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Status Updates posted by Lee_Song-Fang

  1. If it amounts to anything, sorry to those that I may have had a RP with. 
    Got a job at WalMart and have been working for awhile


    1. Mack


      No worries, it happens.

  2. Anyone else want to RolePlay with the happy-go-lucky me?

    1. Rae_Amalia_Rose


      I will if you start the thread. X3

    2. Ronin


      <always down

  3. Anyone want to have a friendly in town rp with a newbie?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lee_Song-Fang


      "Oh, what's that orange tag over your head mean? :0"
      "Oh....you'll find out"

    3. Hirru


      It means "very friendly; has candy"

    4. Lee_Song-Fang


      Oo, piece of candy. Oo, piece of candy. Oo, piece of candy. 

  4. Feeling a little under the weather(stomachache) today so I don't know if I'll be able to get to posting or not. 
    Just t headsup to those I am in Rp's with.

  5. Finally, after so much trail and error, was able to finally fix the overall outlook on my journal.
    Still have some things to put in but overall, I'm happy with how well the template works out.
    Yay me!!

    1. orhalimi


      Not sure if your character creepy it just his smile on the picture

    2. orhalimi
    3. Katsumi


      Was able to finish mine too!

  6. I'm open again for more Rp's and friend making soooooo, is there anyone else that wants a new friend? :D

  7. Just wondering if someone might take a quick glance over my character sheet when given the time. 
    Please & Thank You

    1. Oikawa


      Handled, PM a PST next time though!

  8. So, after we have an accepted Journal and we don't mess with the original. Can we overhaul said Journal to our likes?

    1. Macradon


      Layout wise, yes I presume?

    2. Takao


      Sure. I've rewritten my journal at least 5-6 times already, and I keep it updated with all my skills, items, and threads.

  9. So, I was wondering if anyone wanted to start up some plot stuff? 
    I mean things like relationships (brothers/sisters/rivals/people that were known in the real world/people that were known earlier in the game/etcetc) 
    Yay? Nay? Open to multiple suggestions 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Zandra


      Thou she was Swede/European

    3. Lee_Song-Fang


      That shouldn't be too much of a problem. 
      I play plenty of games on different servers. Different experiences and friends around the world.

    4. orhalimi


      We can make some contacts, the problem is that i'm not sure that my character will remember them

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