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Posts posted by Sierra

  1. Sierra now wandered over glancing up at the light source that now bleated down it's intense rays upon them, Sierra groaning and panting as she now wandered up behind Hakai. She slowly slid over resting her head against Hakai's shoulder as she was apparently able to still feel the uncomfortable heat of the desert upon her skin as she now whined, "H-hakai did we have to pick a mission that was in the desert for this date/leveling activity." She sighed now glancing down as she rubbed her head brow and now standing back as she sighed thinking about how Hakai didn't seem to really love her.

    HP: 36/36 En 9/9

  2. Sierra scowled at her now glancing back to her wife whom thankfully seemed to also have a bit of an issue with the scarlet haired witch. Sierra now glared angrily toward her contemplating whether or not she should just strike her down or not. Sierra listened, awkwardly what she said seemed to make a bit of sense as they were getting more successful hits upon the rock and at this rate it would probably shatter in no time. Sierra massaged her knuckles before huffing and walking away from the group before peering back to the rock. As she now charged her fist smashed again into the boulder as she laughed smirking as she turned back to the group after her hit. "She is right about one thing just think of it as her face and you should keep hitting it."

    ID# 60728 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 4 Loot: 6 MOB: 7

    Hakai: 56/56 HP | 12/14 EN
    Crimsa: 24/24 HP | 4/6 EN
    Sierra: 36/36 HP | 5/9 EN
    Husky: 56/56 HP | 8/14 EN 
    Giant Dad: 4/4 HP| 0/1 EN

    BOULDER: 11/50

  3. Sierra grumbled as she now kept an eye on the wanderer, everything he had just done with that potion of his was something that terrified her as she wasn't quite bright enough to develop such recipes or even produce useful songs yet as a performer. Sierra pouted and looked away angrily and now  turned her chair around and away from her new companion of sorts. Her eyes now aimed toward a different table with a male and female. "It's not like I was really effected I was just playing you for a fool is all," loudly vocalizing her lie as she felt rather flustered still from that little experience. "Seriously like you are really capable of developing something that could move my heart." Her hand quivering as the other arm still stayed their limp as if  it never had been used before.


  4. Sierra began to sway back and forth as she groaned uncomfortably no the third floor, frankly she preferred the fourth while she was here and when she was on the fourth she preferred the fifth. "Agreed, I'm getting tired of just standing here aimlessly I need to have more adventure in my life. Especially without her," She winced feeling guilty for making such a comment about her own beloved as she now wandered in sliding an arm between Hik's body and arm. Exiting the shop and staying upon his arm she would allow him to lead the way.

  5. Sierra glared at the NPC who had ruined her beautiful expression with the dabs of ink that now made her look like a feline just as the Crimson red head did. Sierra looked over hearing Crimsa's little rant she was far vocal then she was wishing to be on this comment as Sierra's face lit up red from the remark of being some sorta furry fetish. Her fist now slammed directly into the rock chipping off a piece of it as she now looked over to Crimsa. "Will you just shut up already you stuck up witch," Sierra shouted now glaring over and approaching Crimsa quite quickly as she now had her face a mere inch away form the Scarlet Devil.

    ID# 60661  results: Battle: 10 Craft: 9 Loot: 7 MOB: 1 Crit 2 damage

    Hakai: Energy- 12/14 
    Crimsa: Energy- 5/6 -1
    Sierra: -36/36 6/9
    Husky: -N/A-
    Giant Dad: 0/1 

    BOULDER: 47/50

  6. As she heard this and took a wiff of the strange brew the girl now stopped and shuddered awkwardly from it as it was quite different from most things. As she snapped out of it she glanced down sitting in his seat now flustered as she winced, "T-that wasn't funny at all you  jerk." She hissed now sliding an arm before her feeling violated in a mental way as she already was illiterate and didn't enjoy people abusing systems in this game. "I should kill you for simply doing that, and I would be well in my right to slaughter you in front of these people for a move like that." As he stood up finishing his meal Sierra glanced up sighing and merely massaged her head, "What the heck is wrong with you ..."

  7. Sierra's eyes glanced down and noticed him pulling out a vial, she winced and looked at it before glancing up as she saw him drinking it down. Her body quite flustered now as she looked upon Rain a bit in a state where she now didn't mind that he was a guy she had been recently yelling at. Her own body now taking over a bit as she looked down and became rather bashful and seductive now. "W-what ..." she gulped nervous for the first time in her life as she thought about her wife and her advances upon the stranger now. This time she crawled over the table and slid down sitting upon his lap as she now looked him eye to eye. "What did you drink? Why c-can't I ..." A hand now dancing up his chest as she thought of many inappropriate thoughts. "N-no bad Sierra snap out of this," She winced now leaning in closer as she felt like tasting his lips.

