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Posts posted by Sierra

  1. Sierra groaned and began to stir feeling something rather warm beside her as she woke up in the bed mostly dressed in a bed gown and covered with sheets. She grunted and now sat up placing her hand upon her eyes, the digits on her hand now massaging over her face as she whined in pain. "Oh gosh, I feel like someone took a baseball bat to my head ..." She stated now placing her hand down and feeling the squishy belly of the girl who had been sleeping beside her. She squeezed once then twice before shrieking and falling off of the bed.

  2. Sierra moaned and nodded as she suddenly felt her lips being pressed into she giggled and smirked up at Hakai before leaning back in and planting a large kiss filled with saliva onto her lips. This continued till she finally just went lip her head flopping back as she finally wasn't able to keep herself awake. She  mewled rather lightly as she was still now completely out of it forcing all of her wait upon her new wife. She happily stayed their leaning as she was slowly sliding down the girl unable to wake up.

  3. She pondered this now placing a finger to his chin, "Well recently I have been in search of the mission board or just a shop where I could buy some new equipment as I am still getting the hang of all of this. Where would you suggest that I find some new weapons and armor?" She asked peeking over toward the man still uncertain if she was really wishing to buy new equipment yet. She was still quite bad at this game and had no intention in having herself fail this early on in her own career. "What would you suggest to the beginners?"

  4. Sierra heard the sound of someone talking and another person now speaking over the priest who was beginning to bore her as she felt herself ready to keel over now from the drinking. "I-I don't feel to good," she moaned and whined. "C-can I go to the bathroom h-hakai?" She hummed now enjoying the music as her eyes closed barely being kept awake from the shouting individual who was hungry.

  5. Sierra groaned and looked up a bit groggy as she peeked up toward the menu that had a large alert that told her to accept the marriage that she had been signing up for. Her fingers being guided now by Hakai toward the button she began to see double and asked, "Which one do I hit?" She questioned a bit confused now looking at the blurred vision of acceptance not really sure what she was doing. Her hand meandering forward till she tapped it.

  6. Sierra groaned a bit as she now nuzzled into Hakai, that girl knew how to play her cards right and was fully taking advantage of her condition, but who knew perhaps as it happened they would grow closer. Probably not but it was going to be an adjustment as Sierra smiled at the priest and nodded, "I take the heck out of her." She smiled now leaning happily upon her shoulder as she coughed a bit wiping her eyes. "Ha-ha-akai is all mine," she mewed softly now half falling asleep during the service.

  7. Sierra began to stumble in as she blinked from the change in lighting a bit shocked as she was apparently being married much to her drunken joy as she giggled wandering forward. She squealed and giggled as she  stumbled from one pew to the next attempting to catch her balance and shake off her intoxication still unable to see clearly or think for that matter. She looked up though and saw the girl who had asked her to show up to this special and monumental occasion. "H-hello sweetum cakes." She gasped as she now approached the alter nearly plowing into Hakai's stomach as she giddily laughed. "How is things happening?" She stumbled over the words now as she used Hakai to lean on looking toward the priest. "Ohhhh sorry I will s-shhhh," she laughed realizing now that they were in a chapel and snuggling into the shoulder of Hakai.

  8. Sierra lied their on the bed now as she groaned and whined, "Noo where did my ale go I had it here didn't I?" She pouted now attempting to sit up a loud thump would be heard from behind Hakai as she now collapsed on the ground face first whining a bit in pain as she now lied upon the ground not feeling the pain of landing on her face thanks to the alcohol that was in her system.



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  9. She moaned a bit sickly now nodding her head and leaning against her as she whined, "M-maybe you are right about that ... l-last call." she giggled reaching out and failing to grab anything as she slowly began to hobble over while trying to use her to support her. "Which way to bed?" She squinted looking up to Hakai before now pushing off of her. "H-hey sister c-careful now I-i'm not lesb-urrian?" She once again mumbled awkwardly trying to recall the word.

  10. Sierra blushed a bit as she heard the warm smiling girl now ushering her away from another drink, "H-hey who says you can't stop me from drinking you aren't paying for them." She flopped into her shoulder now before thinking and whined now looking up to Hakai assuming she was another woman, "You tell me the truth have I not a need for more ale?" She leaned in attempting to kiss her neck now as she felt quite happy in her intoxicated state as this was the only time she could release her emotions without feeling embarrassed.

  11. Sierra giggled as she was helped up before now clinging to the girl who had helped her up hearing the question rather vaguely from being asked, she shrugged her shoulder before smiling. "I-I want to be feared I suppose even if it is for -" She hiccuped and squeaked rather giddily as she looked back up toward her having forgotten what she was asked. "O-oh right h-heck I would kill people for respect and for t-that body of yours." She whimpered, "Y-you know if I was drunk enough I probably would want you all to myself. G-ood thing I'm not." She said now grabbing at the waiter who had more ale but was reluctant to give it to the rather drunken disabled girl.

  12. Sierra blushed and shook her head, "N-no I don't want to be hit on I-I just ... " She whined and shook her head "N-never mind j-just let me finish another drink is all." She said now swallowing another glass completely forgetting that she really should be filling her stomach more so she didn't get drunk. Mistakes were part of growing up though and she blinked now looking back at Hakai a little bit of a giggle now in her voice, "I-I think you are not thinking straight enough to make such sidicsion ... " She murmured suddenly not pronouncing it right at all. "C-can I have one for the bedroom," She smiled standing up and then collapsing backwards onto the ground groaning in pain.

