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Posts posted by Sierra

  1. "I was personally hoping to be a heavy hitting damage dealer so I guess dps, unless you really are seeking aid in another category as I'm also looking for a group. Although, I must admit It's best to get to know someone over dinner as you are able to tell a lot about people by the way they act and eat in a restaurant. Just to test your character a bit nothing serious," She stated still a bit emotionless before no looking toward planning on figuring out a good role. "In the real world I already was practicing so it shouldn't be that much hard so long as I stat right. The name is Sierra ... and yours?"

  2. Sierra nodded before taking out a small metal sheet and cracking the egg upon it and pushing it slowly toward the fire, the egg slowly showing signs of cooking now as she kept a close eye on it to not let the yoke get over cooked. "There we go," She grinned now sliding the sheet away and reaching down up and looking back in ... their was something here?" She said poking a button and having bread fall out as she smiled wrapping it up and taking a bite.


    200 Col

    1 SP


    200 Col

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  3. "Oh? Then perhaps I could ask you to assist me as I continues playing this game." She actually offered a smile to the girl before now wandering over to her, "I'm still a bit knew to this game and I find it ... sorta impossible to read this menu any any of the help tutorials that they have. "I just wasn't expecting much from her personality is all, you on the other hand seem like you could handle yourself. Although, I must admit I'm still in a snag when it comes to this game." Her voice returning from the rather cold to a slight quiver in it as she murmured I can't read ... And I sorta need someone to help in that department." She frowned.

  4. Having been a kendo specialist she had her eyes set upon a katana, but she also was intrigued by the art of fencing as a child and was willing to cope with either play style for now. She sighed before Hearing another voice and stopping in her tracks a bit taken back from the attitude that had just rebuked her own. "I umm sorry but who are you?" A brow now raised as she looked over the girl who seemed far more up front and welcoming then herself. "I know that strong allies would help but right at this moment I am still uncertain if I will know someone strong enough to join up with just by looking at them." She spoke before now sizing her up with a rather ominous glare. "What are you doing here?"

  5. "Here maybe I could try and cook us both something?" She stated rather calmly now as she pulled up her menu and grimaced trying to remember what she had been told was the way to traverse it. "Inventory ... umm items?" She sighed now looking through it and lick on a few materials to make food. "I don't really have much so maybe a few eggs?"

  6. As she wandered forward a bit dazed she blinked and turned around now as she sat back till another girl had for some reason tapped her on the shoulder. "Sorry but I am quite busy and can't worry myself with other newbies at this moment I need to get stronger so that I can prove to everyone that I am someone to be reckoned with." She smiled before patting her head and continuing on through the city now as she practically blew her off a semi polite fashion.

  7. The day was quite bright as the first floor often had been and here she was looking around in search of people to assist her in the slaughter of a few monsters. This was after all an multi player role playing game and she hadn't been enjoying herself fully as she only recently managed to quip her own simple sword. "I just need to search around for individual who are willing to help fight." She sighed now rubbing her fingers against her chin before grumbling. "I wish people would stop assuming that I'm a liability jsut because of my disability. I could show them how to handle themselves."

  8. Sierra blinked now eyeing the girl a bit confused wondering what was going on with her as she seemed to be growing quite upset after having helped start up the fire. She slowly wandered over and curled up beside it and smiled, "Thanks for all of this, I have some trouble completing such tasks like ... wood collecting or even starting fires." She frowned before asking, "I really am grateful for everything that you have done for me.

  9. As she rested there the girl jumped a bit shocked as the coat was placed upon her and then looked out to see her now wandering out and nibbling her lip as she wrapped it around the sleeve dangling. She sighed and looked down as she awaited her to return and thank her properly a bit shocked as she then seemed to bring back a fair amount of wood. "Oh, that is a lot of firewood ... more then I could ever carry alone." She murmured softer a bit embarrassed that she wasn't able to help more on such issues.