  8. Sierra now glanced over as she heard him partially preparing to spew out the meat he had been attempting to eat only to stop before an outburst. Her eyes now scanning him over and commenting upon his recent display,"And you think that if you had done the same flirting you wouldn't have wound up on your rear crying home to your mama." Sierra now hopped out of her chair and gracefully gliding along the ground till she was planted opposite of him."I frankly don't see lot of promise in you and doubt you would have any luck proving of much worth." Coldly speaking as she attempted to now test the waters.

  9. Sierra yawned sleepily as she now wandered the first floor, the first time in days she had done anything on her own since her marriage. It felt odd being with a girl whom seemed so open to other females. Her scarlet mane slowly being brushed out from behind her neck so it flowed over the front of her own shoulder now glancing about the starting city. As she made a few paths through the city she stopped at the cafe much like the rest of the customers who were sitting there although one man in particular had decided to make her acquaintance a rather loathsome character who was quite obvious in his intentions.

    As another person sat down in a table beside her Sierra glared back across to her guest and smirked, "Hey now do you really want to know how to get into a woman's bed now?" The woman leered and slowly sliding over the table her body curving and twisting on the table. The woman's hips now rolling about from side to side as she now leaned in close enough to kiss him. "Don't be over confident." In an instant she spun about over the table top and kicking the stranger over in his chair. His body sprawling out and groaning awkwardly as he looked up to her. A sinister glare peering down toward the boy as he quickly sprinted off.

    After that display she spun back around and sitting down in her chair with a sigh, "Amateur ..."

  10. Sierra glanced over to the man sighing as a shrug rolled over her shoulders as she realized her build involved primarily acting as the healer for her companions. "Frankly it might be stupid I'm just a simple healer at this point, I once had thoughts of being a damage dealer but since I got married in this game," softly murmuring and glancing back to the animal companion. Her finger raising up to it and stroking the head as it hopped over to work with her. She then glanced down as recently she found herself unable to prevent a recent patch that kept the virtual arm on the right side. Regardless she didn't attempt to maneuver it much as it primarily remained limp and lifeless as it would have been in the real world. "I would like it to be A dark black or purple."

  11. Sierra looked down to the rock and then back to the other two girls who had already messed up their chances, Crimsa's little spat toward the older gentleman causing her to roll her eyes. A bit taken back she then approached glancing to the others including the newest member @Husky whom seemed to be the most well suited for such a quest and seemed to be the only one who wouldn't embarrass himself. As she looked it up and down she then gave a sturdy punch that slammed into the rock's side she winced before looking down and realizing there was no pain. Along with it though was the issue still at hand the rock stood still like epitaph to the three's great failure of being incapable of even defeating a boulder. Her head hung low in shame she now slid back giving someone else a go as she realized this wasn't going to end any time soon.

    Without warning the old coot then slid over and dabbed ink across Sierra's face causing a blank inky whisker of a disgruntled mountain lion on her expression as she now scowled at him. "The heck is this all about! First her now me are you one of the pervy old NPC's!"

    Hakai: Energy- 13/14 
    Crimsa: Energy- 5/6 (-2+1 Energy)
    Sierra: -36/36 7/9 (-2)
    Husky: -N/A-
    Giant Dad: -N/A-

    BOULDER: 50/50

  12. As her body was embraced Sierra coo'd and closed her eyes now glancing back to see her wife was now holding her close she hung her head still ashamed of her inability to function properly. "H-hakai, c-can you send out a notice to players for me ... I have this mission I want to finish but I'm sorta useless on my own ... and it could probably kill both of us in no time at all." She frowned now hearing the whisper into her ear. "I'm sorry that I'm so helpless at this ..."

  13. Sierra sat there in the second floor city now as she contemplated what to be doing now from this thread, frankly she didn't understand what they were plotting as she was quite tired of being incapable of this fight. "Ugh, why on earth can't I compete with all the damage dealers, I man I know this build is for a medic but this is just absurd having to literally rely on everyone else." She hung her head now twisting her finger through her hair as she began walking about the first floor in search of a player who could be strong enough to carry her through this mission. As she stood there her hands lid through the menu and stopped now grimacing as she didn't know how to read and instead began to poke around it angrily. "Dang it you stupid thing it's time for everything to work."

