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Posts posted by Sierra

  1. Sierra blinked at the girl a bit curious of why she was so intrigued before nodding, "Ahh yes I don't consider this a disability myself." She spoke now looking down toward her missing arm. To be honest it was always getting in the way and I decided it would be easier since I already had so lessons of how to fight in the real world." She grunted before now peeling herself from the wall her arm expertly snaking back behind her and pushing her up as she giggled. "Besides it's far more amusing for people to think of how interesting to see people's reactions." As she stopped talking she wandered over toward the girl now a bit confused till the remarked on the situation. "Oh that no problem what so ever, I approve of the measures you took to defend yourself," She stated rather unaffected by the entire situation as she appeared far colder than she realized perhaps this was why she hadn't gotten anywhere. That and the fact that she couldn't read the menu system.

  2. She sighed with relief as she finally had gotten herself comfortable after deciding to remain with her handicap since the artificial limb seemed, the best way she could describe it in few words and out of her native language, wrong. Sierra's head began to roll back and forth against the brick building pleasantly enjoying the solitude and quiet of the first floor, till the crashing and skidding sounds filled the air. She felt like a monk who had been meditating till someone through the gong attached to the wall like a Frisbee across the temple. Both eyes would open before looking over a few meters at a guy who had just gotten himself served, worse by a girl which was a career-ender in most video games. She snickered a bit as she watched him tremble as the blade was now press against his neck causing him to nearly piss himself upon the streets. As the purple haired woman spoke more she smirked hearing the reasoning for this show, "Stupid boys who grab girls cheeks deserve embarrassment." Her voice was low and probably only heard by the quivering male who was no doubt hoping to get far far away from here.

    As her eyes closed again she then blinked as she heard a voice that seemed to be addressing her. She wasn't that amazing of a sight as her she looked rather young and decrepit prime material for people to take advantage of considering she only had an arm to prevent perverts. "I'm fine," she stated rather plainly now as she waved the stump toward the woman to gauge her reaction to a player who decided to keep her real form.

  3. The woman lied their in wait for as sign that would tell her to sit up from her rump and begin peeking over the rest of the groups now wandering the field, she would have loved to start training if it wasn't for that simple and easy to fix issue. Illiteracy. She began to hit her head upon the tree behind her till she started creating a dent in the bark. "Stop being proud dumb dumb." A deep rather annoyed sigh escaped her pursed lips smiling as she recalled that this handicap she underwent was her choice it just didn't seem right to rely upon artificial handicaps. Besides it was just disturbing to feel a limb that didn't deserve to be their and maneuver it. She shivered recalling the first time she stepped into the game it was slow and didn't have nearly the same ability as her real life hand. She was already left handed and use to one handed swords what was the purpose int attempting to fail at something new not that she had gotten vary far as is.

    As she rested she heard the rustling of grassed and peered an eye open viewing the man who now stood before her in rather elegant, rather prestigious clothing for someone in this world. He must have been important, or at least thought of himself as someone who was. Either way it wasn't moving her even his foreign tongue merely left her staring blankly at him for a few seconds and stating something herself, "Akoy Bessmyslenny." (Such gibberish) She closed her eyes now and laid her head back down before thinking to herself as she hopefully spoke in a language he did understand but poorly, "Sorry I'm from Russia. I still don't speak ... good yes?" She stated hoping he wouldn't understand her to the point that she could actually ask him assistance. "I actually have problem," she stopped now attempting to push herself up onto her feet. "You say equip items?" She asked trying to to sound less callous then she already was.


  4. Sierra sat their at the base of the tree sending a gaze up toward the branches that she hadn't seen much of in the past few years after she had received her visa and fled from her Russian father. A deep sigh of relief fluttered off her breath as she now pierced her eyes clothes her one arm now rested gently upon her head. The other comletely vacant of it's placement on the other side as the only sign was a small stump that barely wiggled off of her shoulder. "Pathetic Sierra, sitting out here under virtual sun as if you had no care in the world," She sighed her accent lingering quite heavily as she reached forward once again to open the menu and looking at the various symbols. Her own frustration keeping her locked in this sorta purgatory as she grew frustrated with her inability to read and write. She understood the symbols well enough but that alone wasn't enough for rummaging through the menu system. "Bychit" She growled angrily as she prodded at the exit symbol now closing the menu and sighing. "I can't even work a menu to cook myself food ..."

  5. Sierra blinked as she looked around this world amazed by it's ability to emulate the real world, unfortunately after the reckoning of sorts that the entire population of Sword Art Online was punished to she found herself living once again with her disability. She sighed and grumbled a bit annoyed that the game developer took it to such a level that even their own private lives could return to the same form of scrutiny. The sleeve of her shirt blowing loosely in the breeze as she peered out over the vast city center where they had heard the message she had to admit she never thought this was how life would end up. The aspects of the game she adored, sword fighting skill leveling but the threat of  death was far to realistic now and her disability had kept people from pairing with her from day one. An unfortunate disadvantage as she hung out about Aincrad's first city where the larger portion of the general population would remain  that were two scared to risk their own lives for attempting to end this game.

