introducing me to your friends Hakai." She half glared thinking that they were going to grow strong together and here she was attempting to get ahead doing missions on her own. "Pleasure to meet you all, I'm Sierra." Not introducing herself or her relation with Hakai before the two.


    OOC: Hakai invited me hope you all don't mind. Well we can only have 3 people so I will remain out.

  14. Sierra clasped her hand into the multicolored hair still a bit in awe of the form she had been blessed with now wondering if she should start dying her own hair. Perhaps another time. She now peeked around and released her wife's hand now shuffling over as she pointed out a few materials, "Hey here is some Hakai." She smiled happily looking up as she submitted the material to their collective inventory. She now pulled herself back up resting her head upon her shoulder, "Two sets of eyes I suppose are better then one. And I can always lend you a hand." She joked as she tried to lighten up her normal callous mood.

    ID:  50632

    Battle: 8

    Craft: 11

    Loot: 18 1 Material

  15. Sierra winced upon the ground and looked up toward the girl and nodded as she moved her only arm into position for being assisted up to her feet, "Yes please that would be quite helpful yes, sometimes I find it hard to set myself back up." She awaited for the assisting hand unless it was all a hoax which she wouldn't take personal as she realized charity to the disabled wasn't everyone's cup of tea. Besides she knew that when it came to it she would one day become strong enough to assist even those who neglected her in this game.

  16. Hakai had been so kind to her even with the shock of waking up to being married she felt a strange sensation of belonging with her. "I would like that," She smiled now clutching upon her with the only good arm she had, "Well then where do we want to go next?" She stated as they walked out of the building her a bit more exposed then normal thanks to the alter in her wardrobe.

  17. As she felt her gripped she tried to understand how this was suppose to work out agreeing that it might be best that they did let themselves wander. Perhaps  use that time to get to know one another, "M-maybe we should get to know one another as we wander about. You know us being wife ... and wife." She grimaced uncomfortably still uneasy about being part of a lesbian couple. "S-so everything we own is now shared?"

  18. As she essentially was dressed before her girlfriend's eyes, neigh her lovers eyes she only felt more ashamed that she couldn't read. As the clothes materialized upon her she nodded and nuzzled her head against her should. "I-I do apologize for doing all of this miss," She bit her lip now as she hitched her arm into her love's. "Any place you wish to go in particular for material searching?"


  19. Sierra smiled now as she heard the whimpering of her new wife calm down, her hand slowly holding onto her before now pulling away as she swiped through the menu and dressed herself once more. Sierra winced and looked down at her sleeping gown before gritting her teeth a bit ashamed. Her fingers meandered through the menu aimlessly as she suddenly got to what appeared to be skills which was still empty. "C-could I ask you to do something for me, H-hakai ... I mean honey?" She queried uncertain if this was the right way to speak to one's mate. "I-I need help getting everything equipped."

  20. She blushed now holding onto Hakai rather amazed how easy it was for her to feel pity for the girl wrapped in her arm, it wasn't like anything else she had felt. "I-I'm so sorry I just thought I mean how couldn't I?" She now sniffled away some tears as she held her tight attempting to calm her new lover. "I-I am unsure of how I feel, b-but I-I know I don't want you to be unhappy," She murmured quietly now pulling away partially as her hand slid up and wiped away her tear. "Y-you shouldn't b-be apologizing I-I shouldn't have b-been upset about all this ... d-deep down I guess I do like you a lot. And don't worry I don't want you to do anything you are not comfortable with." She sighed now clasping her hand on the back of her head. "H-here lets go out and get you some new gear and maybe materials, that would be fun right?"

  21. "I-I wasn't T-thinking straight I was drunk and," she toned down her voice as she looked back at Hakai realizing she was now on the verge of crying, "N-no wait please don't cry it isn't that I don't love you I just haven't planned upon g-getting married this quickly. L-let alone to another girl is all," She bit her lower lip and frowned, hearing the girl stutter made her rather compliant as she wasn't good when her brother use to cry to her and now she had a wife doing the same thing. "Please don't cry." She winced trying to peel herself off from the ground from her uncomfortable position.

  22. Sierra nodded appreciating the girl's help quite graciously as she decided to try out a smile to express her gratitude it was a pitiful one but it was a smile none the less. She then looked back as her finger pulled up the menu wincing as she still looked at the strange words and symbols disliking it, "It's nice to meet you Vayrin, I will keep note of you and remember to thank you later on in the game when we cross again," she began to wonder before now asking her. "Would you by any chance be willing to assist me as I continue to climb through this game. I know I'm a weakling and a bit of a weird one ... the missing arm and all. I just am hoping that we can become friends is all."

  23. "W-wife?" She blinked looking down as she realized she was dressed rather oddly and not in the clothes she had remembered picking out herself. Then the bleating headache and grumble as she saw the light trying to peak through the curtain and whining. "N-no no that isn't right w-we're not married I-I wouldn't have married a girl not l-like ..." She stopped suddenly realizing why she felt so terrible this morning, "Oh no, no, no no no! I got drunk yesterday again after we were celebrating leveling up a-and," realization sparked on her face and then a bit of anger. Y-you did this! I-I never would have agreed to this if it wasn't for the booze!" She whined now laying down against the hard wood in floor.

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