  10. Sierra looked back over toward the pink haired girl before sighing as she curls up on the ground shivering. All the while her teeth began to chatter as her eyes closed, all the while she began to wonder how she kept running into rather random people on her journey. "W-well I guess you are in the same boat as me if you are sleeping out here. Or is it because you want to ask me something?"

  11. Sierra nodded making a note of this, "Yeah I suppose that would be a rather obvious point that would give away you being a pker. "N-no I'm not a mass murder I-I just ... am cautious is all. A girl can't be to careful." She said sighing as she let that get out of control before hearing the girl ask if she was cold. "Y-yes I'm cold that is why I came in here to begin with. I don't really have the money to by an inn room right now.

  12. She watched the girl now glide her fingers through the air as she perused her menu and explaining the essentials, "Right ok so these characters mean inventory." She thought now attempting to let that sink in as she continued to eye it and mention in her mind the word so she would associate it form that point forward. As she awkwardly stated the idea of building a contraption for her other arm she shook her head, "I prefer it like this keeps me light and swift for movements. Besides it distracts me in a combat when I start thinking about another arm. I had them remove the nerve gear arm that tried to push itself on me ... i-it was a bit distressing." She spoke plainly.

  13. Sierra stopped now a bit shocked that someone would be willing to say that, it was a bit disconcerting as she wasn't really able to tell with this one. "So, does that mean you want me to stab you through with my sword now or wait till sometime later?" She said rather bluntly now looking over at the pink mane and looking back toward the cave entrance.

    Sierra stopped now a bit shocked that someone would be willing to say that, it was a bit disconcerting as she wasn't really able to tell with this one. "So, does that mean you want me to stab you through with my sword now or wait till sometime later?" She said rather bluntly now looking over at the pink mane and looking back toward the cave entrance.

  14. "What?" She blinked a bit confused now hearing the girl as rather confidently as she now looked away a bit startled, "Is there a reason that I shouldn't be trusting you? After all I'm the one a bit more exposed a the moment and relying that you aren't a murderer ..." She stated rather calmly a she sat beside her.

  15. Sierra simply allowed her hand to rest upon the hilt for a few more minutes noticing her now closer her eyes as if to fall asleep as well. The expression though made her a bit uncomfortable now as she began to wonder, "Here you rest with me ... we will conserve more body warmth if we stay huddled together." She said as she was really the one cold and might have seemed to be seeking to leach off of the pink haired girl. Grunting as she now pushed herself up off the rock and shuffled over next to her, "My name is Sierra."

  16. Sierra's eyes opened wide before now staring at the pink haired girl wondering why on earth she was out her in the snowy floor. "Hi?" She said back a bit complacent as she wasn't sure who she was or whether or not she was trustworthy her hand slowly reaching over and gripping the hilt of her blade. "Are you getting cold out there too?" A question to figure out what this girl actually wanted from now following her into a cave.

  17. As she finally finished strolling into the cave she sighed removing her coat to expose that she had been missing an arm for some time and no doubt it wasn't merely removed in combat instead permanently. She sighed and pulled the coat over her body like a blanket groaning unpleasantly as she closed her eyes and tried to rest. "J-just try and take a short breather Sierra."

  18. Sierra winced and looked over in the snow as she tried to pry herself up out of the snow before collapsing, "Crud darn it sierrra pull yourself up already you can't expect anyone to help you in here." She winced before rolling over and doing a one handed push up till she was back on her knees. "Why can't this place just be easier to live in she sighed looking past the tree where the girl had been no noticing her as she hobbled over through the snow in the direction of a few rocks that seemed to house a cave.

  19. Sierra hadn't done much but she decided to climb up a few levels now despite the in ability for her to actually level herself up. She sighed  now sitting down next to a small pile of wood that she had gathered as the snow was covering it up by the time she collected enough. It was all basically useless for making firewood with the amount that kept piling up. She wrapped her arm over resting her hand upon the stump that was left of her right and shivered. "I-I just need to get this fire started. She grimaced now grabbing a stick and beginning to rub them together before falling back in the snow. "It's no use I need to find shelter if this was ever to work and then they won't let the smoke out well enough if I did." She whimpered clinging tightly to her own chest as she sat in the snow.