    The one armed girl was no exception to the rules, but it wasn't fear that held her back but companionship as she believed this game was to be respected and feared knowing full well the dangers that came along with solo play. The public eye wasn't kind to individuals who played by themselves, marking them as so called 'beaters' hateful words that Sierra couldn't stand. She believed in those who wanted to continue through this world much like they did in the real world. Just because it is a video game didn't cause people to rise up out of their stereotypical archetypes. "I just need a break." She sighed deeply now slowly propping her self against a wall with her left arm and slowly lowering herself as to not collapse, it was embarrassing to peel oneself off the ground with a limb after all.

  6. Profile

    Username: Sierra

    Real name: Sveltanta Bazarova

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5’11”


    About: History/personality


    Svetlana had been raised with a hard life in Russia where she lived in constant degradation and fear for her younger brother from the alcoholic threat that was her father. Their mother left them after she gave birth to Svetlana’s younger brother Ivan. Her body was found a few miles outside of Siberia and was sent back for the funeral which only infuriated her father. By the age of eighteen she left Russia moving to  Japan where she found her own way in life as a kendo enthusiast and eventually trainer in a small. As she heard about the new game SAO she believed that it was an interesting concept which she would dive into on the same unfortunate day as everyone else. It was odd the reason why she wound up in this game, but it was for purposes of helping the game progress in sword play as she was rather graceful with her blade and even asked to maintain her disability while in the game. The first few minutes she had actually found the other arm more burdensome to maneuver and get use to as she tried menial tasks that she had no problem doing in real life.




    »Assertive: Sierra had always been quite strong willed when it came to discussing complicated situations and persuading them to agreeing on her own side. It’s clear by her stance and her talk that she isn’t one to take no for answer. Although she is highly influential to most people she meets she is by no means impossible to argue with or even sway as she is open-minded to new ideas. Generally though Sierra finds herself right and doesn't find it easy to be flat out told that she is wrong.

    »Cooperative: Unlike most people, Sierra is quite capable of playing nice with even the most cruelest of people after dealing with her own family. They always were trying to one up the other all the while she acted as negotiator for her own brother and father. She was quite capable in the real world at making friends thanks to this trait and is fully prepared to use it to make ones online and hope that she is readily invited to a guild for her abilities when she proves herself.

    »Modest: She isn’t the type to boast as she never enjoyed talking about herself when everyone else has plenty of reasons to be proud of themselves. Sierra never believed in expressing her own praise as her father often was the man to beat that sort of thought out of them at a young age. He wasn't a kind man but he taught her an important lesson in life and that was to always be the person wielding the bigger stick and to never brag because more often then not you will wind up on your face.

    »Persistent: She never backs down from a fight or debate even if they are obviously superior to her in that field. Even in life when her father was calling her a stuck  up brat she stood by her beliefs and spat it back into his face, figuratively and literally. This trait while sometimes a curse back at home proved useful when she finally joined the civilized world in japan.



    »Callous: Sierra lived a harsh life and began to feel a lack of compassion or emotion at all to others. Even in the most dire situations Sierra finds herself unwilling to react either to risk of her own like or others. Another unfortunate trait she gained while being raised by an alcoholic who believe that tears and sniveling in a corner was a sign of weakness. By her fourteenth birthday she returned the other cheek leaving a black eye upon her fathers face and he returned the favor, thus she learned to cope with pain.  Although she is heartless she is still a bit uncertain of how she would feel letting people die and thus decided to help keep people alive.

    »Disability: She was born sickly and had her right arm amputated as a result of complications in surgery to attempt and fix the situation. Since it has been with her for her whole life she hardly sees an issue with it. She learned how to fight and to menial tasks to survive all with one hand and she never asked for pity from anyone for her disability.

    »Illiterate: She grew up in the slums of Russia and sadly didn’t get past most of the basic teachings that involved the experience of writing or reading which she is extremely ashamed of. Find a job in japan was quite difficult, the only good thing being her unique ability as a sword fighter in kendo as she was able to etch her initial upon an apple before she could ever understand the working of a pen. She despised her poor education and loathes her father, rightfully so as she still lives her life hoping for a teacher who would be patient with her.

    »Skeptic: Raised around her father and brother she always believes that people are lying and demands people to repeat what they say often to notice if there is any discrepancy. After the second time her father came home lying about where the money she had earned had gone she began to realize people had certain tells some more obvious then others. This ability has been useful while growing up mainly as she began to find better places to hide the money so that only she or her brother could find it.












    Weapon skills:

    »One Handed Short Sword (Estoc)



    » Simple short sword



    »[Complete]Simple Beginnings1 SP

    »[In Progress]The Call

    »[Complete]Drunken Wedding 2 SP

    »[Complete]Marriage, Materials and Foundation 1 SP

    »[Complete]Keeping Warm 1 SP 200 Col

    »[In Progress]Looking for Directions

    »[In Progress]Could Use a Hand

    »[Complete]Another Engagement <<Worn Out Welcome>> 2 SP 200 Col

    »[Complete]A Forked Silver Tongue 2 SP 200 Col

    »[Complete]Dinner Day 1 SP 200 Col

    » [Complete]Event Lyrica the Werewolf 5 SP

    »[Complete]A Lesson in Art 1 SP 200 Col

    »[Complete]Seeing Double in the Dark 2 SP







    Sierra has a brother and father who both aren’t able to support themselves and relied upon her income till she was trapped in SAO.

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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