    @Xion @Hakai

  14. Sierra blushed as her hand was squeezed her head turned away from Crimsa, but a chill ran down the length of her spine as she sensed her gaze upon her back after the recent display. Hakai always managed to cause Sierra to lose confidence in herself in a imotional sense as she finally peeked her head backwards as they were nearing the top of where the mission would take place. Sierra's head now rotating about like an owl a sheepish blush upon her face as she saw the female still staring. Sierra turning back to face the front now as she was worried about this woman who was relentless it seemed. As she peered froward she slowly saw a man already up at the top waiting for them. "Hi there mister what are you doing up here already?" She asked a bit confused as she saw Husky standing before them.

  15. Sierra let out a rather startled squeak as she was lifted up and held bridal style by her wife, something she honestly didn't remember her doing even on the wedding night as she now turned flush feeling a bit taken back in front of the crowd. Closing her eyes she merely remained in Hakai's arms like a petrified kitten that wasn't sure of the next move till she was put down. Hearing the remarks of the other and the embarrassment causing her body to grow flush she merely waited before whimpering softly, "H-hakai please d-don't do these things in public ..." Her head tilted down as her once fiery temper was quelled nearly instantly by this submissive side that such actions toward her always caused. At the remark from the redhead she wanted to interject a jab, but she had lost all integrity behind her threatening voice as she now turned away her eyes now cast into Hakai's chest. Only vaguely noticing that she was now keeping her saliva for some odd reason, people had creepy turns on maybe that was just her thing.

  16. Sierra glanced around the beach startled as she now put a finger in her mouth and nibbled it, "Uhh, I thought that the beach would be a little less ... crowded since this is a death game after all what on earth is up with everyone. And why would Hakai want to come here of all places." Despite her strong and quite frankly cruel front she wears Sierra wasn't at all comfortable with public outings least of all ones that ended up in bathing suits that were less apparel then normal underwear. At first her eyes shot to the crowd a bunch of men whom she would have frankly thought about dating as many of them weren't half bad to look at. Sweet eye candy, although her wife may have a few actions that she didn't want to occur in public. She was dressed in long jeans and a tank top that was still over her the one piece that against her skin. Her body cowering behind the tree as if she was some peeping tom spying on the ladies locker room.

  17. Sierra smirked and glanced over both the red head and the male who were calling her accusations false, frankly she didn't care to much now as she nuzzled in and kissed Hakai's neck before shrugging her shoulders. As she wasn't the fighter she she sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "I suppose you both know you. I can't argue with that as I'm not lawyer to argue that case and in fact am far from it." Catching the less the subtle wink Sierra now slid her arm around Hakai's waste feeling rather possessive at this moment. Something territorial sparked as this blood stained maned chick now was flirting with her lover. "Thank you but no thank you and besides she is taken so you can back off from the flirting." Sierra growled angrily now sliding past Hakai to size up the woman before her, despite her low level she was fearless in combat willing to die for what was hers. "How about you take a dirt nap instead," she shot out the rebuttal now glaring toward Crimsa.

    "At least he knows not to make an enemy out of me," she spat at Crimsa before smirking.

  18. Sierra yawned and now strolled up behind Hakai a hand raised to her face as she began to rub her eyes now as she blinked awkwardly peering around now as she seemed to be the latest one to the party. She looked over the man and then the red headed woman as she peered over to Hakai, "Who on earth are these two bimbos?" She groaned now slipping in behind her and resting her chin upon her love's shoulder as she was quite exhausted from the night they had prior to this. "What exactly are we even doing again?



    Lyrica: -81/250 (-130 HP)
    White Wolf 5: 0/50
    White Wolf 6: 6/50 STUN
    White Wolf 7: 10/50
    White Wolf 8: 10/50
    White Wolf 9: 50/50 
    White Wolf 10: 50/50 
    White Wolf 11: 50/50 
    White Wolf 12: 50/50 
    White Wolf 13: 50/50
    White Wolf 14: 50/50
    White Wolf 15: 50/50
    White Wolf 16: 50/50
    White Wolf 17: 50/50
    White Wolf 18: 50/50
    White Wolf 19: 50/50
    White Wolf 20: 50/50

    [H:1] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
    [H:6] Xion: 85/92 (52 Mit) (14 Thrn) 
    [H:2] Seul: 121/121 | 22/ 29 EN | 52 Mit | [Keen: +1 BD]
    [H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 1/6 EN | 12 MIT

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 9/20 EN | (45 Mit)
    [H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 2/12 EN | MIT 35
    [H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 1/10 EN
    [H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 0/7 EN

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
    [H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
    [H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
    [H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
    [H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
    [H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
    [H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
    [H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
    [H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
    [H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:1] Allania: 80/80 HP | EN: 12/20 | Mit: 27
    [H:0] Asteria:
    [H:0] Ratatosk:
    [H:1] Gaster: 12/12 HP | EN: 2/3 | DMG 5 | MIT 18 | THN 7


    ID# 58870 results:

     Battle: 7 hit Uppercut 1x2x2 = 4

    Sierra winced and watched as more and more wolves came barreling in one after the other her sword in hand now being pulled out and performing a stunning sword Strike. The 'The Uppercut'  causing it the howl out and pause in pain after beign smacked as she smirked and clapped her hands together. "Yeah that is right eat that ya dumb pup!" She looked back realizing her hit might have garnished a bit of hatred toward her but probably not enough for retaliation.