  13. She was taking a drink of her ale as she heard this not really thinking twice about the possible compliment she had been offered, "Well I just am bad at this ok I don't talk with other players. And being illiterate sorta left me locked in this state where I couldn't get ahead in life." She stated now finishing her second glass and wincing feeling a bit awkward. "I-I probably shouldn't have more ... maybe one more?" Her hand raised again as she looked back over to her. Beside I don't even know you that well and hear you are paying for all this ..." She stopped now starting to wonder, "W-wait are you hitting on me? I-Is that why you are willing to pay for everything?" She jumped to the conclusion rather quickly probably a premature one at that.

  14. Sierra eyed her acquaintance now a bit shocked that she was trying to keep company with her, Sierra wasn't the easiest to get along with most of the time. Sadly she was planning on drinking alone for a while but it seemed they would keep up this conversation for a while. "I suppose it won't do any harm, although I really don't see why you are seeking my companionship to be frank. N-not that I am against meeting new people I just really prefer training and eating compared to idle conversations."

  15. "That will do fine," she nodded now taking a sip of her ale as she cringed awkwardly from drinking it. "This stuff really does taste awkward, isn't it weird we would make such drinks that taste this bad?" She put it down and looked back over to the waiter raising her hand and pointing down to the mug asking for another glass which hopefully they would understand. "I might stay out here a bit longer before joining you I'm not exceptionally tired yet." She sighed resting her arm on the table and her head upon that. "I don't really see why we want to pick fights with them but I suppose I could support you."

  16. She winced an mewled as she lied upon the ground in pain as she began to realize what on earth had just been happening. Ow what the heck?" She frowned now reaching her hand up as she had taken a fairly nice tumble before looking up and attempting to figure out what hit her. She peeked up and and looked over now seeing that she had apparently ran into another girl. She wiggled about at first upon the ground whining as she attempted to pull herself up, realtively hard with one arm. "Excuse me I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Are you ok?"

  17. "I guess that isn't really all that fair if they are just hoarding them, after all we are just as capable and are more than willing to use them?" She stated trying to get herself to see the girls point of view. "If you are all talk and no action you will find that I'm a woman you don't want to get on the bad side of. I must admit I don't take kindly to being lied to so if you have more intentions other than Azure Brigade being bullies which I do agree I suggest you tell me when we go back to an inn. Wait I can by the room either ... you are just going to start keeping a tab for all of this?" She now began to eat more of the pasta till she had finished it all up.

  18. She stopped rather taken back by the wisdom of the girl who was speaking to her as she wasn't planning on anything like this. "So, your whole issue with this Azure Brigade is that they literally don't share the big skills that we really aren't powerful enough to be using?" She smirked amused that this woman thought she was worthy of any of these specials. "Well boss," She jokingly teased, "I suggest we get off our lazy rears and prepare to strengthen our numbers and bodies as we will be needing to level up a bit more."

  19. Sierra looked over toward Haka a bit shocked that she was every bit of ambitious as she spoke,  "But wouldn't you prefer to get some assistance from them in grinding I'm sure they would be willing to assist you? Besides why would you be asking someone like me who obvious has a disability if you are searching for people who are strong." As she stated that she did in fact owe her she sighed nodding her head. "And now I have found myself in debt after making your acquaintance. "I will pay you back as soon as I make enough money for this I promise."

  20. As the waiter arrived she blinked as her own hand was removed and then explained that more people had apparently disliked Azure. "I-I just don't know if that is a safe idea after all this is rather ambitious to try and compete?" She said now taking her fork in her hand and skewering the pasta as it was shoveled into her mouth. She smiled happily having not really eaten much outside of the occasional sandwich before stopping. "W-wait are you paying for this ... c-cuz I don't really have the money for this ..." She frowned and looked over hoping that she wasn't the type to use this as a strategic advantage as she would be partially indebted.

  21. Sierra's eyes lit up a bit startled as she now reached across clamping her hand over the girl's mouth a bit startled, "S-shh!" She stated a bit shocked that someone was so passionately against them. "You don't want to go blabbing that so loudly and getting on their bad side now do you?" This was strange this one happy go lucky girl now was speaking about the strongest people with a deadly passion causing her to be a bit nervous which was odd for the callous girl. "How about we just eat and go to an inn afterwards, I know that those rooms are sound tight at least so you can ... well be more vocal about all of this I guess? Sounds ok?"

  22. Sierra heard about the ale she wasn't the biggest drinker but it would have been rude to stop her order nodding as she then said. "I would like the pasts please and a salad." She nodded sitting across from her hand arm now resting upon the the table. "Azure Brigade? Of course, who hasn't heard about them they are the largest guild in the game from what I have heard are we gonna try and get on their good side because if you are the same level as me then we will have some trouble." She sighed looking down relatively depressed as she was envious of the people who were already in a group.

  23. As she was pulled along and told that they were going to the tavern she began to ponder what the purpose of this was exactly. "I-I don't really know why we would need to be at the tavern to talk?" She plainly spoke now wondering if this was really a good plan to continue with this girl at least she seemed to be nice. She sat down opposite of her and nodded, "Well yes I would prefer to know what I'm signing up for but I suppose if you are the leader I can trust you." How about we start off with eating first though. She murmured softly as she wondered how this could be.

  24. Seirra listened to this advice before frowning hearing that the whip and dagger were her best options her eyes now peering back to her sword that she had equipped upon her back for easy reach. "I think I will stick with my sword or I guess a dagger instead," She stated plainly now peeking back over toward the new acquaintance. "You are?" The woman questioned before now stopping dead in her tracks no longer planning on leaving to any particular direction. "I suppose depending on your plans I could be willing t-" At that she now felt her own hand being gripped and pulled along half voluntarily as she was rushed through the crowd toward the inn. "H-hey where are we going I was going to be asking you about this little group you are planning?"

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