  20. Sierra now watched as the ruins began to grow quite crowded her arm slowly raising up above her head as she scratched it. "Well this is far more busy then I ever would have imagined perhaps it is time to leave ..." She sighed looking around to notice even more people specifically what seemed to be another guy who had cried out for help from a hole. "How on earth did he get down there?" She sighed and strolled away now less interested in the mob as they all seemed to be guys making her feel left out. "I'll just head back out to train she sighed hoping no one would look to closely at her till she walked around an saw a pink haired girl spying in. Unless she was a trap as well. "Umm hi?"

  21. A rather embarrassed blush spread over her face as she looked away allowing her purple hair to stream over her face attempting to conceal this. "Shh," She whispered ... "I don't want everyone to know ... I-I never learned how to read and write at home ... I just know the words to a few languages." Her head being hung low as this wasn't a topic she enjoyed talking about. "I don't even know these icons ... I'm not a gamer like everyone else I'm here to see how the combat is ... I never even figure out how to open menu for my sword." She sighed now allowing herself to try to see eye to eye again with the girl.

  22. Sierra had been wandering about the first floor a fair amount recently still in search of what she ought to be doing for the rest of this game. Life as she knew had grown quite complicated now she sighed and looked down and out toward an abandoned structure to be honest she didn't recall exploring that little crevice of the city. Oddly enough though another figure was exploring it from what she could tell, she looked back and forth toward the safe city and this structure that was outside as she now began to contemplate sneaking up on unknown individuals could have ended terribly. "I suppose it would be best to come in loud." She strolled forward leaning up against the wall with her only good arm as she now called in, "Excuse me everyone but what do we have planned?"

  23. "I would have thrown him out as well, but as you can imagine it is hard to deal with people in such a fashion." She nodded toward her before yawning rather sleepily. "I have to admit you could have chosen a better landing position after all NPC's seem to have feelings as well in this game. I'm sure that they can fix it up quickly but they might have a few issues." She stopped and then leaned in listening to the woman who still seemed to be rather taken back by the fact she didn't have an arm. "I would love to ...  own," she stated a bit questioning to make sure she was using this term properly as it was different in Russia. "I'm afraid I am about as pitiful as one can come to be honest." She sighed before murmuring softly, "I can't even read the menu ..." 

  24. Sierra was still pathetic in her own eyes and in this game, but perhaps that was where she was meant to stay perhaps all the extra squabble she had to keep her disability was to much. She grumbled rather upset as she looked back down at the stub the first time she felt was using the fake arm was just ... to disconcerting. She then wandered farther across the first floor city anxious. All that was needed was a simple break for a girl like her anything that could start her off on the right foot and down the path to showing her ability as a swordswoman both in and outside of the game which had mostly been proven. The purple hair was rather rare but less so in video games after people dyed it but the fact she was still lacking levels. Sierra honestly wasn't paying attention as her eyes glazed over on her small patrol of the city streets till she was now on a collision course with another female.

  25. Sierra was managed to get this far already, not a hard task with the fact that their were no major fights for her to maneuver up the floors thankfully groups before her had already slain the boss. She started walking forward till she realized that she really ought to start getting the hold of how to fight in this game least of all with her sword that she finally managed to navigate to. Equipping was simpler as soon as you knew the steps to make it through the menu and have done it a few times in practice. The girl hadn't planned to be in this game but such was an advantage when you were asked about fighting styles for a game. She just hadn't expected to be locked away after helping test out and see how realistic they were. A groan escaped her lips as she began to massage her arm complacently. "You always do manage to get yourself all turned around now don't you Sierra." Her dialogue heavily influenced by the Russian mannerism that was her accent.

    She blinked at a man who seemed to have charmed an animal companion before waving him down, "'Scuze me sir I was wondering if you could help me out. I've turn round myself and seemed to have mistaken by own judgment on directions." She queried.


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