  20. Spoiler

    Lyrica: 212/250 (10 Mit) (-30) STUNNED
    White Wolf 1: 0/50 (0 Mit) [-14 Thorns]
    White Wolf 2: 0/50 (0 Mit) [-14 Thorns]
    White Wolf 3: 0/50 (0 Mit) [-14 Thorns]
    White Wolf 4: 0/50 (0 Mit) [-14 Thorns]

    [H:0]Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
    [H:3] Xion: 88/92 (52 Mit) [8-52=1, 1x4=4]
    [H:1]Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD] [Regen: +18 HP]
    [H:1]Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

    White Wolf 1:
    White Wolf 2:
    White Wolf 3:
    White Wolf 4:

    [H:0] Hydra:
    [H:1] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35 | Regen +9 | Thorns +14 | Bleed +8
    [H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN 
    [H:0] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

    White Wolf 1:
    White Wolf 2:
    White Wolf 3:
    White Wolf 4:

    [H:0] Takneil:
    [H:0] Ebony:
    [H:0] Rain:
    [H:0] Khrysaor:

    White Wolf 1:
    White Wolf 2:
    White Wolf 3:
    White Wolf 4:

    [H:0] Hunie:
    [H:0] Avilon:
    [H:0] Yamato:
    [H:0] Kroshma_Tokran:

    White Wolf 1:
    White Wolf 2:
    White Wolf 3:
    White Wolf 4:

    [H:0] Husky:
    [H:0] Shirien:
    [H:0] Dracul:
    [H:0] Croft:

    White Wolf 1:
    White Wolf 2:
    White Wolf 3:
    White Wolf 4:

    [H:0] Allania:
    [H:0] Asteria:
    [H:0] Ratatosk:
    [H:0] Gaster:


    BD: 6

    MD: 9

     Battle: 6 Hit! (2 (Base)+1 x12)=2x1= 2 -10 (Mit) = 1 Still Stunned

    HP 28/28 Energy: 6/7

    Sierra watched in awe of her beloved wife now dancing along slicing her claws through the smaller wolves shredding them up till they were pixellated. The baroness of them all Lyrica now being blinded by the slash. "Hot stuff there Hakai, I knew it was wise leaving you in charge of the money and damage." She winked now running over and stabbing her sword into the stnned wolf wincing as she realized how pathetic her damage was.


    Slant - 1x1 - (1 Energy) - A simple sword art slashing diagonally.


  21. Sierra peered over to the large variety of players who had been congregating here and apparently in search of the great werewolf queen much as herself. She glance back looking for her wife as it had been quite some time the two of them had made their way out from the inns which they had recently been staying at. Her hand slid down behind her back resting upon her rear as she watched as a small bear began waddling over toward a pink haired shield maiden. The bear was quite amusing but nothing to impressive as she began to scout out the different levels that had been gathering. For the most part they seemed scattered a few unknown faces as she now glanced to her side.

    Edits Coming


    HP: 28

    EN: 7


    First Aid 1

    Short Sword 1


    Short Sword: 2 Paralyze, 1 Damage



  22. Sierra raised a brow to this as she began to contemplate what type of monster it was that Hakai was hoping to befriend. "How did you even accept such a mission? I sorta wish to have my own personal pet now." She said with a tint of jealously in her expression now as she suddenly hip checked Hakai with her own as she now slid her hand down to her weapon and smiling. "Doubt I will be needing to use this then I suppose?"

  23. Hakai had been wanting more and Sierra wasn't certain of what today's little adventure would entail, but she knew that she was important enough to hakai to be protected. A hum was upon her lips as she had her hand slid down the back of her pants her thumb catching up the rim so she could grip it. She then stopped and looked over to Hakai smirking, "Well then what is it we are doing on this magnificent day perhaps hunting some more monsters?"


  24. Sierra frowned and nodded her head a bit disappointed that her own wife wouldn't reveal the secrets that she had collected in her mind. "You know one of these days I'm going to find it out on my own." She laughed sticking out her tongue at the girl before raising her one hand to her lips and blowing her a kiss. "You go on without me and pick the next missions that we are gonna go ahead doing and I will be there when it's ready.

    Hakai & Sierra

    Sp: 1 each

    Col: 400 total



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